diff --git a/clients/opal/.project b/clients/opal/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 040e84699..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- test
- com.opalrt.rtlab.ui.rtlabnature
diff --git a/clients/opal/.settings/com.opalrt.rtlab.ui.application.prefs b/clients/opal/.settings/com.opalrt.rtlab.ui.application.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 098334753..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/.settings/com.opalrt.rtlab.ui.application.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#Fri May 23 11:58:23 CEST 2014
diff --git a/clients/opal/01_server2OPAL.llp b/clients/opal/01_server2OPAL.llp
deleted file mode 100644
index 439eb3aba..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/01_server2OPAL.llp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- test
- This is a project!
- ON
- D:\msv\svo\s2ss\clients\opal\01_server2OPAL.llp
- models\AsyncIP_sl\AsyncIP_sl.mdl
- D:\msv\svo\s2ss\clients\opal\models\AsyncIP_sl\AsyncIP_sl.mdl
- D:\msv\svo\s2ss\clients\opal\models\AsyncIP_sl\AsyncIP_sl.mdl
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.llm b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.llm
deleted file mode 100644
index f63867c67..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.llm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-INTERNAL_IGN_SOURCE_FILE=sfun_gen_async_ctrl.c sfun_recv_async.c sfun_send_async.c
-ATT_CREATED_ON=Thu Apr 15 08:21:54 1999
-ATT_LAST_SAVED_ON=Mon Jul 14 19:24:22 2014
-DESCRIPTION=Simple ping pong test between S2SS and OPAL$%CR%$$%CR%$Using sine waves to measure round trip time.
-TargetCompileCmd=make -f /usr/opalrt/common/bin/opalmodelmk
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d472bb6..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1473 +0,0 @@
-# $Revision: 1.1 $
-Model {
- Name "AsyncIP_sl"
- Version 7.8
- MdlSubVersion 0
- GraphicalInterface {
- NumRootInports 0
- NumRootOutports 0
- ParameterArgumentNames ""
- ComputedModelVersion "1.429"
- NumModelReferences 0
- NumTestPointedSignals 0
- }
- SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252"
- SaveDefaultBlockParams on
- ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000
- OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
- DisableAllScopes off
- DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
- DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
- MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
- MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
- FPTRunName "Run 1"
- MaxMDLFileLineLength 120
- Created "Thu Apr 15 08:21:54 1999"
- Creator "jwu"
- UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"
- ModifiedByFormat "%"
- LastModifiedBy "ACS"
- ModifiedDateFormat "%"
- LastModifiedDate "Mon Jul 14 19:24:22 2014"
- RTWModifiedTimeStamp 327266577
- ModelVersionFormat "1.%"
- ConfigurationManager "none"
- SampleTimeColors off
- SampleTimeAnnotations off
- LibraryLinkDisplay "none"
- WideLines off
- ShowLineDimensions on
- ShowPortDataTypes off
- ShowDesignRanges off
- ShowLoopsOnError on
- IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
- ShowStorageClass off
- ShowTestPointIcons on
- ShowSignalResolutionIcons on
- ShowViewerIcons on
- SortedOrder off
- ExecutionContextIcon off
- ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
- BlockNameDataTip off
- BlockParametersDataTip on
- BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
- ToolBar on
- StatusBar on
- BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
- BrowserLookUnderMasks off
- SimulationMode "normal"
- LinearizationMsg "none"
- Profile off
- ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace"
- AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc"
- AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf"
- AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw"
- TryForcingSFcnDF off
- RecordCoverage off
- CovPath "/"
- CovSaveName "covdata"
- CovMetricSettings "dw"
- CovNameIncrementing off
- CovHtmlReporting on
- CovForceBlockReductionOff on
- covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
- CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
- CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData"
- CovCumulativeReport off
- CovReportOnPause on
- CovModelRefEnable "Off"
- CovExternalEMLEnable off
- ExtModeBatchMode off
- ExtModeEnableFloating on
- ExtModeTrigType "manual"
- ExtModeTrigMode "oneshot"
- ExtModeTrigPort "1"
- ExtModeTrigElement "any"
- ExtModeTrigDuration 1000
- ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
- ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0
- ExtModeTrigDelay 0
- ExtModeTrigDirection "rising"
- ExtModeTrigLevel 0
- ExtModeArchiveMode "off"
- ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off
- ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off
- ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off
- ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
- ExtModeArmWhenConnect off
- ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
- ExtModeLogAll on
- ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
- BufferReuse off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 1
- Simulink.ConfigSet {
- $ObjectID 1
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 8
- Simulink.SolverCC {
- $ObjectID 2
- Version "1.11.1"
- StartTime "0.0"
- StopTime "inf"
- AbsTol "1e-6"
- FixedStep "0.00005"
- InitialStep "auto"
- MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
- MaxOrder 5
- ZcThreshold "auto"
- ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
- MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
- ExtrapolationOrder 4
- NumberNewtonIterations 1
- MaxStep "0.01"
- MinStep "auto"
- MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
- RelTol "1e-3"
- SolverMode "SingleTasking"
- ConcurrentTasks off
- Solver "ode4"
- SolverName "ode4"
- SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
- ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
- ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
- ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
- AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
- SolverResetMethod "Fast"
- PositivePriorityOrder off
- AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
- SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
- InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
- }
- Simulink.DataIOCC {
- $ObjectID 3
- Version "1.11.1"
- Decimation "1"
- ExternalInput "[]"
- FinalStateName "xFinal"
- InitialState "[]"
- LimitDataPoints off
- MaxDataPoints "1000"
- LoadExternalInput off
- LoadInitialState off
- SaveFinalState off
- SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
- SaveFormat "Array"
- SignalLoggingSaveFormat "ModelDataLogs"
- SaveOutput off
- SaveState off
- SignalLogging on
- DSMLogging on
- InspectSignalLogs off
- SaveTime off
- ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off
- StateSaveName "xout"
- TimeSaveName "tout"
- OutputSaveName "yout"
- SignalLoggingName "sigsOut"
- DSMLoggingName "dsmout"
- OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
- OutputTimes "[]"
- ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
- Refine "1"
- }
- Simulink.OptimizationCC {
- $ObjectID 4
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 4
- Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
- Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- BlockReduction on
- BooleanDataType off
- ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
- InlineParams off
- UseIntDivNetSlope off
- UseFloatMulNetSlope off
- UseSpecifiedMinMax off
- InlineInvariantSignals off
- OptimizeBlockIOStorage off
- BufferReuse off
- EnhancedBackFolding off
- StrengthReduction off
- ExpressionFolding off
- BooleansAsBitfields off
- BitfieldContainerType "uint_T"
- EnableMemcpy on
- MemcpyThreshold 64
- PassReuseOutputArgsAs "Structure reference"
- ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647
- FoldNonRolledExpr off
- LocalBlockOutputs off
- RollThreshold 5
- SystemCodeInlineAuto off
- StateBitsets off
- DataBitsets off
- UseTempVars off
- ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
- ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
- InitFltsAndDblsToZero on
- NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
- EfficientFloat2IntCast off
- EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
- OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
- LifeSpan "inf"
- MaxStackSize "Inherit from target"
- BufferReusableBoundary on
- SimCompilerOptimization "Off"
- AccelVerboseBuild off
- AccelParallelForEachSubsystem on
- }
- Simulink.DebuggingCC {
- $ObjectID 5
- Version "1.11.1"
- RTPrefix "error"
- ConsistencyChecking "none"
- ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
- SignalInfNanChecking "none"
- SignalRangeChecking "none"
- ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
- ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
- SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
- SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "none"
- CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
- UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
- MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
- CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
- CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
- SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
- BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
- MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
- TimeAdjustmentMsg "none"
- MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error"
- MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning"
- IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning"
- SolverPrmCheckMsg "none"
- InheritedTsInSrcMsg "none"
- DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
- MultiTaskDSMMsg "warning"
- MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "none"
- MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
- SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
- TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
- SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
- CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
- IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
- Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
- ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
- ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
- ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
- ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
- ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
- FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstOverflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
- UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
- UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
- VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
- InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
- FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
- SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
- UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
- SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
- FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "warning"
- UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"
- BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
- RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
- AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
- EnableOverflowDetection off
- ModelReferenceIOMsg "none"
- ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
- ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
- UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
- ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
- StateNameClashWarn "warning"
- SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
- SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error"
- InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning"
- StrictBusMsg "None"
- BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair"
- NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
- LoggingUnavailableSignals "error"
- BlockIODiagnostic "none"
- SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
- SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
- SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
- SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
- SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
- SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning"
- }
- Simulink.HardwareCC {
- $ObjectID 6
- Version "1.11.1"
- ProdBitPerChar 8
- ProdBitPerShort 16
- ProdBitPerInt 32
- ProdBitPerLong 32
- ProdBitPerFloat 32
- ProdBitPerDouble 64
- ProdBitPerPointer 32
- ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
- ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None"
- ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
- ProdEndianess "Unspecified"
- ProdWordSize 32
- ProdShiftRightIntArith on
- ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"
- TargetBitPerChar 8
- TargetBitPerShort 16
- TargetBitPerInt 32
- TargetBitPerLong 32
- TargetBitPerFloat 32
- TargetBitPerDouble 64
- TargetBitPerPointer 32
- TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
- TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
- TargetShiftRightIntArith on
- TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
- TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
- TargetWordSize 32
- TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
- TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
- TargetUnknown on
- ProdEqTarget on
- }
- Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
- $ObjectID 7
- Version "1.11.1"
- UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
- CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
- EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
- ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
- ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
- ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
- PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model"
- ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
- ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
- SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
- }
- Simulink.SFSimCC {
- $ObjectID 8
- Version "1.11.1"
- SFSimEnableDebug on
- SFSimOverflowDetection on
- SFSimEcho on
- SimBlas on
- SimCtrlC on
- SimExtrinsic on
- SimIntegrity on
- SimUseLocalCustomCode off
- SimParseCustomCode on
- SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build"
- }
- Simulink.RTWCC {
- $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
- $ObjectID 9
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 1
- Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc"
- GenCodeOnly off
- MakeCommand "make_rtw"
- GenerateMakefile on
- TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
- GenerateReport off
- SaveLog off
- RTWVerbose on
- RetainRTWFile off
- ProfileTLC off
- TLCDebug off
- TLCCoverage off
- TLCAssert off
- ProcessScriptMode "Default"
- ConfigurationMode "Optimized"
- ConfigAtBuild off
- RTWUseLocalCustomCode off
- RTWUseSimCustomCode off
- IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
- LaunchReport off
- TargetLang "C"
- IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off
- IncludeERTFirstTime on
- GenerateTraceInfo off
- GenerateTraceReport off
- GenerateTraceReportSl off
- GenerateTraceReportSf off
- GenerateTraceReportEml off
- GenerateCodeInfo off
- GenerateSLWebview off
- GenerateCodeMetricsReport off
- RTWCompilerOptimization "Off"
- CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off"
- CustomRebuildMode "OnUpdate"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 2
- Simulink.CodeAppCC {
- $ObjectID 10
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 16
- Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
- Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
- Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
- Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
- Cell "DefineNamingRule"
- Cell "SignalNamingRule"
- Cell "ParamNamingRule"
- Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- ForceParamTrailComments off
- GenerateComments on
- IgnoreCustomStorageClasses off
- IgnoreTestpoints off
- IncHierarchyInIds off
- MaxIdLength 31
- PreserveName off
- PreserveNameWithParent off
- ShowEliminatedStatement on
- IncAutoGenComments off
- SimulinkDataObjDesc off
- SFDataObjDesc off
- MATLABFcnDesc off
- IncDataTypeInIds off
- MangleLength 1
- CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M"
- CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F"
- CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M"
- DefineNamingRule "None"
- ParamNamingRule "None"
- SignalNamingRule "None"
- InsertBlockDesc off
- InsertPolySpaceComments off
- SimulinkBlockComments on
- MATLABSourceComments off
- EnableCustomComments off
- InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
- ReqsInCode off
- UseSimReservedNames off
- }
- Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
- $BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
- $ObjectID 11
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 12
- Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
- Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
- Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
- Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
- Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
- Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
- Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
- Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
- Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
- Cell "SupportComplex"
- Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
- Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
- TargetLibSuffix ""
- TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
- TargetFunctionLibrary "ANSI_C"
- UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"
- ERTMultiwordTypeDef "System defined"
- CodeExecutionProfiling off
- ERTMultiwordLength 256
- MultiwordLength 2048
- GenerateFullHeader on
- GenerateSampleERTMain off
- GenerateTestInterfaces off
- IsPILTarget off
- ModelReferenceCompliant on
- ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
- CompOptLevelCompliant on
- ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on
- IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Disable all"
- CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
- CombineSignalStateStructs off
- SuppressErrorStatus off
- ERTFirstTimeCompliant off
- IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto"
- ERTCustomFileBanners off
- SupportAbsoluteTime on
- LogVarNameModifier "rt_"
- MatFileLogging on
- MultiInstanceERTCode off
- SupportNonFinite on
- SupportComplex on
- PurelyIntegerCode off
- SupportContinuousTime on
- SupportNonInlinedSFcns on
- SupportVariableSizeSignals off
- EnableShiftOperators on
- ParenthesesLevel "Nominal"
- PortableWordSizes off
- ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
- CPPClassGenCompliant off
- AutosarCompliant off
- UseMalloc off
- ExtMode off
- ExtModeStaticAlloc off
- ExtModeTesting off
- ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000
- ExtModeTransport 0
- ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
- ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
- RTWCAPISignals off
- RTWCAPIParams off
- RTWCAPIStates off
- GenerateASAP2 off
- }
- PropName "Components"
- }
- }
- PropName "Components"
- }
- Name "Configuration"
- CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
- ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 400, 210, 1280, 840 ]
- }
- PropName "ConfigurationSets"
- }
- Simulink.ConfigSet {
- $PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"
- $ObjectID 1
- }
- BlockDefaults {
- ForegroundColor "black"
- BackgroundColor "white"
- DropShadow off
- NamePlacement "normal"
- FontName "Helvetica"
- FontSize 10
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- ShowName on
- BlockRotation 0
- BlockMirror off
- }
- AnnotationDefaults {
- HorizontalAlignment "center"
- VerticalAlignment "middle"
- ForegroundColor "black"
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- DropShadow off
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- FontSize 10
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
- }
- LineDefaults {
- FontName "Helvetica"
- FontSize 9
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- }
- BlockParameterDefaults {
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Value "1"
- VectorParams1D on
- SamplingMode "Sample based"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
- LockScale off
- SampleTime "inf"
- FramePeriod "inf"
- PreserveConstantTs off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Outputs "4"
- DisplayOption "none"
- BusSelectionMode off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- PulseType "Sample based"
- TimeSource "Use simulation time"
- Amplitude "1"
- Period "2"
- PulseWidth "1"
- PhaseDelay "0"
- SampleTime "1"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Format "short"
- Decimation "10"
- Floating off
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Port "1"
- OutputFunctionCall off
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- PortDimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
- LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Mux
- Inputs "4"
- DisplayOption "none"
- UseBusObject off
- BusObject "BusObject"
- NonVirtualBus off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Port "1"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- PortDimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- ModelBased off
- TickLabels "OneTimeTick"
- ZoomMode "on"
- Grid "on"
- TimeRange "auto"
- YMin "-5"
- YMax "5"
- SaveToWorkspace off
- SaveName "ScopeData"
- LimitDataPoints on
- MaxDataPoints "5000"
- Decimation "1"
- SampleInput off
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SignalSpecification
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- Dimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
- Permissions "ReadWrite"
- PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- CheckFcnCallInpInsideContextMsg off
- SystemSampleTime "-1"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- SimViewingDevice off
- DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
- DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
- MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
- SFBlockType "NONE"
- Variant off
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- IconShape "rectangular"
- Inputs "++"
- CollapseMode "All dimensions"
- CollapseDim "1"
- InputSameDT on
- AccumDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input"
- LockScale off
- RndMeth "Floor"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- }
- System {
- Name "AsyncIP_sl"
- Location [850, 82, 1670, 981]
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- PaperOrientation "landscape"
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- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "sc_console"
- SID "3"
- Ports [3]
- Position [410, 98, 610, 192]
- BackgroundColor "lightBlue"
- MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- Opaque off
- RequestExecContextInheritance off
- MaskHideContents off
- System {
- Name "sc_console"
- Location [2, 82, 1645, 997]
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- BlockType Inport
- Name "data recv"
- SID "4"
- Position [155, 168, 185, 182]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "errors_status"
- SID "5"
- Position [155, 138, 185, 152]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Port "2"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "data send"
- SID "29"
- Position [155, 198, 185, 212]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Port "3"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux"
- SID "6"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [285, 116, 290, 154]
- BackgroundColor "black"
- ShowName off
- Outputs "[2 1]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux1"
- SID "32"
- Ports [1, 5]
- Position [375, 211, 380, 299]
- ShowName off
- Outputs "5"
- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux2"
- SID "39"
- Ports [1, 5]
- Position [375, 306, 380, 394]
- ShowName off
- Outputs "5"
- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
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- BlockType Mux
- Name "Mux"
- SID "34"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [465, 246, 470, 284]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "OpComm"
- SID "9"
- Ports [3, 3]
- Position [240, 138, 245, 212]
- LibraryVersion "1.348"
- SourceBlock "rtlab/OpComm"
- SourceType "RT-LAB OpComm"
- nbport "3"
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- st "0"
- Synchronization on
- Interpolation on
- Threshold "1.0"
- Missed_Data off
- Offset off
- Sim_Time off
- Samples off
- dynSigOut off
- from_console "0"
- warning_done off
- writeOpCommFile off
- }
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- BlockType Sum
- Name "Subtract"
- SID "42"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [615, 297, 645, 328]
- ZOrder -31
- Inputs "+-"
- InputSameDT off
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
- }
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- BlockType Display
- Name "errors"
- SID "10"
- Ports [1]
- Position [385, 82, 455, 128]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 8
- Decimation "1"
- Lockdown off
- }
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- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 1"
- SID "40"
- Ports [1]
- Position [515, 179, 545, 211]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
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- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
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- ListType ScopeGraphics
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- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData1"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
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- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 2"
- SID "33"
- Ports [1]
- Position [515, 249, 545, 281]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
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- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
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- ListType ScopeGraphics
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- }
- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 3"
- SID "41"
- Ports [1]
- Position [520, 394, 550, 426]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
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- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData2"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 4"
- SID "43"
- Ports [1]
- Position [695, 299, 725, 331]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
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- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData3"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Name "reception status"
- SID "12"
- Ports [1]
- Position [390, 148, 450, 172]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 8
- Decimation "1"
- Lockdown off
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "errors_status"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [30, 0; 0, 5]
- DstBlock "OpComm"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [55, 0; 0, 80]
- Branch {
- Labels [1, 0]
- DstBlock "Demux1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, -60]
- DstBlock "message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "data recv"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "OpComm"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [20, 0]
- DstBlock "Demux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [45, 0; 0, -20]
- DstBlock "errors"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [45, 0; 0, 15]
- DstBlock "reception status"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Mux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "message 2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "data send"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [30, 0; 0, -5]
- DstBlock "OpComm"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 3
- Points [35, 0; 0, 150]
- Branch {
- Points [0, 0]
- DstBlock "Demux2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 60]
- DstBlock "message 3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Subtract"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "message 4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux1"
- SrcPort 5
- Points [15, 0; 0, -30]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, -20; 175, 0; 0, 70]
- DstBlock "Subtract"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux2"
- SrcPort 5
- Points [30, 0; 0, -65]
- Branch {
- Points [0, -40]
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 5]
- DstBlock "Subtract"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Simple analysis of round trip time"
- Position [293, 52]
- FontName "Verdana"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "sm_ip_test"
- SID "13"
- Ports [0, 3]
- Position [55, 97, 235, 193]
- BackgroundColor "lightBlue"
- MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- Opaque off
- RequestExecContextInheritance off
- MaskHideContents off
- System {
- Name "sm_ip_test"
- Location [2, 82, 1662, 980]
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- BlockType Mux
- Name "Mux"
- SID "16"
- Ports [3, 1]
- Position [870, 140, 875, 190]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "3"
- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Mux
- Name "Mux1"
- SID "17"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [290, 209, 295, 271]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "OpIPSocketCtrl1"
- SID "18"
- Ports []
- Position [105, 112, 234, 173]
- LibraryVersion "1.10"
- SourceBlock "rtio_generic_ip/OpIPSocketCtrl"
- SourceType "OpAsyncIPCtrl"
- ctl_id "1"
- proto "UDP/IP"
- ip_addr_remote ""
- ip_port_remote "10200"
- ip_port_local "10201"
- ip_addr_mcast ""
- exe_name "AsyncIP"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- Name "Pulse\nGenerator"
- SID "44"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [190, 238, 240, 272]
- ZOrder -13
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- PulseType "Time based"
- Amplitude "5"
- Period "0.1"
- PulseWidth "30"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "constants"
- SID "19"
- Position [180, 216, 250, 234]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Value "[1 2 3 4]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- Name "data ready 1 kHz"
- SID "20"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [290, 131, 335, 149]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- SampleTime "0.001"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "receive message 1"
- SID "21"
- Ports [1, 3]
- Position [625, 159, 800, 201]
- LibraryVersion "1.348"
- SourceBlock "rtlab/Communication/Asynchronous/OpAsyncRecv"
- SourceType "OpAsyncRecv"
- ctl_id "1"
- recv_id "1"
- enable_param off
- fp1 "1"
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- fp3 "3"
- fp4 "4"
- fp5 "5"
- sp1 "string1"
- sp2 "string2"
- sp3 "string3"
- sp4 "string4"
- sp5 "string5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "send message 1"
- SID "22"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [375, 129, 545, 171]
- LibraryVersion "1.348"
- SourceBlock "rtlab/Communication/Asynchronous/OpAsyncSend"
- SourceType "OpAsyncSend"
- ctl_id "1"
- send_id "1"
- enable_param off
- fp1 "1"
- fp2 "2"
- fp3 "3"
- fp4 "4"
- fp5 "5"
- sp1 "string1"
- sp2 "string2"
- sp3 "string3"
- sp4 "string4"
- sp5 "string5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SignalSpecification
- Name "set width"
- SID "23"
- Position [830, 187, 855, 203]
- Dimensions "5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "timeout"
- SID "25"
- Position [580, 173, 610, 187]
- Value "2"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "data recv"
- SID "26"
- Position [915, 187, 950, 203]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "errors_status"
- SID "27"
- Position [915, 142, 950, 158]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Port "2"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "data send"
- SID "28"
- Position [915, 232, 950, 248]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Port "3"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "set width"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "timeout"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "receive message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "send message 1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Mux"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, -15]
- DstBlock "errors_status"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "set width"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "data recv"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "constants"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Mux1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [45, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [0, -80]
- DstBlock "send message 1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Branch {
- Labels [1, 0]
- DstBlock "data send"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "data ready 1 kHz"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "send message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Pulse\nGenerator"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Simple S2SS to OPAL test using UDP messages"
- Position [288, 52]
- FontName "Verdana"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "sm_ip_test"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "sc_console"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "sm_ip_test"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "sc_console"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "sm_ip_test"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "sc_console"
- DstPort 3
- }
- }
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl.r2010b b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl.r2010b
deleted file mode 100644
index 81cc3da19..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.mdl.r2010b
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1504 +0,0 @@
-# $Revision: 1.1 $
-Model {
- Name "AsyncIP_sl"
- Version 7.6
- MdlSubVersion 0
- GraphicalInterface {
- NumRootInports 0
- NumRootOutports 0
- ParameterArgumentNames ""
- ComputedModelVersion "1.395"
- NumModelReferences 0
- NumTestPointedSignals 0
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- MaxMDLFileLineLength 120
- Created "Thu Apr 15 08:21:54 1999"
- Creator "jwu"
- UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"
- ModifiedByFormat "%"
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- ModifiedDateFormat "%"
- LastModifiedDate "Tue Feb 04 16:40:19 2014"
- RTWModifiedTimeStamp 313432811
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- SampleTimeAnnotations off
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- ExtModeLogAll on
- ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
- BufferReuse off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 1
- Simulink.ConfigSet {
- $ObjectID 1
- Version "1.10.0"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 8
- Simulink.SolverCC {
- $ObjectID 2
- Version "1.10.0"
- StartTime "0.0"
- StopTime "inf"
- AbsTol "1e-6"
- FixedStep "0.00005"
- InitialStep "auto"
- MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
- MaxOrder 5
- ZcThreshold "auto"
- ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
- MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
- ExtrapolationOrder 4
- NumberNewtonIterations 1
- MaxStep "0.01"
- MinStep "auto"
- MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
- RelTol "1e-3"
- SolverMode "SingleTasking"
- ConcurrentTasks off
- Solver "ode4"
- SolverName "ode4"
- SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
- ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
- ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
- ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
- AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
- SolverResetMethod "Fast"
- PositivePriorityOrder off
- AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
- SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
- InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
- }
- Simulink.DataIOCC {
- $ObjectID 3
- Version "1.10.0"
- Decimation "1"
- ExternalInput "[]"
- FinalStateName "xFinal"
- InitialState "[]"
- LimitDataPoints off
- MaxDataPoints "1000"
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- SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
- SaveFormat "Array"
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- SaveState off
- SignalLogging on
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- StateSaveName "xout"
- TimeSaveName "tout"
- OutputSaveName "yout"
- SignalLoggingName "sigsOut"
- DSMLoggingName "dsmout"
- OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
- OutputTimes "[]"
- ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
- Refine "1"
- }
- Simulink.OptimizationCC {
- $ObjectID 4
- Version "1.10.0"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 4
- Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
- Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
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- MaxStackSize "Inherit from target"
- BufferReusableBoundary on
- SimCompilerOptimization "Off"
- AccelVerboseBuild off
- }
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- $ObjectID 5
- Version "1.10.0"
- RTPrefix "error"
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- ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
- SignalInfNanChecking "none"
- SignalRangeChecking "none"
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- WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
- ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
- SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
- SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "none"
- CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
- UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
- MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
- CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
- CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
- SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
- BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
- MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
- TimeAdjustmentMsg "none"
- MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error"
- MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning"
- IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning"
- SolverPrmCheckMsg "none"
- InheritedTsInSrcMsg "none"
- DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
- MultiTaskDSMMsg "warning"
- MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "none"
- MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
- SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
- TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
- SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
- CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
- IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
- Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
- ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
- ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
- ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
- ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
- ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
- FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstOverflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
- UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
- UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
- VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
- InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
- FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
- SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
- UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
- SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
- UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"
- BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
- RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
- AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
- EnableOverflowDetection off
- ModelReferenceIOMsg "none"
- ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
- ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
- UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
- ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
- StateNameClashWarn "warning"
- SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
- InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning"
- StrictBusMsg "None"
- BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair"
- NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
- LoggingUnavailableSignals "error"
- BlockIODiagnostic "none"
- SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
- SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
- SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
- SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
- SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
- }
- Simulink.HardwareCC {
- $ObjectID 6
- Version "1.10.0"
- ProdBitPerChar 8
- ProdBitPerShort 16
- ProdBitPerInt 32
- ProdBitPerLong 32
- ProdBitPerFloat 32
- ProdBitPerDouble 64
- ProdBitPerPointer 32
- ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
- ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None"
- ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
- ProdEndianess "Unspecified"
- ProdWordSize 32
- ProdShiftRightIntArith on
- ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"
- TargetBitPerChar 8
- TargetBitPerShort 16
- TargetBitPerInt 32
- TargetBitPerLong 32
- TargetBitPerFloat 32
- TargetBitPerDouble 64
- TargetBitPerPointer 32
- TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
- TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
- TargetShiftRightIntArith on
- TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
- TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
- TargetWordSize 32
- TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
- TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
- TargetUnknown on
- ProdEqTarget on
- }
- Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
- $ObjectID 7
- Version "1.10.0"
- UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
- CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
- EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
- ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
- ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
- ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
- PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model"
- ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
- ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
- SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
- }
- Simulink.SFSimCC {
- $ObjectID 8
- Version "1.10.0"
- SFSimEnableDebug on
- SFSimOverflowDetection on
- SFSimEcho on
- SimBlas on
- SimCtrlC on
- SimExtrinsic on
- SimIntegrity on
- SimUseLocalCustomCode off
- SimParseCustomCode on
- SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build"
- }
- Simulink.RTWCC {
- $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
- $ObjectID 9
- Version "1.10.0"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 1
- Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc"
- GenCodeOnly off
- MakeCommand "make_rtw"
- GenerateMakefile on
- TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
- GenerateReport off
- SaveLog off
- RTWVerbose on
- RetainRTWFile off
- ProfileTLC off
- TLCDebug off
- TLCCoverage off
- TLCAssert off
- ProcessScriptMode "Default"
- ConfigurationMode "Optimized"
- ConfigAtBuild off
- RTWUseLocalCustomCode off
- RTWUseSimCustomCode off
- IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
- LaunchReport off
- TargetLang "C"
- IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off
- IncludeERTFirstTime on
- GenerateTraceInfo off
- GenerateTraceReport off
- GenerateTraceReportSl off
- GenerateTraceReportSf off
- GenerateTraceReportEml off
- GenerateCodeInfo off
- GenerateSLWebview off
- RTWCompilerOptimization "Off"
- CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off"
- CustomRebuildMode "OnUpdate"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 2
- Simulink.CodeAppCC {
- $ObjectID 10
- Version "1.10.0"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 16
- Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
- Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
- Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
- Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
- Cell "DefineNamingRule"
- Cell "SignalNamingRule"
- Cell "ParamNamingRule"
- Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
- Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- ForceParamTrailComments off
- GenerateComments on
- IgnoreCustomStorageClasses off
- IgnoreTestpoints off
- IncHierarchyInIds off
- MaxIdLength 31
- PreserveName off
- PreserveNameWithParent off
- ShowEliminatedStatement on
- IncAutoGenComments off
- SimulinkDataObjDesc off
- SFDataObjDesc off
- MATLABFcnDesc off
- IncDataTypeInIds off
- MangleLength 1
- CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M"
- CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F"
- CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M"
- CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M"
- DefineNamingRule "None"
- ParamNamingRule "None"
- SignalNamingRule "None"
- InsertBlockDesc off
- InsertPolySpaceComments off
- SimulinkBlockComments on
- MATLABSourceComments off
- EnableCustomComments off
- InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
- ReqsInCode off
- UseSimReservedNames off
- }
- Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
- $BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
- $ObjectID 11
- Version "1.10.0"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 12
- Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
- Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
- Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
- Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
- Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
- Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
- Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
- Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
- Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
- Cell "SupportComplex"
- Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
- Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
- TargetLibSuffix ""
- TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
- TargetFunctionLibrary "ANSI_C"
- UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"
- ERTMultiwordTypeDef "System defined"
- ERTCodeCoverageTool "None"
- ERTMultiwordLength 256
- MultiwordLength 2048
- GenerateFullHeader on
- GenerateSampleERTMain off
- GenerateTestInterfaces off
- IsPILTarget off
- ModelReferenceCompliant on
- ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
- CompOptLevelCompliant on
- IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Disable all"
- CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
- CombineSignalStateStructs off
- SuppressErrorStatus off
- ERTFirstTimeCompliant off
- IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto"
- ERTCustomFileBanners off
- SupportAbsoluteTime on
- LogVarNameModifier "rt_"
- MatFileLogging on
- MultiInstanceERTCode off
- SupportNonFinite on
- SupportComplex on
- PurelyIntegerCode off
- SupportContinuousTime on
- SupportNonInlinedSFcns on
- SupportVariableSizeSignals off
- EnableShiftOperators on
- ParenthesesLevel "Nominal"
- PortableWordSizes off
- ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
- CPPClassGenCompliant off
- AutosarCompliant off
- UseMalloc off
- ExtMode off
- ExtModeStaticAlloc off
- ExtModeTesting off
- ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000
- ExtModeTransport 0
- ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
- ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
- RTWCAPISignals off
- RTWCAPIParams off
- RTWCAPIStates off
- GenerateASAP2 off
- }
- PropName "Components"
- }
- }
- PropName "Components"
- }
- Name "Configuration"
- CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
- ConfigPrmDlgPosition " [ 400, 210, 1280, 840 ] "
- }
- PropName "ConfigurationSets"
- }
- Simulink.ConfigSet {
- $PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"
- $ObjectID 1
- }
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- ForegroundColor "black"
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- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Value "1"
- VectorParams1D on
- SamplingMode "Sample based"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
- LockScale off
- SampleTime "inf"
- FramePeriod "inf"
- PreserveConstantTs off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Outputs "4"
- DisplayOption "none"
- BusSelectionMode off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- PulseType "Sample based"
- TimeSource "Use simulation time"
- Amplitude "1"
- Period "2"
- PulseWidth "1"
- PhaseDelay "0"
- SampleTime "1"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Format "short"
- Decimation "10"
- Floating off
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Port "1"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- PortDimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
- LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Mux
- Inputs "4"
- DisplayOption "none"
- UseBusObject off
- BusObject "BusObject"
- NonVirtualBus off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Port "1"
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- PortDimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- ModelBased off
- TickLabels "OneTimeTick"
- ZoomMode "on"
- Grid "on"
- TimeRange "auto"
- YMin "-5"
- YMax "5"
- SaveToWorkspace off
- SaveName "ScopeData"
- LimitDataPoints on
- MaxDataPoints "5000"
- Decimation "1"
- SampleInput off
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SignalSpecification
- OutMin "[]"
- OutMax "[]"
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
- LockScale off
- BusOutputAsStruct off
- Dimensions "-1"
- VarSizeSig "Inherit"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SignalType "auto"
- SamplingMode "auto"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sin
- SineType "Time based"
- TimeSource "Use simulation time"
- Amplitude "1"
- Bias "0"
- Frequency "1"
- Phase "0"
- Samples "10"
- Offset "0"
- SampleTime "-1"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
- Permissions "ReadWrite"
- PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- CheckFcnCallInpInsideContextMsg off
- SystemSampleTime "-1"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- SimViewingDevice off
- DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
- DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
- MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
- Variant off
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- }
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- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- docfile "../../help/help.simulink.html"
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- BlockType Reference
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- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
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- BlockType Inport
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- IconDisplay "Port number"
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- BlockType Inport
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- SID "29"
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- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux"
- SID "6"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [290, 131, 295, 169]
- BackgroundColor "black"
- ShowName off
- Outputs "[2 1]"
- }
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- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux1"
- SID "32"
- Ports [1, 5]
- Position [375, 241, 380, 329]
- ShowName off
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- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- docfile "../../help/help.simulink.html"
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- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- }
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- BlockType Mux
- Name "Mux"
- SID "34"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [470, 281, 475, 319]
- ShowName off
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- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
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- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
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- Offset off
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- Samples off
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- warning_done off
- writeOpCommFile off
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- ListType AxesTitles
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- }
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- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- Points [0, 70]
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- DstPort 1
- }
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 2
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- DstPort 1
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- BlockType Reference
- Name "Help"
- SID "14"
- Ports []
- Position [810, 20, 842, 52]
- LibraryVersion "1.294"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 12
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- SourceBlock "opal_lib/Help"
- SourceType "OpDoc"
- ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
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- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- docfile "../../help/help.simulink.html"
- }
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- BlockType Reference
- Name "Logo"
- SID "15"
- Ports []
- Position [18, 15, 116, 64]
- ShowName off
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- SourceType "Opal-RT logo"
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- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- }
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- BlockType Mux
- Name "Mux"
- SID "16"
- Ports [3, 1]
- Position [825, 125, 830, 175]
- ShowName off
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- Position [255, 144, 260, 206]
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- DisplayOption "bar"
- }
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- BlockType Reference
- Name "OpIPSocketCtrl1"
- SID "18"
- Ports []
- Position [15, 152, 144, 213]
- LibraryVersion "1.10"
- SourceBlock "rtio_generic_ip/OpIPSocketCtrl"
- SourceType "OpAsyncIPCtrl"
- ctl_id "1"
- proto "UDP/IP"
- ip_addr_remote ""
- ip_port_remote "51000"
- ip_port_local "61556"
- ip_addr_mcast ""
- exe_name "AsyncIP"
- }
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- BlockType Constant
- Name "constants"
- SID "19"
- Position [165, 151, 235, 169]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Value "[1 2 3 4]"
- }
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- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- Name "data ready 100Hz"
- SID "20"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [370, 86, 415, 104]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Period "10"
- SampleTime "0.00005"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator
- Name "data ready 100Hz orgn"
- SID "35"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [255, 111, 300, 129]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Period "1000"
- SampleTime "0.001"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "receive message 1"
- SID "21"
- Ports [1, 3]
- Position [600, 144, 775, 186]
- LibraryVersion "1.348"
- SourceBlock "rtlab/Communication/Asynchronous/OpAsyncRecv"
- SourceType "OpAsyncRecv"
- ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
- SystemSampleTime "-1"
- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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- recv_id "1"
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- sp2 "string2"
- sp3 "string3"
- sp4 "string4"
- sp5 "string5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "send message 1"
- SID "22"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [345, 144, 515, 186]
- LibraryVersion "1.348"
- SourceBlock "rtlab/Communication/Asynchronous/OpAsyncSend"
- SourceType "OpAsyncSend"
- ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
- SystemSampleTime "-1"
- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
- RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
- GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off
- ctl_id "1"
- send_id "1"
- enable_param off
- fp1 "1"
- fp2 "2"
- fp3 "3"
- fp4 "4"
- fp5 "5"
- sp1 "string1"
- sp2 "string2"
- sp3 "string3"
- sp4 "string4"
- sp5 "string5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SignalSpecification
- Name "set width"
- SID "23"
- Position [795, 172, 820, 188]
- Dimensions "5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sin
- Name "sine"
- SID "24"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [165, 172, 235, 208]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Amplitude "1.5"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "timeout"
- SID "25"
- Position [555, 158, 585, 172]
- Value "2"
- }
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- BlockType Outport
- Name "message 1 data"
- SID "26"
- Position [855, 172, 890, 188]
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- BlockType Outport
- Name "errors_status"
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- Position [855, 142, 890, 158]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Port "2"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
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- BlockType Outport
- Name "data orgn"
- SID "28"
- Position [855, 217, 890, 233]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Port "3"
- IconDisplay "Port number"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "set width"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "receive message 1"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "timeout"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "receive message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "send message 1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0; 0, -30]
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Mux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "errors_status"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "set width"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "message 1 data"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "constants"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Mux1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "sine"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Mux1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 35]
- DstBlock "data orgn"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "data ready 100Hz orgn"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0; 0, 35]
- DstBlock "send message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Constant"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, -5]
- DstBlock "send message 1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Simple Ethernet communication example"
- Position [433, 47]
- FontName "Verdana"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- }
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- SrcBlock "sm_ip_test"
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 2
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- SrcPort 3
- Points [40, 0; 0, -5]
- DstBlock "sc_console"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Simple Ethernet communication example"
- Position [278, 27]
- FontName "Verdana"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Procedure\n=================================\n- Launch the executable Server.exe located in the mod"
- "el's folder.\n- Specify a Port number. \n- Make sure"
- " that the OpIPAsyncCtrl icon uses the same Parameters displayed by the Server application.\n- Compile, Load and "
- "Execute this model."
- Position [62, 437]
- HorizontalAlignment "left"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 12
- }
- }
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.probe b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.probe
deleted file mode 100644
index 334568343..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/AsyncIP_sl.probe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/actxlicense.m b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/actxlicense.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 06414f2b2..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/actxlicense.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-function lic = actxlicense(progid)
-if strcmpi(progid, 'air.airctrl.1')
-lic = 'Copyright (c) 1996 ';
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/asyncip_sl_2_sc_console.mdl b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/asyncip_sl_2_sc_console.mdl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df6a7510..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/asyncip_sl_2_sc_console.mdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1827 +0,0 @@
-# $Revision: 1.1 $
-Model {
- Name "asyncip_sl_2_sc_console"
- Version 7.8
- MdlSubVersion 0
- GraphicalInterface {
- NumRootInports 0
- NumRootOutports 0
- ParameterArgumentNames ""
- ComputedModelVersion "1.430"
- NumModelReferences 0
- NumTestPointedSignals 0
- }
- SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252"
- SaveDefaultBlockParams on
- ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000
- OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
- DisableAllScopes off
- DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
- DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
- MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
- MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
- FPTRunName "Run 1"
- MaxMDLFileLineLength 120
- Created "Thu Apr 15 08:21:54 1999"
- Creator "jwu"
- UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"
- ModifiedByFormat "%"
- LastModifiedBy "ACS"
- ModifiedDateFormat "%"
- LastModifiedDate "Mon Jul 14 20:00:02 2014"
- RTWModifiedTimeStamp 327268802
- ModelVersionFormat "1.%"
- ConfigurationManager "none"
- SampleTimeColors off
- SampleTimeAnnotations off
- LibraryLinkDisplay "none"
- WideLines off
- ShowLineDimensions on
- ShowPortDataTypes off
- ShowDesignRanges off
- ShowLoopsOnError on
- IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
- ShowStorageClass off
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- ShowSignalResolutionIcons on
- ShowViewerIcons on
- SortedOrder off
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- BlockParametersDataTip on
- BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
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- StatusBar on
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- LinearizationMsg "none"
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- ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
- ExtModeLogAll on
- ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
- BufferReuse off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
- ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 1
- Simulink.ConfigSet {
- $ObjectID 1
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 8
- Simulink.SolverCC {
- $ObjectID 2
- Version "1.11.1"
- StartTime "0.0"
- StopTime "inf"
- AbsTol "1e-6"
- FixedStep "5e-005"
- InitialStep "auto"
- MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
- MaxOrder 5
- ZcThreshold "auto"
- ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
- MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
- ExtrapolationOrder 4
- NumberNewtonIterations 1
- MaxStep "0.01"
- MinStep "auto"
- MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
- RelTol "1e-3"
- SolverMode "SingleTasking"
- ConcurrentTasks off
- Solver "ode4"
- SolverName "ode4"
- SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
- ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
- ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
- ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
- AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
- SolverResetMethod "Fast"
- PositivePriorityOrder off
- AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
- SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
- InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
- }
- Simulink.DataIOCC {
- $ObjectID 3
- Version "1.11.1"
- Decimation "1"
- ExternalInput "[]"
- FinalStateName "xFinal"
- InitialState "[]"
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- MaxDataPoints "1000"
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- LoadInitialState off
- SaveFinalState off
- SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
- SaveFormat "Array"
- SignalLoggingSaveFormat "ModelDataLogs"
- SaveOutput off
- SaveState off
- SignalLogging on
- DSMLogging on
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- SaveTime off
- ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off
- StateSaveName "xout"
- TimeSaveName "tout"
- OutputSaveName "yout"
- SignalLoggingName "sigsOut"
- DSMLoggingName "dsmout"
- OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
- OutputTimes "[]"
- ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
- Refine "1"
- }
- Simulink.OptimizationCC {
- $ObjectID 4
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 4
- Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
- Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
- Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- BlockReduction on
- BooleanDataType off
- ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
- InlineParams off
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- UseFloatMulNetSlope off
- UseSpecifiedMinMax off
- InlineInvariantSignals off
- OptimizeBlockIOStorage off
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- LocalBlockOutputs off
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- DataBitsets off
- UseTempVars off
- ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
- ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
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- NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
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- LifeSpan "inf"
- MaxStackSize "Inherit from target"
- BufferReusableBoundary on
- SimCompilerOptimization "Off"
- AccelVerboseBuild off
- AccelParallelForEachSubsystem on
- }
- Simulink.DebuggingCC {
- $ObjectID 5
- Version "1.11.1"
- RTPrefix "error"
- ConsistencyChecking "none"
- ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
- SignalInfNanChecking "none"
- SignalRangeChecking "none"
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- WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
- WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
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- ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
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- SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "none"
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- UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
- MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
- CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
- CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
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- BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
- MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
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- MultiTaskDSMMsg "warning"
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- SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
- TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
- SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
- CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
- IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
- Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
- ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
- ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
- ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
- ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
- ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
- FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstOverflowMsg "none"
- FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
- UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
- UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
- VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
- InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
- FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
- SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
- UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
- SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
- FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "warning"
- UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"
- BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
- RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
- AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
- EnableOverflowDetection off
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- ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
- ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
- ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
- UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
- ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
- ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
- StateNameClashWarn "warning"
- SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
- SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error"
- InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning"
- StrictBusMsg "None"
- BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair"
- NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
- LoggingUnavailableSignals "error"
- BlockIODiagnostic "none"
- SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
- SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
- SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
- SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
- SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
- SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning"
- }
- Simulink.HardwareCC {
- $ObjectID 6
- Version "1.11.1"
- ProdBitPerChar 8
- ProdBitPerShort 16
- ProdBitPerInt 32
- ProdBitPerLong 32
- ProdBitPerFloat 32
- ProdBitPerDouble 64
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- ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None"
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- ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"
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- TargetBitPerShort 16
- TargetBitPerInt 32
- TargetBitPerLong 32
- TargetBitPerFloat 32
- TargetBitPerDouble 64
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- TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
- TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
- TargetShiftRightIntArith on
- TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
- TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
- TargetWordSize 32
- TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
- TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
- TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
- TargetUnknown on
- ProdEqTarget on
- }
- Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
- $ObjectID 7
- Version "1.11.1"
- UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
- CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
- EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
- ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
- ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
- ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
- PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model"
- ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
- ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
- SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
- }
- Simulink.SFSimCC {
- $ObjectID 8
- Version "1.11.1"
- SFSimEnableDebug on
- SFSimOverflowDetection on
- SFSimEcho on
- SimBlas on
- SimCtrlC on
- SimExtrinsic on
- SimIntegrity on
- SimUseLocalCustomCode off
- SimParseCustomCode on
- SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build"
- }
- Simulink.RTWCC {
- $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
- $ObjectID 9
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 1
- Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
- SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc"
- GenCodeOnly on
- MakeCommand "make_rtw"
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- TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
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- SaveLog off
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- ProcessScriptMode "Default"
- ConfigurationMode "Optimized"
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- LaunchReport off
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- GenerateTraceReport off
- GenerateTraceReportSl off
- GenerateTraceReportSf off
- GenerateTraceReportEml off
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- GenerateSLWebview off
- GenerateCodeMetricsReport off
- RTWCompilerOptimization "Off"
- CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off"
- CustomRebuildMode "OnUpdate"
- Array {
- Type "Handle"
- Dimension 2
- Simulink.CodeAppCC {
- $ObjectID 10
- Version "1.11.1"
- Array {
- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 16
- Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
- Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
- Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
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- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
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- Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
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- $ObjectID 11
- Version "1.11.1"
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- Type "Cell"
- Dimension 12
- Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
- Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
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- Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
- Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
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- Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
- Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
- Cell "SupportComplex"
- Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
- Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
- PropName "DisabledProps"
- }
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- TargetLibSuffix ""
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- MultiwordLength 2048
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- PurelyIntegerCode off
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- CPPClassGenCompliant off
- AutosarCompliant off
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- ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
- ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
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- }
- PropName "Components"
- }
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- }
- Name "Configuration"
- CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
- ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 400, 210, 1280, 840 ]
- }
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- $ObjectID 1
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- BlockType BusCreator
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- }
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- BlockType Demux
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- BlockType Display
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- Floating off
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- BlockType From
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- BlockType Goto
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- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- SampleTime "-1"
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- Block {
- BlockType Terminator
- }
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- BlockType Reference
- Name "Receive"
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- Position [160, 120, 165, 160]
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- Port {
- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal1"
- RTWStorageClass "Auto"
- DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
- }
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- BlockType Demux
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- SID "111"
- Ports [1, 3]
- Position [160, 40, 165, 80]
- Outputs "[1 1 1]"
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- BlockType From
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- Position [95, 119, 135, 131]
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- Port {
- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal1"
- RTWStorageClass "Auto"
- DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
- }
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- BlockType From
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- Position [95, 134, 135, 146]
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- PortNumber 1
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- BlockType From
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- Position [95, 149, 135, 161]
- ShowName off
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- Port {
- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal3"
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- DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
- }
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- BlockType Goto
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- SID "115"
- Position [190, 39, 230, 51]
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- Position [190, 69, 230, 81]
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- Position [210, 134, 240, 146]
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- DstPort 1
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal1"
- RTWStorageClass "Auto"
- DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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- BlockType Outport
- Name "out"
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- Position [150, 52, 175, 68]
- IconDisplay "Port number"
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- Name "signal1"
- Labels [0, 0]
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- BlockType BusCreator
- Name "buscre_signal1"
- SID "124"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [160, 120, 165, 160]
- Inputs "2"
- Port {
- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal1"
- RTWStorageClass "Auto"
- DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "demux_signal1"
- SID "125"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [160, 40, 165, 80]
- Outputs "[4 1]"
- }
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- BlockType From
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- SID "126"
- Position [95, 124, 135, 136]
- ShowName off
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- PortNumber 1
- Name "signal1"
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- BlockType Goto
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- DstPort 1
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- SrcPort 1
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- DstPort 1
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- Position [260, 477, 290, 493]
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- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "busStruct"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "busStruct"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "busStruct"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "busStruct"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "Out3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "busStruct"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "Out2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "busStruct"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Demux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 6
- DstBlock "dynsig"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 5
- DstBlock "samples"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 4
- DstBlock "sim_time"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 3
- DstBlock "offset"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Receive"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "missedData"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Subtract"
- SID "53"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [615, 297, 645, 328]
- ZOrder -31
- Inputs "+-"
- InputSameDT off
- OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Name "errors"
- SID "54"
- Ports [1]
- Position [385, 82, 455, 128]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 8
- Decimation "5000"
- Lockdown off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 1"
- SID "55"
- Ports [1]
- Position [515, 179, 545, 211]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- AxesColor "[0 0 0]"
- AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]"
- LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
- LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-"
- LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none"
- }
- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData1"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 2"
- SID "56"
- Ports [1]
- Position [515, 249, 545, 281]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- AxesColor "[0 0 0]"
- AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]"
- LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
- LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-"
- LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none"
- }
- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 3"
- SID "57"
- Ports [1]
- Position [520, 394, 550, 426]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- AxesColor "[0 0 0]"
- AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]"
- LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
- LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-"
- LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none"
- }
- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData2"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Scope
- Name "message 4"
- SID "58"
- Ports [1]
- Position [695, 299, 725, 331]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- Floating off
- Location [826, 517, 1334, 952]
- Open off
- NumInputPorts "1"
- List {
- ListType AxesTitles
- axes1 "%"
- }
- List {
- ListType ScopeGraphics
- FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- AxesColor "[0 0 0]"
- AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]"
- LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]"
- LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-"
- LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]"
- MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none"
- }
- YMin "-1.75"
- YMax "4"
- SaveName "ScopeData3"
- DataFormat "StructureWithTime"
- SampleTime "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Name "reception status"
- SID "59"
- Ports [1]
- Position [390, 148, 450, 172]
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 8
- Decimation "5000"
- Lockdown off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "rtlab_send_subsystem"
- SID "142"
- Ports []
- Position [15, 15, 15, 15]
- ShowName off
- Priority "-100"
- MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
- PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- FunctionWithSeparateData off
- Opaque off
- RequestExecContextInheritance off
- MaskHideContents off
- MaskDisplay "text(0,0,'');"
- MaskIconFrame off
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskPortRotate "default"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- System {
- Name "rtlab_send_subsystem"
- Location [484, 93, 1020, 382]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000]
- TiledPageScale 1
- ShowPageBoundaries off
- ZoomFactor "100"
- }
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Demux2"
- SrcPort 5
- Points [0, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [30, 0; 0, -105]
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Branch {
- Labels [0, 0]
- Points [105, 0; 0, -60]
- DstBlock "Subtract"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Demux1"
- SrcPort 5
- Points [0, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [20, 0; 0, -30]
- DstBlock "Mux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Labels [0, 0]
- Points [75, 0; 0, 20]
- DstBlock "Subtract"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Subtract"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "message 4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 3
- Points [0, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [55, 0; 0, 150]
- DstBlock "Demux2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Labels [0, 0]
- Points [255, 0]
- DstBlock "message 3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Mux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "message 2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [40, 0; 0, 15]
- DstBlock "reception status"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [35, 0; 0, -20]
- DstBlock "errors"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0; 0, -15]
- DstBlock "Demux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- Labels [0, 0]
- SrcBlock "OpComm"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [0, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [110, 0]
- DstBlock "Demux1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Labels [0, 0]
- Points [125, 0; 0, 20]
- DstBlock "message 1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Simple analysis of round trip time"
- Position [293, 52]
- FontName "Verdana"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- Annotation {
- Name "Automatically generated by RT-LAB during compilation."
- Position [0, 0]
- HorizontalAlignment "left"
- VerticalAlignment "top"
- BackgroundColor "yellow"
- FontSize 12
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- }
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/AsyncIP.mk b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/AsyncIP.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af739955..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/AsyncIP.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Specify program name
-# Specify default values if we are not compiling from RT-LAB
-TARGET_OPALRT_ROOT = /usr/opalrt
-# QNX v6.x
-ifeq "$(SYSNAME)" "nto"
- CC = gcc
- LD = $(CC)
- TARGET_LIB = -lsocket
-# RedHawk Linux
-ifeq "$(shell uname)" "Linux"
- # Intel Compiler support
- CC = opicc
- LD = opicpc
- # Gnu Compiler support
- else
- CC = gcc
- LD = g++
- INTEL_LIBS = -limf -lirc
- endif
- # RedHat or RedHawk
- LINUX_FLAVOR = $(shell uname -r | grep RedHawk)
- ifneq "$(LINUX_FLAVOR) " " " ### Linux (RedHat)
- RH_FLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__redhawk__
- RH_LIBS = -lccur_rt
- else
- endif
- TARGET_LIB = -lpthread -lm -ldl -lutil -lrt $(RH_LIBS) $(INTEL_LIBS)
-# Support for debugging symbols
-ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
-OBJS = ${PROGRAM}.o Sched.o Interface.o Socket.o
-ADDLIB = -lOpalCore -lOpalUtils
-LIBS = -lOpalAsyncApiCore $(ADDLIB) $(TARGET_LIB)
-all: $(PROGRAM)
- \mkdir -p $(TARGET_OPALRT_ROOT)/local
- \chmod 755 $(TARGET_OPALRT_ROOT)/local
- \cp -f $(PROGRAM) $(TARGET_OPALRT_ROOT)/local
- \rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROGRAM)
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
- chmod 777 $@
- @echo "### Created executable: $(PROGRAM)"
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Interface.h b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed00a284..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/** OPAL Interface setup
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @file
- */
-#ifndef _INTERFACE_H_
-#define _INTERFACE_H_
-int if_setup(const char *op, const char *iface, const char *addr);
-#endif /* _INTERFACE_H_ */
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/MsgFormat.h b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/MsgFormat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e081eb05..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/MsgFormat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/** Message format
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @file
- */
-#ifndef _MSG_FORMAT_H_
-#define _MSG_FORMAT_H_
-/** Maximum number of dword values in a message */
-#define MSG_VALUES 16
-/** The current version number for the message format */
-#define MSG_VERSION 0
-/** @todo Implement more message types */
-#define MSG_TYPE_DATA 0
-#define MSG_TYPE_START 1
-#define MSG_TYPE_STOP 2
-/** Initialize a message */
-#define MSG_INIT(i) { \
- .version = MSG_VERSION, \
- .type = MSG_TYPE_DATA, \
- .length = i, \
- .sequence = 0 \
-/** This message format is used by all clients
- *
- * @diafile msg_format.dia
- **/
-struct msg
- /** The version specifies the format of the remaining message */
- unsigned version : 4;
- /** Data or control message */
- unsigned type : 2;
- /** These bits are reserved for future extensions */
- unsigned __padding : 2;
- /** Number of valid dword values in msg::data[] */
- uint8_t length;
- /** The sequence number gets incremented by one for consecutive messages */
- uint16_t sequence;
- /** The message payload */
- float data[MSG_VALUES];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-#endif /* _MSG_FORMAT_H_ */
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Sched.h b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Sched.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a089febea..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Sched.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/** Configure Scheduler
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @author Mathieu Dubé-Dallaire
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @copyright 2003, OPAL-RT Technologies inc
- * @file
- */
-#ifndef _SCHED_H_
-#define _SCHED_H_
-#define EOK 0
-int AssignProcToCpu0(void);
-#endif /* _SCHED_H_ */
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Socket.h b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Socket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e45256821..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/include/Socket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/** Helper functions for socket
- *
- * Code example of an asynchronous program. This program is started
- * by the asynchronous controller and demonstrates how to send and
- * receive data to and from the asynchronous icons and a UDP or TCP
- * port.
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @author Mathieu Dubé-Dallaire
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @copyright 2003, OPAL-RT Technologies inc
- * @file
- */
-#ifndef _SOCKET_H_
-#define _SOCKET_H_
-#define RT
-#include "OpalGenAsyncParamCtrl.h"
-#define UDP_PROTOCOL 1
-#define TCP_PROTOCOL 2
-#define EOK 0
-int InitSocket(Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl IconCtrlStruct);
-int SendPacket(char* DataSend, int datalength);
-int RecvPacket(char* DataRecv, int datalength, double timeout);
-int CloseSocket(Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl IconCtrlStruct);
-#endif /* _SOCKET_H_ */
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/AsyncIP.c b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/AsyncIP.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3030d4534..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/AsyncIP.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/** AsyncIP
- *
- * Code example of an asynchronous program. This program is started
- * by the asynchronous controller and demonstrates how to send and
- * receive data to and from the asynchronous icons and a UDP or TCP
- * port.
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @author Mathieu Dubé-Dallaire
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @copyright 2003, OPAL-RT Technologies inc
- * @file
- */
-/* Standard ANSI C headers needed for this program */
-#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
-# include
-# include
-# include
-# include
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-# define _GNU_SOURCE 1
-/* Define RTLAB before including OpalPrint.h for messages to be sent
- * to the OpalDisplay. Otherwise stdout will be used. */
-#define RTLAB
-#include "OpalPrint.h"
-#include "AsyncApi.h"
-/* This is the message format */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "MsgFormat.h"
-#include "Socket.h"
-#include "Interface.h"
-/* This is just for initializing the shared memory access to communicate
- * with the RT-LAB model. It's easier to remember the arguments like this */
-#define ASYNC_SHMEM_NAME argv[1]
-#define ASYNC_SHMEM_SIZE atoi(argv[2])
-#define PRINT_SHMEM_NAME argv[3]
-static void *SendToIPPort(void *arg)
- unsigned SendID = 1;
- unsigned i, n;
- int nbSend = 0;
- unsigned ModelState;
- /* Data from OPAL-RT model */
- double mdldata[MSG_VALUES];
- int mdldata_size;
- /* Data from the S2SS server */
- struct msg msg = MSG_INIT(0);
- int msg_size;
- OpalPrint("%s: SendToIPPort thread started\n", PROGNAME);
- OpalGetNbAsyncSendIcon(&nbSend);
- if (nbSend >= 1) {
- do {
- /* This call unblocks when the 'Data Ready' line of a send icon is asserted. */
- if ((n = OpalWaitForAsyncSendRequest(&SendID)) != EOK) {
- ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
- if ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP)) {
- OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(n, SendID);
- OpalPrint("%s: OpalWaitForAsyncSendRequest(), errno %d\n", PROGNAME, n);
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* No errors encountered yet */
- OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(0, SendID);
- /* Get the size of the data being sent by the unblocking SendID */
- OpalGetAsyncSendIconDataLength(&mdldata_size, SendID);
- if (mdldata_size / sizeof(double) > MSG_VALUES) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Number of signals for SendID=%d exceeds allowed maximum (%d)\n",
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Read data from the model */
- OpalGetAsyncSendIconData(mdldata, mdldata_size, SendID);
-/******* FORMAT TO SPECIFIC PROTOCOL HERE *****************************/
- // msg.dev_id = SendID; /* Use the SendID as a device ID here */
- msg.sequence++;
- msg.length = mdldata_size / sizeof(double);
- for (i = 0; i < msg.length; i++)
- msg.data[i] = (float) mdldata[i];
- msg_size = 4 * (msg.length + 1);
- /* Perform the actual write to the ip port */
- if (SendPacket((char *) &msg, msg_size) < 0)
- OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(errno, SendID);
- else
- OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(0, SendID);
- /* This next call allows the execution of the "asynchronous" process
- * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you
- * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to
- * the model to wait for this process to call this
- * OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */
- OpalAsyncSendRequestDone(SendID);
- /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model
- * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
- ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
- } while ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP));
- OpalPrint("%s: SendToIPPort: Finished\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- else {
- OpalPrint("%s: SendToIPPort: No transimission block for this controller. Stopping thread.\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- return NULL;
-static void *RecvFromIPPort(void *arg)
- unsigned RecvID = 1;
- unsigned i, n;
- int nbRecv = 0;
- unsigned ModelState;
- /* Data from OPAL-RT model */
- double mdldata[MSG_VALUES];
- int mdldata_size;
- /* Data from the S2SS server */
- struct msg msg = MSG_INIT(0);
- unsigned msg_size;
- OpalPrint("%s: RecvFromIPPort thread started\n", PROGNAME);
- OpalGetNbAsyncRecvIcon(&nbRecv);
- if (nbRecv >= 1) {
- do {
-/******* FORMAT TO SPECIFIC PROTOCOL HERE ******************************/
- msg_size = sizeof(msg);
- n = RecvPacket((char *) &msg, msg_size, 1.0);
- if (msg.version != MSG_VERSION) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Received message with unknown version. Skipping..\n", PROGNAME);
- continue;
- }
- if (msg.type != MSG_TYPE_DATA) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Received no data. Skipping..\n", PROGNAME);
- continue;
- }
- msg_size = 4 * (msg.length + 1);
- if (n < 1) {
- ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
- if ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP)) {
- // n == 0 means timeout, so we continue silently
- //if (n == 0)
- // OpalPrint("%s: Timeout while waiting for data\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- // n == -1 means a more serious error, so we print it
- if (n == -1)
- OpalPrint("%s: Error %d while waiting for data\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- else if (n != msg_size) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Received incoherent packet (size: %d, complete: %d)\n", PROGNAME, n, msg_size);
- continue;
- }
-/******* FORMAT TO SPECIFIC PROTOCOL HERE *******************************/
- OpalSetAsyncRecvIconStatus(msg.sequence, RecvID); /* Set the Status to the message ID */
- OpalSetAsyncRecvIconError(0, RecvID); /* Set the Error to 0 */
- /* Get the number of signals to send back to the model */
- OpalGetAsyncRecvIconDataLength(&mdldata_size, RecvID);
- if (mdldata_size / sizeof(double) > MSG_VALUES) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Number of signals for RecvID=%d (%d) exceeds allowed maximum (%d)\n",
- PROGNAME, RecvID, mdldata_size / sizeof(double), MSG_VALUES);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (mdldata_size / sizeof(double) > msg.length) {
- OpalPrint("%s: Number of signals for RecvID=%d (%d) exceeds what was received (%d)\n",
- PROGNAME, RecvID, mdldata_size / sizeof(double), msg.length);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < msg.length; i++)
- mdldata[i] = (double) msg.data[i];
- OpalSetAsyncRecvIconData(mdldata, mdldata_size, RecvID);
- /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model
- * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
- ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
- } while ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP));
- OpalPrint("%s: RecvFromIPPort: Finished\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- else {
- OpalPrint("%s: RecvFromIPPort: No reception block for this controller. Stopping thread.\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- return NULL;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int err;
- Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl IconCtrlStruct;
- pthread_t tid_send, tid_recv;
- pthread_attr_t attr_send, attr_recv;
- OpalPrint("%s: This is a S2SS client\n", PROGNAME);
- /* Check for the proper arguments to the program */
- if (argc < 4) {
- printf("Invalid Arguments: 1-AsyncShmemName 2-AsyncShmemSize 3-PrintShmemName\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- /* Enable the OpalPrint function. This prints to the OpalDisplay. */
- if (OpalSystemCtrl_Register(PRINT_SHMEM_NAME) != EOK) {
- printf("%s: ERROR: OpalPrint() access not available\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- /* Open Share Memory created by the model. */
- if ((OpalOpenAsyncMem(ASYNC_SHMEM_SIZE, ASYNC_SHMEM_NAME)) != EOK) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Model shared memory not available\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- /* For Redhawk, Assign this process to CPU 0 in order to support partial XHP */
- AssignProcToCpu0();
- /* Get IP Controler Parameters (ie: ip address, port number...) and
- * initialize the device on the QNX node. */
- memset(&IconCtrlStruct, 0, sizeof(IconCtrlStruct));
- if ((err = OpalGetAsyncCtrlParameters(&IconCtrlStruct, sizeof(IconCtrlStruct))) != EOK) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not get controller parameters (%d).\n", PROGNAME, err);
- }
- if (InitSocket(IconCtrlStruct) != EOK) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Initialization failed.\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- /* Start send/receive threads */
- if ((pthread_create(&tid_send, NULL, SendToIPPort, NULL)) == -1)
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not create thread (SendToIPPort), errno %d\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- if ((pthread_create(&tid_recv, NULL, RecvFromIPPort, NULL)) == -1)
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not create thread (RecvFromIPPort), errno %d\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- /* Wait for both threads to finish */
- if ((err = pthread_join(tid_send, NULL)) != 0)
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: pthread_join (SendToIPPort), errno %d\n", PROGNAME, err);
- if ((err = pthread_join(tid_recv, NULL)) != 0)
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: pthread_join (RecvFromIPPort), errno %d\n", PROGNAME, err);
- /* Close the ip port and shared memories */
- CloseSocket(IconCtrlStruct);
- OpalSystemCtrl_UnRegister(PRINT_SHMEM_NAME);
- return 0;
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Interface.c b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Interface.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e87b19c1..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Interface.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/** OPAL Interface setup
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @file
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "Interface.h"
-int if_setup(const char *op, const char *iface, const char *addr)
- char cmd[256];
- /* Setup remote address */
- snprintf(cmd, 256, "ip addr %s %s/32 dev %s", op, addr, iface);
- if (system(cmd))
- OpalPrint("Failed to add local address to interface");
- /* Setup route for single IP address */
- snprintf(cmd, 256, "ip route %s %s/32 dev %s", op, addr, iface);
- if (system(cmd))
- OpalPrint("Failed to add route for remote address");
- return 0;
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Sched.c b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Sched.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 23314945c..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Sched.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/** Configure Scheduler
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @author Mathieu Dubé-Dallaire
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @copyright 2003, OPAL-RT Technologies inc
- * @file
- */
-/* Define RTLAB before including OpalPrint.h for messages to be sent
- * to the OpalDisplay. Otherwise stdout will be used. */
-#define RTLAB
-#include "OpalPrint.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "Sched.h"
-#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
-# include
-# include
-# include
-# include
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-# define _GNU_SOURCE 1
-# include
-# if defined(__redhawk__)
-# include
-# include
-# endif
-int AssignProcToCpu0(void)
-#if defined(__linux__)
- #if defined(__redhawk__)
- int rc;
- pid_t pid = getpid();
- cpuset_t *pCpuset;
- pCpuset = cpuset_alloc();
- if (NULL == pCpuset) {
- OpalPrint("Error allocating a cpuset\n");
- return ENOMEM;
- }
- cpuset_init(pCpuset);
- cpuset_set_cpu(pCpuset, 0, 1);
- rc = mpadvise(MPA_PRC_SETBIAS, MPA_TID, pid, pCpuset);
- if (MPA_FAILURE == rc) {
- rc = errno;
- OpalPrint("Error from mpadvise, %d %s, for pid %d\n", errno, strerror(errno), pid);
- cpuset_free(pCpuset);
- return rc;
- }
- cpuset_free(pCpuset);
- #else
- cpu_set_t bindSet;
- CPU_ZERO(&bindSet);
- CPU_SET(0, &bindSet);
- /* changing process cpu affinity */
- if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &bindSet) != 0) {
- OpalPrint("Unable to bind the process to CPU 0. (sched_setaffinity errno %d)\n", errno);
- return EINVAL;
- }
- #endif
- return EOK;
-#endif /* __linux__ */
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Socket.c b/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Socket.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a262bec77..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/models/AsyncIP_sl/s2ss/src/Socket.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-/** Helper functions for socket
- *
- * Code example of an asynchronous program. This program is started
- * by the asynchronous controller and demonstrates how to send and
- * receive data to and from the asynchronous icons and a UDP or TCP
- * port.
- *
- * @author Steffen Vogel
- * @author Mathieu Dubé-Dallaire
- * @copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
- * @copyright 2003, OPAL-RT Technologies inc
- * @file
- */
-/* Define RTLAB before including OpalPrint.h for messages to be sent
- * to the OpalDisplay. Otherwise stdout will be used. */
-#define RTLAB
-#include "OpalPrint.h"
-#include "AsyncApi.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "Socket.h"
-/* Globals variables */
-struct sockaddr_in send_ad; /* Send address */
-struct sockaddr_in recv_ad; /* Receive address */
-int sd = -1; /* socket descriptor */
-int proto = UDP_PROTOCOL;
-int InitSocket(Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl IconCtrlStruct)
- struct ip_mreq mreq; /* Multicast group structure */
- int socket_type;
- int socket_proto;
- unsigned char TTL = 1;
- unsigned char LOOP = 0;
- int rc;
- proto = (int) IconCtrlStruct.FloatParam[0];
- OpalPrint("%s: Version : %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION);
- switch (proto) {
- case UDP_PROTOCOL: /* Communication using UDP/IP protocol */
- socket_proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
- socket_type = SOCK_DGRAM;
- OpalPrint("%s: Protocol : UDP/IP\n", PROGNAME);
- break;
- case TCP_PROTOCOL: /* Communication using TCP/IP protocol */
- socket_proto = IPPROTO_IP;
- socket_type = SOCK_STREAM;
- OpalPrint("%s: Protocol : TCP/IP\n", PROGNAME);
- break;
- default: /* Protocol is not recognized */
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Protocol (%d) not supported!\n", PROGNAME, proto);
- return EINVAL;
- }
- OpalPrint("%s: Remote Address : %s\n", PROGNAME, IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[0]);
- OpalPrint("%s: Remote Port : %d\n", PROGNAME, (int) IconCtrlStruct.FloatParam[1]);
- /* Initialize the socket */
- if ((sd = socket(AF_INET, socket_type, socket_proto)) < 0) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not open socket\n", PROGNAME);
- return EIO;
- }
- /* Set the structure for the remote port and address */
- memset(&send_ad, 0, sizeof(send_ad));
- send_ad.sin_family = AF_INET;
- send_ad.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[0]);
- send_ad.sin_port = htons((u_short)IconCtrlStruct.FloatParam[1]);
- /* Set the structure for the local port and address */
- memset(&recv_ad, 0, sizeof(recv_ad));
- recv_ad.sin_family = AF_INET;
- recv_ad.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- recv_ad.sin_port = htons((u_short)IconCtrlStruct.FloatParam[2]);
- /* Bind local port and address to socket. */
- if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &recv_ad, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not bind local port to socket\n", PROGNAME);
- return EIO;
- }
- else
- OpalPrint("%s: Local Port : %d\n", PROGNAME, (int) IconCtrlStruct.FloatParam[2]);
- switch (proto) {
- case UDP_PROTOCOL: /* Communication using UDP/IP protocol */
- /* If sending to a multicast address */
- if ((inet_addr(IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[0]) & inet_addr("")) == inet_addr("")) {
- if (setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char *) &TTL, sizeof(TTL)) == -1) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not set TTL for multicast send (%d)\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- return EIO;
- }
- if (setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (char *)&LOOP, sizeof(LOOP)) == -1) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not set loopback for multicast send (%d)\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- return EIO;
- }
- OpalPrint("%s: Configured socket for sending to multicast address\n", PROGNAME);
- }
- /* If receiving from a multicast group, register for it. */
- if (inet_addr(IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[1]) > 0) {
- if ((inet_addr(IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[1]) & inet_addr("")) == inet_addr("")) {
- mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[1]);
- mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- /* Have the multicast socket join the multicast group */
- if (setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char *) &mreq, sizeof(mreq)) == -1) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Could not join multicast group (%d)\n", PROGNAME, errno);
- return EIO;
- }
- OpalPrint("%s: Added process to multicast group (%s)\n",
- PROGNAME, IconCtrlStruct.StringParam[1]);
- }
- else {
- OpalPrint("%s: WARNING: IP address for multicast group is not in multicast range. Ignored\n",
- }
- }
- break;
- case TCP_PROTOCOL: /* Communication using TCP/IP protocol */
- OpalPrint("%s: Calling connect()\n", PROGNAME);
- /* Connect to server to start data transmission */
- rc = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &send_ad, sizeof(send_ad));
- if (rc < 0) {
- OpalPrint("%s: ERROR: Call to connect() failed\n", PROGNAME);
- return EIO;
- }
- break;
- }
- return EOK;
-int SendPacket(char* DataSend, int datalength)
- int err;
- if(sd < 0)
- return -1;
- /* Send the packet */
- if (proto == TCP_PROTOCOL)
- err = send(sd, DataSend, datalength, 0);
- else
- err = sendto(sd, DataSend, datalength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&send_ad, sizeof(send_ad));
- return err;
-int RecvPacket(char* DataRecv, int datalength, double timeout)
- int len;
- struct sockaddr_in client_ad;
- socklen_t client_ad_size = sizeof(client_ad);
- fd_set sd_set;
- struct timeval tv;
- if (sd < 0)
- return -1;
- /* Set the descriptor set for the select() call */
- FD_ZERO(&sd_set);
- FD_SET(sd, &sd_set);
- /* Set the tv structure to the correct timeout value */
- tv.tv_sec = (int) timeout;
- tv.tv_usec = (int) ((timeout - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000);
- /* Wait for a packet. We use select() to have a timeout. This is
- * necessary when reseting the model so we don't wait indefinitely
- * and prevent the process from exiting and freeing the port for
- * a future instance (model load). */
- switch (select(sd+1, &sd_set, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &tv)) {
- case -1: /* Error */
- return -1;
- case 0: /* We hit the timeout */
- return 0;
- default:
- if (!(FD_ISSET(sd, &sd_set))) {
- /* We received something, but it's not on "sd". Since sd is the only
- * descriptor in the set... */
- OpalPrint("%s: RecvPacket: God, is that You trying to reach me?\n", PROGNAME);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* Clear the DataRecv array (in case we receive an incomplete packet) */
- memset(DataRecv, 0, datalength);
- /* Perform the reception */
- if (proto == TCP_PROTOCOL)
- len = recv(sd, DataRecv, datalength, 0);
- else
- len = recvfrom(sd, DataRecv, datalength, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &client_ad, &client_ad_size);
- return len;
-int CloseSocket(Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl IconCtrlStruct)
- if (sd < 0) {
- shutdown(sd, SHUT_RDWR);
- close(sd);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/clients/opal/tmseq/SR13level2_AsyncIP_sl.tms b/clients/opal/tmseq/SR13level2_AsyncIP_sl.tms
deleted file mode 100644
index dae75209f..000000000
--- a/clients/opal/tmseq/SR13level2_AsyncIP_sl.tms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- 'AsyncIP_sl.mdl'
- 'Execute'
- {"modelName": ''}
- ''
- ''
- ''
- 'variables.testFile.name="Execute " + variables.testFile.modelname + " model";variables.testFile.rtlabInfo["modelName"] = variables.testFile.filePath + "/../models/Simulink/" + variables.testFile.modelname'
- ['', '', '', '']
- 0
- 'Platform Loop'
- 'global platformIndex;platformIndex=0'
- 'platformIndex<len(variables.testFile.platformList)'
- 'platformIndex+=1'
- 'Test - Execute example sequences'
- 'variables.testFile.platformList[platformIndex] == 1'
- 'variables.testFile.targetIdx += 1'
- 'step setplatform'
- 'RT-LAB/SetConfiguration'
- 'True'
- {'TargetPlatform': -1}
- 'variables.step.configuration["TargetPlatform"]=variables.root.platformListName[platformIndex]'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo, variables.step.configuration'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo'
- 'step async. proc. compilation command'
- 'RT-LAB/SetConfiguration'
- ["","make -f /usr/opalrt/common/bin/opalmodelmk","/usr/bin/make -f /usr/opalrt/common/bin/opalmodelmk",""]
- 'True'
- {'TargetCompileCmd': -1}
- 'variables.step.configuration["TargetCompileCmd"]=variables.step.commandListPerPlatform[platformIndex]'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo, variables.step.configuration'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo'
- 'Run CompileModel sequence'
- 'variables.root.platformListName[platformIndex] != RtlabApi.REDHAWK64_TARGET'
- 'SequenceCall'
- 'dynamic'
- ''
- 'variables.root.testPath + "/utils/sequence/compileModel.tms"'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo,variables.testFile.compilState'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo'
- ''
- 'Run testCompileModel sequence'
- 'variables.root.platformListName[platformIndex] == RtlabApi.REDHAWK64_TARGET'
- 'SequenceCall'
- 'dynamic'
- 'variables.root.testPath + "/utils/sequence/testCompileModel.tms"'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo'
- 'variables.testFile.rtlabInfo'
- ''
- 'Validation'
- 'Expression'
- 'cleanup'
- ''
- ''
- 'variables.testFile.result.platformResult[platformIndex] = variables.step._getParent().children["Test - Execute example sequences"].result.status'
- 'Test loop result'
- 'Expression'
- 'cleanup'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- 'variables.root.result.TestDetail.append(variables.testFile.result.platformResult)'