diff --git a/doc/GettingStarted.md b/doc/GettingStarted.md
index 82798ee9a..cbd132bd8 100644
--- a/doc/GettingStarted.md
+++ b/doc/GettingStarted.md
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 We put some effort in getting you started as smooth as possible.
+For first tests and development you can use the Docker platform to bootstrap your environment.
+Docker is a software to run containers (a.k.a images in Docker's terminology) on a Linux machine.
+We prepared a image which you can download and run out of the box:
 1. Download the Docker toolbox: https://www.docker.com/docker-toolbox .
    This toolbox includes a virtual machine as well all the Docker tools you need to the Docker container which is provided by us.
    More instructions to get with can be found here: http://docs.docker.com/windows/started/
@@ -10,4 +15,17 @@ We put some effort in getting you started as smooth as possible.
 3. Start the latest S2SS container by running:
-    $ docker run rwthacs/s2ss
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+    $ docker run rwthacs/s2ss
+### To be added
+S2SS ...
+- is written in object-oriented C11
+- is compiled with Clang / LLVM or GCC
+- is fully based on open source software
+- stands for Simulator-to-Simulator-Server
+- is extensible with new node types
+- heavily multi-threaded
+- follows the Unix philosophy
+- is separated into a library (libs2ss) and a few binaries (server, pipe, test, signal) which link against the lib.
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