diff --git a/doc/nodes/Socket.md b/doc/nodes/Socket.md
index 486453be8..5f6c43bf9 100644
--- a/doc/nodes/Socket.md
+++ b/doc/nodes/Socket.md
@@ -38,6 +38,24 @@ See below for a more detailed description of this feature.
 #### `layer` *("udp" | "ip" | "eth")*
+Select the network layer which should be used for the socket. Please note that `eth` can only be used locally in a LAN as it contains no routing information for the internet.
+#### `header` *("default" | "none" | "fake")*
+The socket node-type supports multiple protocols:
+- The `default` VILLASnode header includes a couple of fields like the origin timestamp, number of values and the endianess of the transported data. The packet format is described in the following section called "Packet Format".
+- It is also possible to just send raw data by omitting the header completely (`none`). Each value is expected to take 4 bytes. It can be either a single precission floating point number (`float`) or a 32 bit unsigned integer (`uint32_t`). This protocol is used by RTDS' GTNET-SKT card.
+- The `fake` setting is very similar to the `none` setting. Only the first three values will have a special interpretation:
+   - Sequence no. (`uint32_t`)
+   - Timestamp seconds (Unix epoch, `uint32_t`)
+   - Timestamp nano-seconds  (Unix epoch, `uint32_t`)
+####  `endian` *("big" | "network" | "little")*
+This setting is only valid for the `none` and `fake` protocols.
+It select the endianes which is used for outgoing and incoming data.
 ### Example
 	nodes = {
@@ -52,7 +70,17 @@ See below for a more detailed description of this feature.
 								#   ip		Send / recv IP packets
 								#   eth		Send / recv raw Ethernet frames (IEEE802.3)
+			header	= "gtnet-skt:fake",		# Header can be one of:
+								#   default | villas       Use VILLASnode protocol (see struct msg) (default)
+								#   none | gtnet-skt       Use no header, send raw data as used by RTDS GTNETv2-SKT
+								#   fake | gtnet-skt:fake  Same as 'none', but use first three data values as
+								#                             sequence, seconds & nanoseconds timestamp
+								#                             In this mode values are uint32_t not floats!
+			endian = "network",			# Endianess of header and data:
+								#   big | network          Use big endianess. Also know as network byte order (default)
+								#   little                 Use little endianess.
 			local	= "",		# This node only received messages on this IP:Port pair
 			remote	= ""		# This node sents outgoing messages to this IP:Port pair
diff --git a/etc/example.conf b/etc/example.conf
index 7f5ce6753..9294330d9 100644
--- a/etc/example.conf
+++ b/etc/example.conf
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ nodes = {
 							#                             sequence, seconds & nanoseconds timestamp
 							#                             In this mode values are uint32_t not floats!
+		endian = "network",			# Endianess of header and data:
+							#   big | network          Use big endianess. Also know as network byte order (default)
+							#   little                 Use little endianess.
 		local	= "",		# This node only received messages on this IP:Port pair
 		remote	= ""		# This node sents outgoing messages to this IP:Port pair
diff --git a/lib/nodes/socket.c b/lib/nodes/socket.c
index 9ab1bf712..265da681e 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/socket.c
+++ b/lib/nodes/socket.c
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int socket_deinit()
 char * socket_print(struct node *n)
 	struct socket *s = n->_vd;
-	char *layer = NULL, *header = NULL, *buf;
+	char *layer = NULL, *header = NULL, *endian = NULL, *buf;
 	switch (s->layer) {
 		case SOCKET_LAYER_UDP:	layer = "udp";	break;
@@ -115,11 +115,19 @@ char * socket_print(struct node *n)
 		case SOCKET_HEADER_FAKE:	header = "fake";	break;
 		case SOCKET_HEADER_DEFAULT:	header = "default";	break;
+	if (s->header == SOCKET_HEADER_DEFAULT)
+		endian = "auto";
+	else
+		switch (s->endian) {
+			case MSG_ENDIAN_LITTLE:	endian = "little";	break;
+			case MSG_ENDIAN_BIG:	endian = "big";		break;
+		}
 	char *local = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *) &s->local);
 	char *remote = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *) &s->remote);
-	buf = strf("layer=%s, header=%s, local=%s, remote=%s", layer, header, local, remote);
+	buf = strf("layer=%s, header=%s, endian=%s, local=%s, remote=%s", layer, header, endian, local, remote);