diff --git a/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/main.c b/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/main.c
index 147196f80..6a1eacefe 100644
--- a/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/main.c
+++ b/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/main.c
@@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ static void *SendToIPPort(void *arg) {
       OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(0, SendID);
     /* This next call allows the execution of the "asynchronous" process
-		 * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you
-		 * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to
-		 * the model to wait for this process to call this
-		* OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */
+     * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you
+     * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to
+     * the model to wait for this process to call this
+     * OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */
     /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model
-		 * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
+     * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
     ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
   } while ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP));
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ static void *RecvFromIPPort(void *arg) {
     OpalSetAsyncRecvIconData(mdldata, mdldata_size, RecvID);
     /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model
-		 * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
+     * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
     ModelState = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
   } while ((ModelState != STATE_RESET) && (ModelState != STATE_STOP));
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   /* Get IP Controler Parameters (ie: ip address, port number...) and
-	 * initialize the device on the QNX node. */
+   * initialize the device on the QNX node. */
   memset(&IconCtrlStruct, 0, sizeof(IconCtrlStruct));
   ret = OpalGetAsyncCtrlParameters(&IconCtrlStruct, sizeof(IconCtrlStruct));
diff --git a/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/socket.c b/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/socket.c
index 77cc5ec3b..d6a2e1ab6 100644
--- a/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/socket.c
+++ b/clients/opal/models/send_receive/src/socket.c
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ int socket_recv(struct socket *s, char *data, int len, double timeout) {
   tv.tv_usec = (int)((timeout - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000);
   /* Wait for a packet. We use select() to have a timeout. This is
-	 * necessary when reseting the model so we don't wait indefinitely
-	 * and prevent the process from exiting and freeing the port for
-	 * a future instance (model load). */
+   * necessary when reseting the model so we don't wait indefinitely
+   * and prevent the process from exiting and freeing the port for
+   * a future instance (model load). */
   ret = select(s->sd + 1, &sd_set, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &tv);
   switch (ret) {
   case -1: // Error
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ int socket_recv(struct socket *s, char *data, int len, double timeout) {
     if (!(FD_ISSET(s->sd, &sd_set))) {
       /* We received something, but it's not on "sd". Since sd is the only
-				 * descriptor in the set... */
+       * descriptor in the set... */
       OpalPrint("%s: RecvPacket: God, is that You trying to reach me?\n",
       return -1;
diff --git a/fpga/gpu/src/kernels.cu b/fpga/gpu/src/kernels.cu
index 0fe60b941..2c175d732 100644
--- a/fpga/gpu/src/kernels.cu
+++ b/fpga/gpu/src/kernels.cu
@@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ using namespace villas::gpu;
 __global__ void
 kernel_mailbox(volatile uint32_t *mailbox, volatile uint32_t* counter)
-	printf("[gpu] hello!\n");
-	printf("[gpu] mailbox: %p\n", mailbox);
+  printf("[gpu] hello!\n");
+  printf("[gpu] mailbox: %p\n", mailbox);
-	printf("[kernel] started\n");
+  printf("[kernel] started\n");
-	while (1) {
-		if (*mailbox == 1) {
-			*mailbox = 0;
-			printf("[gpu] counter = %d\n", *counter);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
+  while (1) {
+    if (*mailbox == 1) {
+      *mailbox = 0;
+      printf("[gpu] counter = %d\n", *counter);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
-	printf("[gpu] quit\n");
+  printf("[gpu] quit\n");
 __global__ void
 kernel_memcpy(volatile uint8_t* dst, volatile uint8_t* src, size_t length)
-	while (length > 0) {
-		*dst++ = *src++;
-		length--;
-	}
+  while (length > 0) {
+    *dst++ = *src++;
+    length--;
+  }
diff --git a/fpga/lib/ips/emc.cpp b/fpga/lib/ips/emc.cpp
index 2d41803b9..a4b34f9d5 100644
--- a/fpga/lib/ips/emc.cpp
+++ b/fpga/lib/ips/emc.cpp
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ bool EMC::read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, uint8_t *data) {
   int ret;
   /* Reset the Flash Device. This clears the ret registers and puts
-	 * the device in Read mode.
-	 */
+   * the device in Read mode.
+   */
   ret = XFlash_Reset(&xflash);
   if (ret != XST_SUCCESS)
     return false;
@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ bool EMC::flash(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, uint8_t *data) {
   uint32_t start = offset;
   /* Reset the Flash Device. This clears the ret registers and puts
-	 * the device in Read mode. */
+   * the device in Read mode. */
   ret = XFlash_Reset(&xflash);
   if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {
     return false;
   /* Perform an unlock operation before the erase operation for the Intel
-	 * Flash. The erase operation will result in an error if the block is
-	 * locked. */
+   * Flash. The erase operation will result in an error if the block is
+   * locked. */
   if ((xflash.CommandSet == XFL_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD) ||
       (xflash.CommandSet == XFL_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED) ||
       (xflash.CommandSet == XFL_CMDSET_INTEL_G18)) {
diff --git a/fpga/tests/unit/dma.cpp b/fpga/tests/unit/dma.cpp
index 03796a458..f17515bd4 100644
--- a/fpga/tests/unit/dma.cpp
+++ b/fpga/tests/unit/dma.cpp
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ Test(fpga, dma, .description = "DMA") {
     size_t len = 4 * (1 << 10);
 #if 0
-		// Allocate memory to use with DMA
-		auto src = HostDmaRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
-		auto dst = HostDmaRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
+    // Allocate memory to use with DMA
+    auto src = HostDmaRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
+    auto dst = HostDmaRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
 #elif 0
     // ... only works with IOMMU enabled currently
diff --git a/fpga/tests/unit/gpu_kernels.cu b/fpga/tests/unit/gpu_kernels.cu
index de20088cb..3e6676ff0 100644
--- a/fpga/tests/unit/gpu_kernels.cu
+++ b/fpga/tests/unit/gpu_kernels.cu
@@ -19,40 +19,40 @@ gpu_rtds_rtt_kernel(volatile uint32_t* dataIn, volatile reg_doorbell_t* doorbell
                     volatile uint32_t* dataOut, volatile villas::fpga::ip::ControlRegister* controlRegister,
                     int* run)
-	printf("[gpu] gpu kernel go\n");
+  printf("[gpu] gpu kernel go\n");
-	printf("dataIn:      %p\n", dataIn);
-	printf("doorbellIn:  %p\n", doorbellIn);
-	printf("dataOut:     %p\n", dataOut);
-	printf("control:     %p\n", controlRegister);
-	printf("run:         %p\n", run);
+  printf("dataIn:      %p\n", dataIn);
+  printf("doorbellIn:  %p\n", doorbellIn);
+  printf("dataOut:     %p\n", dataOut);
+  printf("control:     %p\n", controlRegister);
+  printf("run:         %p\n", run);
-//	*run = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(malloc(sizeof(bool)));
-//	**run = true;
+//  *run = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(malloc(sizeof(bool)));
+//  **run = true;
-	uint32_t last_seq;
-	while (*run) {
-		// wait for data
-//		printf("[gpu] wait for data, last_seq=%u\n", last_seq);
-		while (not (doorbellIn->is_valid and (last_seq != doorbellIn->seq_nr)) and *run);
-//			printf("doorbell: 0x%08x\n", doorbellIn->value);
+  uint32_t last_seq;
+  while (*run) {
+    // wait for data
+//    printf("[gpu] wait for data, last_seq=%u\n", last_seq);
+    while (not (doorbellIn->is_valid and (last_seq != doorbellIn->seq_nr)) and *run);
+//      printf("doorbell: 0x%08x\n", doorbellIn->value);
-		last_seq = doorbellIn->seq_nr;
+    last_seq = doorbellIn->seq_nr;
-//		printf("[gpu] copy data\n");
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < doorbellIn->count; i++) {
-			dataOut[i] = dataIn[i];
-		}
+//    printf("[gpu] copy data\n");
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < doorbellIn->count; i++) {
+      dataOut[i] = dataIn[i];
+    }
-		// reset doorbell
-//		printf("[gpu] reset doorbell\n");
-//		doorbellIn->value = 0;
+    // reset doorbell
+//    printf("[gpu] reset doorbell\n");
+//    doorbellIn->value = 0;
-//		printf("[gpu] signal go for gpu2rtds\n");
-		controlRegister->ap_start = 1;
-	}
+//    printf("[gpu] signal go for gpu2rtds\n");
+    controlRegister->ap_start = 1;
+  }
-	printf("kernel done\n");
+  printf("kernel done\n");
 static int* run = nullptr;
@@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ static int* run = nullptr;
 void gpu_rtds_rtt_start(volatile uint32_t* dataIn, volatile reg_doorbell_t* doorbellIn,
                         volatile uint32_t* dataOut, volatile villas::fpga::ip::ControlRegister* controlRegister)
-	printf("run:         %p\n", run);
-	if (run == nullptr) {
-		run = (int*)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
-		cudaHostRegister(run, sizeof(uint32_t), 0);
-	}
-	printf("run:         %p\n", run);
+  printf("run:         %p\n", run);
+  if (run == nullptr) {
+    run = (int*)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
+    cudaHostRegister(run, sizeof(uint32_t), 0);
+  }
+  printf("run:         %p\n", run);
-	*run = 1;
-	gpu_rtds_rtt_kernel<<<1, 1>>>(dataIn, doorbellIn, dataOut, controlRegister, run);
-	printf("[cpu] kernel launched\n");
+  *run = 1;
+  gpu_rtds_rtt_kernel<<<1, 1>>>(dataIn, doorbellIn, dataOut, controlRegister, run);
+  printf("[cpu] kernel launched\n");
 void gpu_rtds_rtt_stop()
-	*run = 0;
-	cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+  *run = 0;
+  cudaDeviceSynchronize();
diff --git a/include/villas/api.hpp b/include/villas/api.hpp
index 7ced72a0a..ff3f53f86 100644
--- a/include/villas/api.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/api.hpp
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ protected:
   /* Initialize the API.
-	 *
-	 * Save references to list of paths / nodes for command execution.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Save references to list of paths / nodes for command execution.
+   */
   Api(SuperNode *sn);
diff --git a/include/villas/format.hpp b/include/villas/format.hpp
index 76ba1571f..31af72165 100644
--- a/include/villas/format.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/format.hpp
@@ -62,30 +62,30 @@ public:
   virtual int scan(FILE *f, struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt);
   /* Print \p cnt samples from \p smps into buffer \p buf of length \p len.
-	 *
-	 * @param buf[out]	The buffer which should be filled with serialized data.
-	 * @param len[in]	The length of the buffer \p buf.
-	 * @param rbytes[out]	The number of bytes which have been written to \p buf. Ignored if nullptr.
-	 * @param smps[in]	The array of pointers to samples.
-	 * @param cnt[in]	The number of pointers in the array \p smps.
-	 *
-	 * @retval >=0		The number of samples from \p smps which have been written into \p buf.
-	 * @retval <0		Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param buf[out]	The buffer which should be filled with serialized data.
+   * @param len[in]	The length of the buffer \p buf.
+   * @param rbytes[out]	The number of bytes which have been written to \p buf. Ignored if nullptr.
+   * @param smps[in]	The array of pointers to samples.
+   * @param cnt[in]	The number of pointers in the array \p smps.
+   *
+   * @retval >=0		The number of samples from \p smps which have been written into \p buf.
+   * @retval <0		Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int sprint(char *buf, size_t len, size_t *wbytes,
                      const struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt) = 0;
   /* Parse samples from the buffer \p buf with a length of \p len bytes.
-	 *
-	 * @param buf[in]	The buffer of data which should be parsed / de-serialized.
-	 * @param len[in]	The length of the buffer \p buf.
-	 * @param rbytes[out]	The number of bytes which have been read from \p buf.
-	 * @param smps[out]	The array of pointers to samples.
-	 * @param cnt[in]	The number of pointers in the array \p smps.
-	 *
-	 * @retval >=0		The number of samples which have been parsed from \p buf and written into \p smps.
-	 * @retval <0		Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param buf[in]	The buffer of data which should be parsed / de-serialized.
+   * @param len[in]	The length of the buffer \p buf.
+   * @param rbytes[out]	The number of bytes which have been read from \p buf.
+   * @param smps[out]	The array of pointers to samples.
+   * @param cnt[in]	The number of pointers in the array \p smps.
+   *
+   * @retval >=0		The number of samples which have been parsed from \p buf and written into \p smps.
+   * @retval <0		Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int sscan(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t *rbytes,
                     struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt) = 0;
diff --git a/include/villas/hook_list.hpp b/include/villas/hook_list.hpp
index daa1bc86e..52064552e 100644
--- a/include/villas/hook_list.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/hook_list.hpp
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ public:
   HookList() {}
   /* Parses an object of hooks
-	 *
-	 * Example:
-	 *
-	 * {
-	 *    stats = {
-	 *       output = "stdout"
-	 *    },
-	 *    skip_first = {
-	 *       seconds = 10
-	 *    },
-	 *    hooks = [ "print" ]
-	 * }
-	 */
+   *
+   * Example:
+   *
+   * {
+   *    stats = {
+   *       output = "stdout"
+   *    },
+   *    skip_first = {
+   *       seconds = 10
+   *    },
+   *    hooks = [ "print" ]
+   * }
+   */
   void parse(json_t *json, int mask, Path *p, Node *n);
   void check();
diff --git a/include/villas/kernel/if.hpp b/include/villas/kernel/if.hpp
index a295e80f7..d25cf371b 100644
--- a/include/villas/kernel/if.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/kernel/if.hpp
@@ -60,50 +60,50 @@ public:
   /* Start interface.
-	 *
-	 * This setups traffic controls queue discs, network emulation and
-	 * maps interface IRQs according to affinity.
-	 *
-	 * @param i A pointer to the interface structure.
-	 * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This setups traffic controls queue discs, network emulation and
+   * maps interface IRQs according to affinity.
+   *
+   * @param i A pointer to the interface structure.
+   * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int start();
   /* Stop interface
-	 *
-	 * This resets traffic qdiscs ant network emulation
-	 * and maps interface IRQs to all CPUs.
-	 *
-	 * @param i A pointer to the interface structure.
-	 * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This resets traffic qdiscs ant network emulation
+   * and maps interface IRQs to all CPUs.
+   *
+   * @param i A pointer to the interface structure.
+   * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int stop();
   /* Find existing or create new interface instance on which packets for a certain destination
-	 *  will leave the system.
-	 */
+   *  will leave the system.
+   */
   static Interface *getEgress(struct sockaddr *sa, node::SuperNode *sn);
   /* Get all IRQs for this interface.
-	 *
-	 * Only MSI IRQs are determined by looking at:
-	 *  /sys/class/net/{ifname}/device/msi_irqs/
-	 *
-	 * @param i A pointer to the interface structure
-	 * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Only MSI IRQs are determined by looking at:
+   *  /sys/class/net/{ifname}/device/msi_irqs/
+   *
+   * @param i A pointer to the interface structure
+   * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int getIRQs();
   /* Change the SMP affinity of NIC interrupts.
-	 *
-	 * @param i A pointer to the interface structure
-	 * @param affinity A mask specifying which cores should handle this interrupt.
-	 * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param i A pointer to the interface structure
+   * @param affinity A mask specifying which cores should handle this interrupt.
+   * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int setAffinity(int affinity);
   std::string getName() const;
diff --git a/include/villas/mapping.hpp b/include/villas/mapping.hpp
index 5a04b9c3e..364d2abbe 100644
--- a/include/villas/mapping.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/mapping.hpp
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public:
   enum Type type; // The mapping type. Selects one of the union fields below.
   /* The number of values which is covered by this mapping entry.
-	 *
-	 * A value of 0 indicates that all remaining values starting from the offset of a sample should be mapped.
-	 */
+   *
+   * A value of 0 indicates that all remaining values starting from the offset of a sample should be mapped.
+   */
   int length;
   unsigned offset; // Offset of this mapping entry within sample::data
diff --git a/include/villas/node.hpp b/include/villas/node.hpp
index adfa7480e..ab988361b 100644
--- a/include/villas/node.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/node.hpp
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ public:
   virtual int prepare();
   /* Parse settings of a node.
-	 *
-	 * @param json A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
-	 * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param json A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
+   * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int parse(json_t *json);
   // Validate node configuration.
@@ -148,54 +148,54 @@ public:
   virtual int restart();
   /* Receive multiple messages at once.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * Messages are received with a single recvmsg() syscall by
-	 * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
-	 * The messages will be stored in a circular buffer / array @p m.
-	 * Indexes used to address @p m will wrap around after len messages.
-	 * Some node-types might only support to receive one message at a time.
-	 *
-	 * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where the function should store received samples.
-	 * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
-	 * @return		    The number of messages actually received.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * Messages are received with a single recvmsg() syscall by
+   * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
+   * The messages will be stored in a circular buffer / array @p m.
+   * Indexes used to address @p m will wrap around after len messages.
+   * Some node-types might only support to receive one message at a time.
+   *
+   * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where the function should store received samples.
+   * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
+   * @return		    The number of messages actually received.
+   */
   int read(struct Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt);
   /* Send multiple messages in a single datagram / packet.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * Messages are sent with a single sendmsg() syscall by
-	 * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
-	 * The messages have to be stored in a circular buffer / array m.
-	 * So the indexes will wrap around after len.
-	 *
-	 * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where samples read from.
-	 * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
-	 * @return		    The number of messages actually sent.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * Messages are sent with a single sendmsg() syscall by
+   * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
+   * The messages have to be stored in a circular buffer / array m.
+   * So the indexes will wrap around after len.
+   *
+   * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where samples read from.
+   * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
+   * @return		    The number of messages actually sent.
+   */
   int write(struct Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt);
   // Reverse local and remote socket address.
   virtual int reverse() { return -1; }
   /* Get a list of file descriptors on which the path should poll
-	 *  to detect the availability of new samples which can be read.
-	 */
+   *  to detect the availability of new samples which can be read.
+   */
   virtual std::vector<int> getPollFDs() { return {}; }
   /* Get a list of socket file descriptors which are used by the node
-	 * To perform network IO. We use those to selectively apply network emulation
-	 */
+   * To perform network IO. We use those to selectively apply network emulation
+   */
   virtual std::vector<int> getNetemFDs() { return {}; }
   /* Get the memory type which this node-type expects.
-	 *
-	 * This is useful for special node-types like Infiniband, GPUs & FPGAs
-	 * which require DMA-backed memory.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This is useful for special node-types like Infiniband, GPUs & FPGAs
+   * which require DMA-backed memory.
+   */
   virtual struct villas::node::memory::Type *getMemoryType() {
     return villas::node::memory::default_type;
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ public:
   villas::node::NodeFactory *getFactory() const { return factory; }
   /* Return a pointer to a string which should be used to print this node.
-	 *
-	 * @param n A pointer to the node structure.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param n A pointer to the node structure.
+   */
   std::string getNameShort() const { return name_short; }
   // Return a pointer to a string which should be used to print this node.
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ public:
   /* Return a pointer to a string which should be used to print this node.
-	 *
-	 * @param n A pointer to the node structure.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param n A pointer to the node structure.
+   */
   const std::string &getNameLong();
   /* Return a list of signals which are sent to this node.
-	 *
-	 * This list is derived from the path which uses the node as destination.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This list is derived from the path which uses the node as destination.
+   */
   SignalList::Ptr getOutputSignals(bool after_hooks = true) const;
   SignalList::Ptr getInputSignals(bool after_hooks = true) const;
diff --git a/include/villas/node_compat.hpp b/include/villas/node_compat.hpp
index 00e8b4016..301b075f9 100644
--- a/include/villas/node_compat.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/node_compat.hpp
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ public:
   /* Parse node connection details.
-	 *
-	 * @param json	A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
-	 * @retval 0 	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param json	A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
+   * @retval 0 	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int parse(json_t *json);
   // Returns a string with a textual represenation of this node.
@@ -61,59 +61,59 @@ public:
   /* Check the current node configuration for plausability and errors.
-	 *
-	 * @retval 0 	Success. Node configuration is good.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. The node configuration is bogus.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @retval 0 	Success. Node configuration is good.
+   * @retval <0	Error. The node configuration is bogus.
+   */
   virtual int check();
   virtual int prepare();
   /* Start this node.
-	 *
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int start();
   /* Stop this node.
-	 *
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int stop();
   /* Restart this node.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int restart();
   /* Pause this node.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int pause();
   /* Resume this node.
-	 *
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   virtual int resume();
   /* Reverse source and destination of a node.
-	 */
+   */
   virtual int reverse();
   virtual std::vector<int> getPollFDs();
diff --git a/include/villas/node_compat_type.hpp b/include/villas/node_compat_type.hpp
index 86c47b553..e3af4925a 100644
--- a/include/villas/node_compat_type.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/node_compat_type.hpp
@@ -37,182 +37,182 @@ public:
   struct {
     /* Global initialization per node type.
-		 *
-		 * This callback is invoked once per node-type.
-		 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-		 *
-		 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-		 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-		 */
+     *
+     * This callback is invoked once per node-type.
+     * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+     *
+     * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+     * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+     */
     int (*start)(SuperNode *sn);
     /* Global de-initialization per node type.
-		 *
-		 * This callback is invoked once per node-type.
-		 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-		 *
-		 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-		 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-		 */
+     *
+     * This callback is invoked once per node-type.
+     * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+     *
+     * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+     * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+     */
     int (*stop)();
   } type;
   /* Initialize a new node instance.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*init)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Free memory of an instance of this type.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   */
   int (*destroy)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Parse node connection details.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @param json	A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
-	 * @retval 0 	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @param json	A JSON object containing the configuration of the node.
+   * @retval 0 	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*parse)(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json);
   /* Check the current node configuration for plausability and errors.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0 	Success. Node configuration is good.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. The node configuration is bogus.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0 	Success. Node configuration is good.
+   * @retval <0	Error. The node configuration is bogus.
+   */
   int (*check)(NodeCompat *n);
   int (*prepare)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Returns a string with a textual represenation of this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @return	A pointer to a dynamically allocated string. Must be freed().
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @return	A pointer to a dynamically allocated string. Must be freed().
+   */
   char *(*print)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Start this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*start)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Restart this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*restart)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Stop this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*stop)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Pause this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*pause)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Resume this node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
-	 * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   * @retval 0	Success. Everything went well.
+   * @retval <0	Error. Something went wrong.
+   */
   int (*resume)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Receive multiple messages at once.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * Messages are received with a single recvmsg() syscall by
-	 * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
-	 * The messages will be stored in a circular buffer / array @p m.
-	 * Indexes used to address @p m will wrap around after len messages.
-	 * Some node-types might only support to receive one message at a time.
-	 *
-	 * @param n		    A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where the function should store received samples.
-	 * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
-	 * @param release	The number of samples that should be released after read is called.
-	 * @return		    The number of messages actually received.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * Messages are received with a single recvmsg() syscall by
+   * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
+   * The messages will be stored in a circular buffer / array @p m.
+   * Indexes used to address @p m will wrap around after len messages.
+   * Some node-types might only support to receive one message at a time.
+   *
+   * @param n		    A pointer to the node object.
+   * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where the function should store received samples.
+   * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
+   * @param release	The number of samples that should be released after read is called.
+   * @return		    The number of messages actually received.
+   */
   int (*read)(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt);
   /* Send multiple messages in a single datagram / packet.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * Messages are sent with a single sendmsg() syscall by
-	 * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
-	 * The messages have to be stored in a circular buffer / array m.
-	 * So the indexes will wrap around after len.
-	 *
-	 * @param n		A pointer to the node object.
-	 * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where samples read from.
-	 * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
-	 * @param release	The number of samples that should be released after write is called
-	 * @return		The number of messages actually sent.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * Messages are sent with a single sendmsg() syscall by
+   * using gathering techniques (struct iovec).
+   * The messages have to be stored in a circular buffer / array m.
+   * So the indexes will wrap around after len.
+   *
+   * @param n		A pointer to the node object.
+   * @param smps		An array of pointers to memory blocks where samples read from.
+   * @param cnt		The number of samples that are allocated by the calling function.
+   * @param release	The number of samples that should be released after write is called
+   * @return		The number of messages actually sent.
+   */
   int (*write)(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt);
   /* Reverse source and destination of a node.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @param n	A pointer to the node object.
+   */
   int (*reverse)(NodeCompat *n);
   /* Get list of file descriptors which can be used by poll/select to detect the availability of new data.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @return The number of file descriptors which have been put into \p fds.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @return The number of file descriptors which have been put into \p fds.
+   */
   int (*poll_fds)(NodeCompat *n, int fds[]);
   /* Get list of socket file descriptors for configuring network emulation.
-	 *
-	 * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
-	 *
-	 * @return The number of file descriptors which have been put into \p sds.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This callback is optional. It will only be called if non-null.
+   *
+   * @return The number of file descriptors which have been put into \p sds.
+   */
   int (*netem_fds)(NodeCompat *n, int sds[]);
   // Return a memory allocator which should be used for sample pools passed to this node.
diff --git a/include/villas/node_direction.hpp b/include/villas/node_direction.hpp
index 2a3a97167..ecd69b356 100644
--- a/include/villas/node_direction.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/node_direction.hpp
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ public:
   } direction;
   /* The path which uses this node as a source/destination.
-	 *
-	 * Usually every node should be used only by a single path as destination.
-	 * Otherwise samples from different paths would be interleaved.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Usually every node should be used only by a single path as destination.
+   * Otherwise samples from different paths would be interleaved.
+   */
   Path *path;
   Node *node;
diff --git a/include/villas/node_list.hpp b/include/villas/node_list.hpp
index c164e66be..7afde3a0d 100644
--- a/include/villas/node_list.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/node_list.hpp
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ public:
   Node *lookup(const uuid_t &uuid);
   /* Parse an array or single node and checks if they exist in the "nodes" section.
-	 *
-	 * Examples:
-	 *     out = [ "sintef", "scedu" ]
-	 *     out = "acs"
-	 *
-	 * @param json A JSON array or string. See examples above.
-	 * @param nodes The nodes will be added to this list.
-	 * @param all This list contains all valid nodes.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Examples:
+   *     out = [ "sintef", "scedu" ]
+   *     out = "acs"
+   *
+   * @param json A JSON array or string. See examples above.
+   * @param nodes The nodes will be added to this list.
+   * @param all This list contains all valid nodes.
+   */
   int parse(json_t *json, NodeList &all);
   json_t *toJson() const;
diff --git a/include/villas/nodes/example.hpp b/include/villas/nodes/example.hpp
index 55129bbb4..32bb96b0f 100644
--- a/include/villas/nodes/example.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/nodes/example.hpp
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public:
   ExampleNode(const uuid_t &id = {}, const std::string &name = "");
   /* All of the following virtual-declared functions are optional.
-	 * Have a look at node.hpp/node.cpp for the default behaviour.
-	 */
+   * Have a look at node.hpp/node.cpp for the default behaviour.
+   */
   virtual ~ExampleNode();
diff --git a/include/villas/nodes/infiniband.hpp b/include/villas/nodes/infiniband.hpp
index b43bab236..de6870f76 100644
--- a/include/villas/nodes/infiniband.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/nodes/infiniband.hpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ struct infiniband {
     unsigned available_recv_wrs;
     /* Fixed number to substract from min. number available
-		 * WRs in receive queue */
+     * WRs in receive queue */
     unsigned buffer_subtraction;
     // Unrealiable connectionless data
diff --git a/include/villas/sample.hpp b/include/villas/sample.hpp
index 4c4059170..a651d4858 100644
--- a/include/villas/sample.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/sample.hpp
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ struct Sample {
   } ts;
   /* The sample signal values.
-	 *
-	 * This variable length array (VLA) extends over the end of struct Sample.
-	 * Make sure that pointers to struct Sample point to memory blocks of adequate size.
-	 * Use the SAMPLE_LENGTH() macro to calculate the required size.
-	 *
-	 * Metadata describing the details of signal values (such as name, unit, data type and more)
-	 * are stored in the struct Sample::signals list. Each entry in this list corresponedents
-	 * to an entry in the struct Sample::data array.
-	 */
+   *
+   * This variable length array (VLA) extends over the end of struct Sample.
+   * Make sure that pointers to struct Sample point to memory blocks of adequate size.
+   * Use the SAMPLE_LENGTH() macro to calculate the required size.
+   *
+   * Metadata describing the details of signal values (such as name, unit, data type and more)
+   * are stored in the struct Sample::signals list. Each entry in this list corresponedents
+   * to an entry in the struct Sample::data array.
+   */
   union SignalData data[];
diff --git a/include/villas/super_node.hpp b/include/villas/super_node.hpp
index b9b72c815..d20e5625e 100644
--- a/include/villas/super_node.hpp
+++ b/include/villas/super_node.hpp
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ public:
   void parse(const std::string &name);
   /* Parse super-node configuration.
-	 *
-	 * @param json A libjansson object which contains the configuration.
-	 */
+   *
+   * @param json A libjansson object which contains the configuration.
+   */
   void parse(json_t *json);
   // Check validity of super node configuration.
diff --git a/lib/api/session.cpp b/lib/api/session.cpp
index 123599237..331f6a1dc 100644
--- a/lib/api/session.cpp
+++ b/lib/api/session.cpp
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ void Session::open(void *in, size_t len) {
         RequestFactory::create(this, uri, method, len));
     /* This is an OPTIONS request.
-		 *
-		 *  We immediatly send headers and close the connection
-		 *  without waiting for a POST body */
+     *
+     *  We immediatly send headers and close the connection
+     *  without waiting for a POST body */
     if (method == Method::OPTIONS)
     /* This request has no body.
-		 * We can reply immediatly */
+     * We can reply immediatly */
     else if (len == 0)
     else {
@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ int Session::protocolCallback(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason,
     ret = s->writeable();
-			 * HTTP/1.0 no keepalive: close network connection
-			 * HTTP/1.1 or HTTP1.0 + KA: wait / process next transaction
-			 * HTTP/2: stream ended, parent connection remains up
-			 */
+       * HTTP/1.0 no keepalive: close network connection
+       * HTTP/1.1 or HTTP1.0 + KA: wait / process next transaction
+       * HTTP/2: stream ended, parent connection remains up
+       */
     if (ret) {
       if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
         return -1;
diff --git a/lib/formats/raw.cpp b/lib/formats/raw.cpp
index cc65fa7ce..d4b4bf789 100644
--- a/lib/formats/raw.cpp
+++ b/lib/formats/raw.cpp
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ int RawFormat::sscan(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t *rbytes,
   /* The raw format can not encode multiple samples in one buffer
-	 * as there is no support for framing. */
+   * as there is no support for framing. */
   struct Sample *smp = smps[0];
   int o = 0;
diff --git a/lib/formats/villas_human.cpp b/lib/formats/villas_human.cpp
index 5552d6fa8..73434be93 100644
--- a/lib/formats/villas_human.cpp
+++ b/lib/formats/villas_human.cpp
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ size_t VILLASHumanFormat::sscanLine(const char *buf, size_t len,
   smp->signals = signals;
   /* Format: Seconds.NanoSeconds+Offset(SequenceNumber)Flags Value1 Value2 ...
-	 * RegEx: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([-+]\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)?(?:\((\d+)\))?(F)?
-	 *
-	 * Please note that only the seconds and at least one value are mandatory
-	 */
+   * RegEx: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([-+]\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)?(?:\((\d+)\))?(F)?
+   *
+   * Please note that only the seconds and at least one value are mandatory
+   */
   // Mandatory: seconds
   smp->ts.origin.tv_sec = (uint32_t)strtoul(ptr, &end, 10);
diff --git a/lib/hooks/jitter_calc.cpp b/lib/hooks/jitter_calc.cpp
index 628a6be40..3160c4b26 100644
--- a/lib/hooks/jitter_calc.cpp
+++ b/lib/hooks/jitter_calc.cpp
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ public:
         delay_mov_sum(0), delay_mov_sum_sqrd(0), curr_count(0) {}
   /* Hook to calculate jitter between GTNET-SKT GPS timestamp and Villas node NTP timestamp.
-	 *
-	 * Drawbacks: No protection for out of order packets. Default positive delay assumed,
-	 * so GPS timestamp should be earlier than NTP timestamp. If difference b/w NTP and GPS ts
-	 * is high (i.e. several mins depending on GPS_NTP_DELAY_WIN_SIZE),
-	 * the variance value will overrun the 64bit value.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Drawbacks: No protection for out of order packets. Default positive delay assumed,
+   * so GPS timestamp should be earlier than NTP timestamp. If difference b/w NTP and GPS ts
+   * is high (i.e. several mins depending on GPS_NTP_DELAY_WIN_SIZE),
+   * the variance value will overrun the 64bit value.
+   */
   virtual Hook::Reason process(struct Sample *smp) {
     assert(state == State::STARTED);
diff --git a/lib/hooks/lua.cpp b/lib/hooks/lua.cpp
index d9e7c9518..97f15368e 100644
--- a/lib/hooks/lua.cpp
+++ b/lib/hooks/lua.cpp
@@ -548,15 +548,15 @@ void LuaHook::prepare() {
   /* Check if we need to protect the Lua state with a mutex
-	 * This is the case if we have a periodic callback defined
-	 * As periodic() gets called from the main thread
-	 */
+   * This is the case if we have a periodic callback defined
+   * As periodic() gets called from the main thread
+   */
   needsLocking = functions.periodic > 0;
   // Prepare Lua process()
   if (functions.process) {
     /* We currently do not support the alteration of
-		 * signal metadata in process() */
+     * signal metadata in process() */
     signalsProcessed = signals;
diff --git a/lib/hooks/pmu_dft.cpp b/lib/hooks/pmu_dft.cpp
index bac7e49ed..8345d13f8 100644
--- a/lib/hooks/pmu_dft.cpp
+++ b/lib/hooks/pmu_dft.cpp
@@ -495,8 +495,8 @@ public:
-	 * This function generates the furie coeffients for the calculateDft function
-	 */
+   * This function generates the furie coeffients for the calculateDft function
+   */
   void generateDftMatrix() {
     using namespace std::complex_literals;
@@ -510,13 +510,13 @@ public:
-	 * This function calculates the discrete furie transform of the input signal
-	 */
+   * This function calculates the discrete furie transform of the input signal
+   */
   void calculateDft(enum PaddingType padding, std::vector<double> &ringBuffer,
                     std::vector<std::complex<double>> &results,
                     unsigned ringBufferPos) {
     /* RingBuffer size needs to be equal to windowSize
-		 * prepare sample window The following parts can be combined */
+     * prepare sample window The following parts can be combined */
     double tmpSmpWindow[windowSize];
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < windowSize; i++)
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ public:
-	 * This function prepares the selected window coefficents
-	 */
+   * This function prepares the selected window coefficents
+   */
   void calculateWindow(enum WindowType windowTypeIn) {
     switch (windowTypeIn) {
     case WindowType::FLATTOP:
@@ -603,11 +603,11 @@ public:
-	 * This function is calculation the IpDFT based on the following paper:
-	 *
-	 * https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7980868&tag=1
-	 *
-	 */
+   * This function is calculation the IpDFT based on the following paper:
+   *
+   * https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7980868&tag=1
+   *
+   */
   DftEstimate lpdftEstimation(const Point &a, const Point &b, const Point &c,
                               unsigned maxFBin, double startFrequency,
                               double frequencyResolution, double multiplier,
@@ -638,12 +638,12 @@ public:
-	 * This function is calculating the mximum based on a quadratic interpolation
-	 *
-	 * This function is based on the following paper:
-	 * https://mgasior.web.cern.ch/pap/biw2004.pdf (equation 10) (freq estimation)
-	 * https://dspguru.com/dsp/howtos/how-to-interpolate-fft-peak/
-	 */
+   * This function is calculating the mximum based on a quadratic interpolation
+   *
+   * This function is based on the following paper:
+   * https://mgasior.web.cern.ch/pap/biw2004.pdf (equation 10) (freq estimation)
+   * https://dspguru.com/dsp/howtos/how-to-interpolate-fft-peak/
+   */
   DftEstimate quadraticEstimation(const Point &a, const Point &b,
                                   const Point &c, unsigned maxFBin,
                                   double startFrequency,
diff --git a/lib/kernel/tc.cpp b/lib/kernel/tc.cpp
index 30f7907fe..fd43d65e0 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/tc.cpp
+++ b/lib/kernel/tc.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ int villas::kernel::tc::prio(Interface *i, struct rtnl_qdisc **qd,
     throw RuntimeError("Failed to load kernel module: sch_prio ({})", ret);
   /* This is the default priomap used by the tc-prio qdisc
-	 * We will use the first 'bands' bands internally */
+   * We will use the first 'bands' bands internally */
   uint8_t map[] = QDISC_PRIO_DEFAULT_PRIOMAP;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(map); i++)
     map[i] += bands;
diff --git a/lib/memory/managed.cpp b/lib/memory/managed.cpp
index 3a29bc4dc..50a27de09 100644
--- a/lib/memory/managed.cpp
+++ b/lib/memory/managed.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static struct Allocation *managed_alloc(size_t len, size_t alignment,
     uintptr_t uptr = (uintptr_t)cptr;
     /* Check alignment first; leave a gap at start of block to assure
-		 * alignment if necessary */
+     * alignment if necessary */
     uintptr_t rem = uptr % alignment;
     uintptr_t gap = 0;
     if (rem != 0) {
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ static struct Allocation *managed_alloc(size_t len, size_t alignment,
     if (avail >= len) {
       if (gap > sizeof(struct Block)) {
         /* The alignment gap is big enough to fit another block.
-				 * The original block descriptor is already at the correct
-				 * position, so we just change its len and create a new block
-				 * descriptor for the actual block we're handling. */
+         * The original block descriptor is already at the correct
+         * position, so we just change its len and create a new block
+         * descriptor for the actual block we're handling. */
         block->length = gap - sizeof(struct Block);
         struct Block *newblock = (struct Block *)(cptr - sizeof(struct Block));
         newblock->prev = block;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static struct Allocation *managed_alloc(size_t len, size_t alignment,
         block = newblock;
       } else {
         /* The gap is too small to fit another block descriptor, so we
-				 * must account for the gap length in the block length. */
+         * must account for the gap length in the block length. */
         block->length = len + gap;
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ static struct Allocation *managed_alloc(size_t len, size_t alignment,
         newblock->length = avail - len - sizeof(struct Block);
       } else {
         /* If this block was larger than the requested length, but only
-				 * by less than sizeof(struct Block), we may have wasted
-				 * memory by previous assignments to block->length. */
+         * by less than sizeof(struct Block), we may have wasted
+         * memory by previous assignments to block->length. */
         block->length = avail;
diff --git a/lib/memory/mmap.cpp b/lib/memory/mmap.cpp
index 3023ce374..96f880838 100644
--- a/lib/memory/mmap.cpp
+++ b/lib/memory/mmap.cpp
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ static struct Allocation *mmap_alloc(size_t len, size_t alignment,
   /* We must make sure that len is a multiple of the page size
-	 *
-	 * See: https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/10/22/925
-	 */
+   *
+   * See: https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/10/22/925
+   *//
   ma->length = ALIGN(len, sz);
   ma->alignment = ALIGN(alignment, sz);
   ma->type = m;
diff --git a/lib/node.cpp b/lib/node.cpp
index a4d1a4f23..e9a7e9017 100644
--- a/lib/node.cpp
+++ b/lib/node.cpp
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ json_t *Node::toJson() const {
     json_object_set_new(json_node, "status", status);
   /* Add all additional fields of node here.
-	 * This can be used for metadata */
+   * This can be used for metadata */
   json_object_update(json_node, config);
   return json_node;
diff --git a/lib/nodes/comedi.cpp b/lib/nodes/comedi.cpp
index 803d8ce09..29cb9cd27 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/comedi.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/comedi.cpp
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static int comedi_start_in(NodeCompat *n) {
   cmd.subdev = d->subdevice;
   /* Make card send interrupts after every sample, not only when fifo is half
-	 * full (TODO: evaluate if this makes sense, leave as reminder) */
+   * full (TODO: evaluate if this makes sense, leave as reminder) */
   //cmd.flags = TRIG_WAKE_EOS;
   // Start right now
diff --git a/lib/nodes/example.cpp b/lib/nodes/example.cpp
index 1914d3dec..b834f91ee 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/example.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/example.cpp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int ExampleNode::_read(struct Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) {
   smps[0]->data[0].f = time_delta(&now, &start_time);
   /* Dont forget to set other flags in struct Sample::flags
-	 * E.g. for sequence no, timestamps... */
+   * E.g. for sequence no, timestamps... */
   smps[0]->flags = (int)SampleFlags::HAS_DATA;
   smps[0]->signals = getInputSignals(false);
diff --git a/lib/nodes/iec61850_sv.cpp b/lib/nodes/iec61850_sv.cpp
index 64a1c8465..27d1f5b9d 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/iec61850_sv.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/iec61850_sv.cpp
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ static void iec61850_sv_listener(SVSubscriber subscriber, void *ctx,
   /* Access to the data requires a priori knowledge of the data set.
-	 * For this example we assume a data set consisting of FLOAT32 values.
-	 * A FLOAT32 value is encoded as 4 bytes. You can find the first FLOAT32
-	 * value at byte position 0, the second value at byte position 4, the third
-	 * value at byte position 8, and so on.
-	 *
-	 * To prevent damages due configuration, please check the length of the
-	 * data block of the SV message before accessing the data.
-	 */
+   * For this example we assume a data set consisting of FLOAT32 values.
+   * A FLOAT32 value is encoded as 4 bytes. You can find the first FLOAT32
+   * value at byte position 0, the second value at byte position 4, the third
+   * value at byte position 8, and so on.
+   *
+   * To prevent damages due configuration, please check the length of the
+   * data block of the SV message before accessing the data.
+   */
   smp = sample_alloc(&i->in.pool);
   if (!smp) {
diff --git a/lib/nodes/infiniband.cpp b/lib/nodes/infiniband.cpp
index cfbc352c4..da78feb11 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/infiniband.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/infiniband.cpp
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ int villas::node::ib_check(NodeCompat *n) {
   /* Set periodic signaling
-	 * This is done here, so that it uses the checked max_send_wr value */
+   * This is done here, so that it uses the checked max_send_wr value */
   if (ib->periodic_signaling == 0)
     ib->periodic_signaling = ib->qp_init.cap.max_send_wr / 2;
@@ -385,36 +385,36 @@ static void ib_create_bind_id(NodeCompat *n) {
   int ret;
   /* Create rdma_cm_id
-	 *
-	 * The unreliable connected mode is officially not supported by the rdma_cm library. Only the Reliable
-	 * Connected mode (RDMA_PS_TCP) and the Unreliable Datagram mode (RDMA_PS_UDP). Although it is not officially
-	 * supported, it is possible to use it with a few small adaptions to the sourcecode. To enable the
-	 * support for UC connections follow the steps below:
-	 *
-	 * 1. git clone https://github.com/linux-rdma/rdma-core
-	 * 2. cd rdma-core
-	 * 2. Edit librdmacm/cma.c and remove the keyword 'static' in front of:
-	 *
-	 *     static int rdma_create_id2(struct rdma_event_channel *channel,
-	 *         struct rdma_cm_id **id, void *context,
-	 *         enum rdma_port_space ps, enum ibv_qp_type qp_type)
-	 *
-	 * 3. Edit librdmacm/rdma_cma.h and add the following two entries to the file:
-	 *
-	 *     #define RDMA_CMA_H_CUSTOM
-	 *
-	 *     int rdma_create_id2(struct rdma_event_channel *channel,
-	 *         struct rdma_cm_id **id, void *context,
-	 *         enum rdma_port_space ps, enum ibv_qp_type qp_type);
-	 *
-	 * 4. Edit librdmacm/librdmacm.map and add a new line with:
-	 *
-	 *     rdma_create_id2
-	 *
-	 * 5. ./build.sh
-	 * 6. cd build && sudo make install
-	 *
-	 */
+   *
+   * The unreliable connected mode is officially not supported by the rdma_cm library. Only the Reliable
+   * Connected mode (RDMA_PS_TCP) and the Unreliable Datagram mode (RDMA_PS_UDP). Although it is not officially
+   * supported, it is possible to use it with a few small adaptions to the sourcecode. To enable the
+   * support for UC connections follow the steps below:
+   *
+   * 1. git clone https://github.com/linux-rdma/rdma-core
+   * 2. cd rdma-core
+   * 2. Edit librdmacm/cma.c and remove the keyword 'static' in front of:
+   *
+   *     static int rdma_create_id2(struct rdma_event_channel *channel,
+   *         struct rdma_cm_id **id, void *context,
+   *         enum rdma_port_space ps, enum ibv_qp_type qp_type)
+   *
+   * 3. Edit librdmacm/rdma_cma.h and add the following two entries to the file:
+   *
+   *     #define RDMA_CMA_H_CUSTOM
+   *
+   *     int rdma_create_id2(struct rdma_event_channel *channel,
+   *         struct rdma_cm_id **id, void *context,
+   *         enum rdma_port_space ps, enum ibv_qp_type qp_type);
+   *
+   * 4. Edit librdmacm/librdmacm.map and add a new line with:
+   *
+   *     rdma_create_id2
+   *
+   * 5. ./build.sh
+   * 6. cd build && sudo make install
+   *
+   */
   ret = rdma_create_id2(ib->ctx.ec, &ib->ctx.id, nullptr, ib->conn.port_space,
@@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ static void ib_create_bind_id(NodeCompat *n) {
   n->logger->debug("Bound rdma_cm_id to Infiniband device");
   /* The ID will be overwritten for the target. If the event type is
-	 * RDMA_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REQUEST, >then this references a new id for
-	 * that communication.
-	 */
+   * RDMA_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REQUEST, >then this references a new id for
+   * that communication.
+   */
   ib->ctx.listen_id = ib->ctx.id;
@@ -524,9 +524,9 @@ static void *ib_rdma_cm_event_thread(void *ctx) {
       ret = ib_connect_request(n, event->id);
       /* A target UDP node will never really connect. In order to receive data,
-				 * we set it to connected after it answered the connection request
-				 * with rdma_connect.
-				 */
+         * we set it to connected after it answered the connection request
+         * with rdma_connect.
+         */
       if (ib->conn.port_space == RDMA_PS_UDP && !ib->is_source)
@@ -642,8 +642,8 @@ int villas::node::ib_start(NodeCompat *n) {
   /* Several events should occur on the event channel, to make
-	 * sure the nodes are succesfully connected.
-	 */
+   * sure the nodes are succesfully connected.
+   */
   n->logger->debug("Starting to monitor events on rdma_cm_id");
   // Create thread to monitor rdma_cm_event channel
@@ -665,9 +665,9 @@ int villas::node::ib_stop(NodeCompat *n) {
   ib->stopThreads = 1;
   /* Call RDMA disconnect function
-	 * Will flush all outstanding WRs to the Completion Queue and
-	 * will call RDMA_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED if that is done.
-	 */
+   * Will flush all outstanding WRs to the Completion Queue and
+   * will call RDMA_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED if that is done.
+   */
   if (n->getState() == State::CONNECTED && ib->conn.port_space != RDMA_PS_UDP) {
     ret = rdma_disconnect(ib->ctx.id);
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@ int villas::node::ib_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
     max_wr_post = cnt;
     /* Poll Completion Queue
-		 * If we've already posted enough receive WRs, try to pull cnt
-		 */
+     * If we've already posted enough receive WRs, try to pull cnt
+     */
     if (ib->conn.available_recv_wrs >=
         (ib->qp_init.cap.max_recv_wr - ib->conn.buffer_subtraction)) {
       for (int i = 0;; i++) {
@@ -736,8 +736,8 @@ int villas::node::ib_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
         /* If IB node disconnects or if it is still in State::PENDING_CONNECT, ib_read
-				 * should return immediately if this condition holds
-				 */
+         * should return immediately if this condition holds
+         */
         if (n->getState() != State::CONNECTED)
           return 0;
@@ -756,10 +756,10 @@ int villas::node::ib_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
       /* All samples (wcs * received + unposted) should be released. Let
-			 * *release be equal to allocated.
-			 *
-			 * This is set in the framework, before this function was called.
-			 */
+       * *release be equal to allocated.
+       *
+       * This is set in the framework, before this function was called.
+       */
     } else {
       ib->conn.available_recv_wrs += max_wr_post;
@@ -839,9 +839,9 @@ int villas::node::ib_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
       /* 32 byte of meta data is always transferred. We should substract it.
-			 * Furthermore, in case of an unreliable connection, a 40 byte
-			 * global routing header is transferred. This should be substracted as well.
-			 */
+       * Furthermore, in case of an unreliable connection, a 40 byte
+       * global routing header is transferred. This should be substracted as well.
+       */
       int correction =
           (ib->conn.port_space == RDMA_PS_UDP) ? META_GRH_SIZE : META_SIZE;
@@ -916,11 +916,11 @@ int villas::node::ib_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
       /* Check if data can be send inline
-			 * 32 byte meta data is always send.
-			 * Once every max_send_wr iterations a signal must be generated. Since we would need
-			 * an additional buffer if we were sending inlines with IBV_SEND_SIGNALED, we prefer
-			 * to send one samples every max_send_wr NOT inline (which thus generates a signal).
-			 */
+       * 32 byte meta data is always send.
+       * Once every max_send_wr iterations a signal must be generated. Since we would need
+       * an additional buffer if we were sending inlines with IBV_SEND_SIGNALED, we prefer
+       * to send one samples every max_send_wr NOT inline (which thus generates a signal).
+       */
       int send_inline =
           ((sge[sent][j - 1].length + META_SIZE) <
            ib->qp_init.cap.max_inline_data) &&
@@ -948,16 +948,16 @@ int villas::node::ib_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
     n->logger->debug("Posted send Work Requests");
     /* Reorder list. Place inline and unposted samples to the top
-		 * m will always be equal or smaller than *release
-		 */
+     * m will always be equal or smaller than *release
+     */
     for (unsigned m = 0; m < cnt; m++) {
       /* We can't use wr_id as identifier, since it is 0 for inline
-			 * elements
-			 */
+       * elements
+       */
       if (ret && (wr[m].sg_list == bad_wr->sg_list)) {
         /* The remaining work requests will be bad. Ripple through list
-				 * and prepare them to be released
-				 */
+         * and prepare them to be released
+         */
             "Bad WR occured with ID: {:#x} and S/G address: {:#x}: {}",
             bad_wr->wr_id, (void *)bad_wr->sg_list, ret);
diff --git a/lib/nodes/kafka.cpp b/lib/nodes/kafka.cpp
index 5eaccfaab..7eceda0dc 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/kafka.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/kafka.cpp
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ int villas::node::kafka_stop(NodeCompat *n) {
     /* If the output queue is still not empty there is an issue
-		 * with producing messages to the clusters. */
+     * with producing messages to the clusters. */
     if (rd_kafka_outq_len(k->producer.client) > 0)
       n->logger->warn("{} message(s) were not delivered",
diff --git a/lib/nodes/opal.cpp b/lib/nodes/opal.cpp
index d922ebf0b..cbd8e57f0 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/opal.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/opal.cpp
@@ -279,16 +279,16 @@ int villas::node::opal_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
     s->data[i].f = (float)data[i]; // OPAL provides double precission
   /* This next call allows the execution of the "asynchronous" process
-	 * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you
-	 * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to
-	 * the model to wait for this process to call this
-	 * OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */
+   * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you
+   * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to
+   * the model to wait for this process to call this
+   * OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */
   if (o->reply)
   /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model
-	 * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
+   * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */
   state = OpalGetAsyncModelState();
   if ((state == STATE_RESET) || (state == STATE_STOP))
     throw RuntimeError("OpalGetAsyncModelState(): Model stopped or resetted!");
diff --git a/lib/nodes/redis.cpp b/lib/nodes/redis.cpp
index bae08e5e0..6582d159b 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/redis.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/redis.cpp
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ int villas::node::redis_init(NodeCompat *n) {
   new (&r->key) std::string();
   /* We need a timeout in order for RedisConnection::loop() to properly
-	 * terminate after the node is stopped */
+   * terminate after the node is stopped */
   r->options.socket_timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
   return 0;
diff --git a/lib/nodes/shmem.cpp b/lib/nodes/shmem.cpp
index 4f9e363cc..1bfa8c4ed 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/shmem.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/shmem.cpp
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ int villas::node::shmem_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
   if (recv < 0) {
     /* This can only really mean that the other process has exited, so close
-		 * the interface to make sure the shared memory object is unlinked */
+     * the interface to make sure the shared memory object is unlinked */
     n->logger->info("Shared memory segment has been closed.");
diff --git a/lib/nodes/socket.cpp b/lib/nodes/socket.cpp
index 965bb4949..e7e56ed08 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/socket.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/socket.cpp
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ int villas::node::socket_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[],
   /* SOCK_RAW IP sockets to not provide the IP protocol number via recvmsg()
-	 * So we simply set it ourself. */
+   * So we simply set it ourself. */
   if (s->layer == SocketLayer::IP) {
     switch (src.sa.sa_family) {
     case AF_INET:
diff --git a/lib/nodes/webrtc/signaling_client.cpp b/lib/nodes/webrtc/signaling_client.cpp
index fb3d6f28f..f6d4cb53f 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/webrtc/signaling_client.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/webrtc/signaling_client.cpp
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ void SignalingClient::connectStatic(struct lws_sorted_usec_list *sul) {
   if (!lws_client_connect_via_info(&c->info)) {
     /* Failed... schedule a retry... we can't use the _retry_wsi()
-		 * convenience wrapper api here because no valid wsi at this
-		 * point.
-		 */
+     * convenience wrapper api here because no valid wsi at this
+     * point.
+     */
     if (lws_retry_sul_schedule(c->info.context, 0, sul, nullptr, connectStatic,
       c->logger->error("Signaling connection attempts exhausted");
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ do_retry:
   logger->info("Attempting to reconnect...");
   /* Retry the connection to keep it nailed up
-	 *
-	 * For this example, we try to conceal any problem for one set of
-	 * backoff retries and then exit the app.
-	 *
-	 * If you set retry.conceal_count to be larger than the number of
-	 * elements in the backoff table, it will never give up and keep
-	 * retrying at the last backoff delay plus the random jitter amount.
-	 */
+   *
+   * For this example, we try to conceal any problem for one set of
+   * backoff retries and then exit the app.
+   *
+   * If you set retry.conceal_count to be larger than the number of
+   * elements in the backoff table, it will never give up and keep
+   * retrying at the last backoff delay plus the random jitter amount.
+   */
   if (lws_retry_sul_schedule_retry_wsi(wsi, &sul_helper.sul, connectStatic,
     logger->error("Signaling connection attempts exhausted");
diff --git a/lib/nodes/websocket.cpp b/lib/nodes/websocket.cpp
index 4fa92b851..a2dd68c47 100644
--- a/lib/nodes/websocket.cpp
+++ b/lib/nodes/websocket.cpp
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ int villas::node::websocket_protocol_cb(struct lws *wsi,
     else {
       c->mode = websocket_connection::Mode::SERVER;
       /* We use the URI to associate this connection to a node
-				 * and choose a protocol.
-				 *
-				 * Example: ws://example.com/node_1.json
-				 *   Will select the node with the name 'node_1'
-				 *   and format 'json'.
-				 */
+         * and choose a protocol.
+         *
+         * Example: ws://example.com/node_1.json
+         *   Will select the node with the name 'node_1'
+         *   and format 'json'.
+         */
       // Get path of incoming request
       char *node, *format, *lasts;
diff --git a/lib/path.cpp b/lib/path.cpp
index 8c28a1c75..7a5630ae6 100644
--- a/lib/path.cpp
+++ b/lib/path.cpp
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ void Path::prepare(NodeList &nodes) {
       ps = psm[n];
     else {
       /* Depending on weather the node belonging to this mapping is already
-			 * used by another path or not, we will create a master or secondary
-			 * path source.
-			 * A secondary path source uses an internal loopback node / queue
-			 * to forward samples from on path to another.
-			 */
+       * used by another path or not, we will create a master or secondary
+       * path source.
+       * A secondary path source uses an internal loopback node / queue
+       * to forward samples from on path to another.
+       */
       bool isSecondary = n->sources.size() > 0;
       // Create new path source
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ void Path::prepare(NodeList &nodes) {
       /* Get the real node backing this path source
-			 * In case of a secondary path source, its the internal loopback node!
-			 */
+       * In case of a secondary path source, its the internal loopback node!
+       */
       auto *rn = ps->getNode();
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ void Path::prepare(NodeList &nodes) {
       Signal::Ptr sig;
       /* For data mappings we simple refer to the existing
-			 * signal descriptors of the source node. */
+       * signal descriptors of the source node. */
       if (me->type == MappingEntry::Type::DATA) {
         sig = sigs->getByIndex(me->data.offset + j);
         if (!sig) {
@@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ void Path::start() {
   state = State::STARTED;
   /* Start one thread per path for sending to destinations
-	 *
-	 * Special case: If the path only has a single source and this source
-	 * does not offer a file descriptor for polling, we will use a special
-	 * thread function.
-	 */
+   *
+   * Special case: If the path only has a single source and this source
+   * does not offer a file descriptor for polling, we will use a special
+   * thread function.
+   */
   ret = pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, runWrapper, this);
   if (ret)
     throw RuntimeError("Failed to create path thread");
@@ -571,9 +571,9 @@ void Path::stop() {
     state = State::STOPPING;
   /* Cancel the thread in case is currently in a blocking syscall.
-	 *
-	 * We dont care if the thread has already been terminated.
-	 */
+   *
+   * We dont care if the thread has already been terminated.
+   */
   ret = pthread_cancel(tid);
   if (ret && ret != ESRCH)
     throw RuntimeError("Failed to cancel path thread");
diff --git a/lib/path_source.cpp b/lib/path_source.cpp
index 9fa147850..315fc0473 100644
--- a/lib/path_source.cpp
+++ b/lib/path_source.cpp
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ int PathSource::read(int i) {
     /* We reset the sample length after each restart of the simulation.
-		 * This is necessary for the test_rtt node to work properly.
-		 */
+     * This is necessary for the test_rtt node to work properly.
+     */
     if (tomux_smps[i]->flags & (int)SampleFlags::NEW_SIMULATION)
       muxed_smps[i]->length = 0;
diff --git a/lib/shmem.cpp b/lib/shmem.cpp
index 9ab914b6b..d06e176f3 100644
--- a/lib/shmem.cpp
+++ b/lib/shmem.cpp
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ retry:
   shm->write.shared = shared;
   /* Post own semaphore and wait on the other one, so both processes know that
-	 * both regions are initialized */
+   * both regions are initialized */
diff --git a/src/villas-pipe.cpp b/src/villas-pipe.cpp
index ee42a9e7b..a9a013917 100644
--- a/src/villas-pipe.cpp
+++ b/src/villas-pipe.cpp
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ protected:
     /* We are stopping the node here in order to unblock the receiving threads
-		 * Node::read() call and allow it to be joined(). */
+     * Node::read() call and allow it to be joined(). */
     ret = node->stop();
     if (ret)
       throw RuntimeError("Failed to stop node {}: reason={}", node->getName(),
diff --git a/src/villas-relay.cpp b/src/villas-relay.cpp
index a78efeb10..f58f89c28 100644
--- a/src/villas-relay.cpp
+++ b/src/villas-relay.cpp
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ RelaySession *RelaySession::get(Relay *r, lws *wsi) {
   char uri[64];
   /* We use the URI to associate this connection to a session
-	 * Example: ws://example.com/node_1
-	 *   Will select the session with the name 'node_1'
-	 */
+   * Example: ws://example.com/node_1
+   *   Will select the session with the name 'node_1'
+   */
   // Get path of incoming request
   lws_hdr_copy(wsi, uri, sizeof(uri), WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI);
diff --git a/src/villas-test-rtt.cpp b/src/villas-test-rtt.cpp
index 6f2174289..29e7e267e 100644
--- a/src/villas-test-rtt.cpp
+++ b/src/villas-test-rtt.cpp
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ protected:
   SuperNode sn;
   /* File descriptor for Matlab results.
-	 * This allows you to write Matlab results in a seperate log file:
-	 *
-	 *    ./test etc/example.conf rtt -f 3 3>> measurement_results.m
-	 */
+   * This allows you to write Matlab results in a seperate log file:
+   *
+   *    ./test etc/example.conf rtt -f 3 3>> measurement_results.m
+   */
   int fd;
   // Amount of messages which should be sent (default: -1 for unlimited)