# Example configuration file for VILLASnode # # This example includes all valid configuration options for the server. # Please note, that using all options at the same time does not really # makes sense. The purpose of this example is to serve as a reference. # # The syntax of this file is similar to JSON. # A detailed description of the format can be found here: # http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files # # Author: Steffen Vogel # Copyright: 2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC ## stats = 3; # The interval in seconds to print path statistics. # A value of 0 disables the statistics. name = "villas-acs" # The name of this VILLASnode. Might by used by node-types # to identify themselves (default is the hostname). log = { level = 5; # The level of verbosity for debug messages # Higher number => increased verbosity faciltities = [ "path", "socket" ]; # The list of enabled debug faciltities. # If omitted, all faciltities are enabled # For a full list of available faciltities, check lib/log.c }; http = { htdocs = "/villas/web/", # Root directory of internal webserver port = 80 # Port for HTTP connections } ############ Dictionary of nodes ############ nodes = { ws = { type = "websocket", unit = "MVa", units = [ "V", "A", "Var" ], description = "Demo Channel", series = ( { label = "Random walk" }, { label = "Sine" }, { label = "Rect" }, { label = "Ramp" } ) }, socket1 = { type = "socket", layper = "udp", local = "*:12000", remote = "" }, socket2 = { type = "socket", layper = "udp", local = "*:12001", remote = "" } }; ############ List of paths ############ paths = ( { in = "socket2", out = "ws" } );