# Example configuration for testing the shared memory node. # Samples are read from a file, passed to the external program # via shared memory, and written back to an output file. stats = 1; debug = 10; nodes = { file = { type = "file", in = { uri = "/var/log/villas/input.log", rate = 2.0, mode = "r", }, out = { uri = "/var/log/villas/output.log", mode = "w" }, vectorize = 1 }, shmem = { type = "shmem", out_name = "/villas1-out", in_name = "/villas1-in", samplelen = 4, queuelen = 32, polling = false, vectorize = 1 } }; paths = ( { in = "file", out = "shmem", reverse = true, hooks = ( { priority = 10, type = "print" } ) } );