# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

nodes = {
    modbus_node = {
        type = "modbus"

        # Required transport type. Can be either "rtu" or "tcp"
        transport = "tcp"

        # Optional timeout in seconds when waiting for responses from a modbus server
        # Default is 1.0
        response_timeout = 1.0

        # Settings for transport = "tcp"

        # Required remote IP address
        remote = ""

        # Optional remote port
        # Default is 502
        port = 502

        # Settings for transport = "rtu"

        # Required device file
        device = "/dev/ttyS0"

        # Required baudrate
        baudrate = 9600

        # Required parity. One of "none", "even" and "odd"
        parity = "none"

        # Required data bits. One of 5, 6, 7, 8
        data_bits = 5

        # Required stop bits. One of 1, 2
        stop_bits = 1

        # The modbus unit ID
        # Required for transport = "rtu"
        # Optional for transport = "tcp"
        unit = 1

        # Optional polling rate for the modbus remote reads
        # Defaults to 10
        rate = 10

        in = {
            signals = (
                # A 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point value
                # This spans 2 registers
                    # Required type = "float"
                    type = "float"

                    # Required address of the lowest register
                    address = 0x50

                    # Optional endianess for joining the 2 16-bit registers into a 32-bit value
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    word_endianess = "big"

                    # Optional endianess for the 2 bytes within a register
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    byte_endianess = "big"

                    # Optional scale that should be applied to the integer value
                    # Defaults to 1
                    scale = 10

                    # Optional offset that should be applied to the integer value after scaling
                    # Defaults to 0
                    offset = 2
                # A single bit within a register as a boolean value
                    # Required type = "boolean"
                    type = "boolean"

                    # Required address of the register
                    address = 0x54

                    # Required bit within the register
                    # Starting at 0
                    bit = 0
                # An integer value
                # This may span multiple registers
                    # Required type = "integer"
                    type = "integer"

                    # Required address of the lowest register
                    address = 0x52

                    # Optional number of registers that should be joined to form the value
                    # Defaults to 1
                    integer_registers = 1

                    # Optional endianess for joining the 16-bit registers into a 32-bit value
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    word_endianess = "big"

                    # Optional endianess for the 2 bytes within a register
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    byte_endianess = "big"
                # An float value created by reading an integer and applying an optional offset and scale
                # This may span multiple registers
                    # Required type = "float"
                    type = "float"

                    # Required address of the lowest register
                    address = 0x52

                    # Required number of registers that should be joined to form the value
                    # A "float" value without the "integer_registers" settings is considered an IEEE 754 float, spanning 2 registers
                    integer_registers = 1

                    # Optional endianess for joining the 16-bit registers into a 32-bit value
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    word_endianess = "big"

                    # Optional endianess for the 2 bytes within a register
                    # Defaults to "big"
                    byte_endianess = "big"

                    # Optional scale that should be applied to the integer value
                    # Defaults to 1
                    scale = 10

                    # Optional offset that should be applied to the integer value after scaling
                    # Defaults to 0
                    offset = 2

        out = {
            signals = (
                # All register mappings described for "in" except for "boolean" are supported in the "out" signals
                    type = "float"
                    address = 0x50

                    # Scale and offset a applied as attributes of the register that is written to
                    # This means the value written to "register" for a "signal" with "offset" and "scale" will be:
                    #   register = (signal - offset) / scale
                    # It is fairly common to specify a scale and offset for modbus registers in a device manual
                    # You should be able to plug those values into this configuration without conversion
                    scale = 10
                    offset = 2