/** RMS hook. * * @author Manuel Pitz * @copyright 2014-2020, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup hooks Hook functions * @{ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace villas { namespace node { class RMSHook : public Hook { protected: std::vector> smpMemory; uint64_t calcCount; unsigned rate; unsigned windowSize; bool sync; double nextCalc; uint64_t smpMemPos; uint64_t lastSequence; struct timespec lastCalc; std::vector signalIndex; /**< A list of signalIndex to do rms on */ public: RMSHook(struct vpath *p, struct vnode *n, int fl, int prio, bool en = true) : Hook(p, n, fl, prio, en), smpMemory(), calcCount(0), rate(0), windowSize(0), sync(0), nextCalc(0.0), smpMemPos(0), lastSequence(0), lastCalc({0, 0}), signalIndex() { } virtual void prepare() { signal_list_clear(&signals); for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndex.size(); i++) { struct signal *amplSig; /* Add signals */ amplSig = signal_create("rms", "", SignalType::FLOAT); if (!amplSig) throw RuntimeError("Failed to create new signals"); vlist_push(&signals, amplSig); } /* Initialize sample memory */ smpMemory.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndex.size(); i++) smpMemory.emplace_back(std::vector(windowSize, 0.0)); state = State::PREPARED; } virtual void parse(json_t *cfg) { int ret; json_error_t err; json_t *jsonChannelList = nullptr; assert(state != State::STARTED); Hook::parse(cfg); ret = json_unpack_ex(cfg, &err, 0, "{ s?: i, s?: b, s?: i, s?: o }", "window_size", &windowSize, "sync", &sync, "rate", &rate, "signal_index", &jsonChannelList ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(cfg, err, "node-config-hook-rms"); if (jsonChannelList != nullptr) { signalIndex.clear(); if (jsonChannelList->type == JSON_ARRAY) { size_t i; json_t *jsonValue; json_array_foreach(jsonChannelList, i, jsonValue) { if (!json_is_number(jsonValue)) throw ConfigError(jsonValue, "node-config-hook-rms-channel", "Values must be given as array of integer values!"); auto idx = json_number_value(jsonValue); signalIndex.push_back(idx); } } else if (jsonChannelList->type == JSON_INTEGER) { if (!json_is_number(jsonChannelList)) throw ConfigError(jsonChannelList, "node-config-hook-rms-channel", "Value must be given as integer value!"); auto idx = json_number_value(jsonChannelList); signalIndex.push_back(idx); } else logger->warn("Could not parse channel list. Please check documentation for syntax"); } else throw ConfigError(jsonChannelList, "node-config-node-signal", "No parameter signalIndex given."); state = State::PARSED; } virtual Hook::Reason process(struct sample *smp) { assert(state == State::STARTED); for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndex.size(); i++) smpMemory[i][smpMemPos % windowSize] = pow(smp->data[signalIndex[i]].f, 2); smpMemPos++; bool runRms = false; if (sync) { double smpNsec = smp->ts.origin.tv_sec * 1e9 + smp->ts.origin.tv_nsec; if (smpNsec > nextCalc) { runRms = true; nextCalc = (( smp->ts.origin.tv_sec ) + ( ((calcCount % rate) + 1) / (double)rate )) * 1e9; } } if (runRms) { lastCalc = smp->ts.origin; for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndex.size(); i++) { double rms = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < windowSize; j++) rms += smpMemory[i][j]; rms = pow(rms / windowSize, 0.5) ; if (calcCount > 1) { smp->data[i * 4 + 0].f = rms; /* RMS */ } } smp->length = calcCount > 1 ? signalIndex.size() * 4 : 0; calcCount++; } if (smp->sequence - lastSequence > 1) logger->warn("Calculation is not Realtime. {} sampled missed", smp->sequence - lastSequence); lastSequence = smp->sequence; return runRms ? Reason::OK : Reason::SKIP_SAMPLE; } }; /* Register hook */ static char n[] = "rms"; static char d[] = "This hook calculates the root-mean-square (RMS) on a window"; static HookPlugin p; } /* namespace node */ } /* namespace villas */ /** @} */