/* Driver for wrapper around Aurora (acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de:user:aurora)
 * Author: Hatim Kanchwala <hatim@hatimak.me>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstdint>

#include <villas/utils.hpp>

#include <villas/fpga/ips/aurora.hpp>

// Register offsets
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_OFFSET 0x00 // Status Register (read-only)
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_OFFSET 0x04 // Control Register (read/write)
#define AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_IN_HIGH_OFFSET                                        \
  0x0C // Higher 32-bits of incoming frame counter
#define AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_IN_LOW_OFFSET                                         \
  0x08 // Lower 32-bits of incoming frame counter
#define AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_OUT_HIGH_OFFSET                                       \
  0x18 // Higher 32-bits of outgoing frame counter
#define AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_OUT_LOW_OFFSET                                        \
  0x1C // Lower 32-bits of outgoing frame counter

// Status register bits
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_CHAN_UP                                                 \
  (1                                                                           \
   << 0) // 1-bit, asserted when channel initialisation is complete and is ready for data transfer
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_LANE_UP                                                 \
  (1 << 1) // 1-bit, asserted for each lane upon successful lane initialisation
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_HARD_ERR (1 << 2)  // 1-bit hard rror status
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_SOFT_ERR (1 << 3)  // 1-bit soft error status
#define AURORA_AXIS_SR_FRAME_ERR (1 << 4) // 1-bit frame error status

// Control register bits
// 1-bit, assert to put Aurora IP in loopback mode.
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_LOOPBACK (1 << 0)

// 1-bit, assert to reset counters, incoming and outgoing frame counters.
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_RST_CTRS (1 << 1)

// 1-bit, assert to turn off any sequence number handling by Aurora IP
// Sequence number must be handled in software then.
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_SEQ_MODE (1 << 2)

/* 1-bit, assert to strip the received frame of the trailing sequence
 * number. Sequence number mode must be set to handled by Aurora IP,
 * otherwise this bit is ignored. */
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_SEQ_STRIP (1 << 3)

/* 1-bit, assert to use the same sequence number in the outgoing
 * NovaCor-bound frames as the sequence number received from the
 * incoming frames from NovaCor. Sequence number mode must be set to
 * handled by Aurora IP, otherwise this bit is ignored.*/
#define AURORA_AXIS_CR_SEQ_ECHO (1 << 4)

using namespace villas::fpga::ip;

void Aurora::dump() {
  // Check Aurora AXI4 registers
  const uint32_t sr =
      readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_SR_OFFSET);

  logger->info("Aurora-NovaCor AXI-Stream interface details:");
  logger->info("Aurora status:          {:#x}", sr);
  logger->info("  Channel up:           {}",
               sr & AURORA_AXIS_SR_CHAN_UP ? CLR_GRN("yes") : CLR_RED("no"));
  logger->info("  Lane up:              {}",
               sr & AURORA_AXIS_SR_LANE_UP ? CLR_GRN("yes") : CLR_RED("no"));
  logger->info("  Hard error:           {}",
               sr & AURORA_AXIS_SR_HARD_ERR ? CLR_RED("yes") : CLR_GRN("no"));
  logger->info("  Soft error:           {}",
               sr & AURORA_AXIS_SR_SOFT_ERR ? CLR_RED("yes") : CLR_GRN("no"));
  logger->info("  Frame error:          {}",
               sr & AURORA_AXIS_SR_FRAME_ERR ? CLR_RED("yes") : CLR_GRN("no"));

  const uint64_t inCntLow =
      readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_IN_LOW_OFFSET);
  const uint64_t inCntHigh =
      readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_IN_HIGH_OFFSET);
  const uint64_t inCnt = (inCntHigh << 32) | inCntLow;

  const uint64_t outCntLow =
      readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_OUT_LOW_OFFSET);
  const uint64_t outCntHigh =
      readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CNTR_OUT_HIGH_OFFSET);
  const uint64_t outCnt = (outCntHigh << 32) | outCntLow;

  logger->info("Aurora frames received: {}", inCnt);
  logger->info("Aurora frames sent:     {}", outCnt);

void Aurora::setLoopback(bool state) {
  auto cr = readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CR_OFFSET);

  if (state)

  writeMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CR_OFFSET, cr);

void Aurora::resetFrameCounters() {
  auto cr = readMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CR_OFFSET);


  writeMemory<uint32_t>(registerMemory, AURORA_AXIS_CR_OFFSET, cr);

static char n[] = "aurora";
static char d[] = "Aurora 8B/10B and additional support modules, like an "
                  "AXI4-Lite register interface.";
static char v[] = "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de:user:aurora_axis:";
static NodePlugin<Aurora, n, d, v> f;