/* Timestamp hook.
 * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <vector>

#include <villas/hook.hpp>
#include <villas/sample.hpp>
#include <villas/timing.hpp>

namespace villas {
namespace node {

class PpsTsHook : public SingleSignalHook {

  enum Mode {
  } mode;

  uint64_t lastSequence;

  double lastValue;
  double threshold;

  bool isSynced;
  bool isLocked;
  struct timespec tsVirt;
  double timeError;               // In seconds
  double periodEstimate;          // In seconds
  double periodErrorCompensation; // In seconds
  double period;                  // In seconds
  uintmax_t cntEdges;
  uintmax_t cntSmps;
  uintmax_t cntSmpsTotal;
  unsigned horizonCompensation;
  unsigned horizonEstimation;
  unsigned currentSecond;
  std::vector<uintmax_t> filterWindow;

  PpsTsHook(Path *p, Node *n, int fl, int prio, bool en = true)
      : SingleSignalHook(p, n, fl, prio, en), mode(Mode::SIMPLE),
        lastSequence(0), lastValue(0), threshold(1.5), isSynced(false),
        isLocked(false), timeError(0.0), periodEstimate(0.0),
        periodErrorCompensation(0.0), period(0.0), cntEdges(0), cntSmps(0),
        cntSmpsTotal(0), horizonCompensation(10), horizonEstimation(10),
        currentSecond(0), filterWindow(horizonEstimation + 1, 0) {}

  virtual void parse(json_t *json) {
    int ret;
    json_error_t err;

    assert(state != State::STARTED);


    const char *mode_str = nullptr;

    double fSmps = 1.0;
    ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: s, s?: f, s?: F, s?: i, s?: i }",
                         "mode", &mode_str, "threshold", &threshold,
                         "expected_smp_rate", &fSmps, "horizon_estimation",
                         &horizonEstimation, "horizon_compensation",
    if (ret)
      throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-hook-pps_ts");

    period = 1.0 / fSmps;
    currentSecond = time(nullptr);

    if (mode_str) {
      if (!strcmp(mode_str, "simple"))
        mode = Mode::SIMPLE;
      else if (!strcmp(mode_str, "horizon"))
        mode = Mode::HORIZON;
        throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-hook-pps_ts-mode",
                          "Unsupported mode: {}", mode_str);

    state = State::PARSED;

  virtual villas::node::Hook::Reason process(struct Sample *smp) {
    switch (mode) {
    case Mode::SIMPLE:
      return processSimple(smp);

    case Mode::HORIZON:
      return processHorizon(smp);

      return Reason::ERROR;

  villas::node::Hook::Reason processSimple(struct Sample *smp) {
    assert(state == State::STARTED);

    // Get value of PPS signal
    float value = smp->data[signalIndex].f; // TODO check if it is really float

    // Detect Edge
    bool isEdge = lastValue < threshold && value > threshold;
    if (isEdge) {
      tsVirt.tv_sec = currentSecond + 1;
      tsVirt.tv_nsec = 0;
      period = 1.0 / cntSmps;
      cntSmps = 0;
      currentSecond = 0;
    } else {
      struct timespec tsPeriod = time_from_double(period);
      tsVirt = time_add(&tsVirt, &tsPeriod);

    lastValue = value;

    if (!currentSecond &&
        tsVirt.tv_nsec >
            0.5e9) //take the second somewere in the center of the last second to reduce impact of system clock error
      currentSecond = time(nullptr);

    if (cntEdges < 5)
      return Hook::Reason::SKIP_SAMPLE;

    smp->ts.origin = tsVirt;
    smp->flags |= (int)SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN;

    if ((smp->sequence - lastSequence) > 1)
      logger->warn("Samples missed: {} sampled missed",
                   smp->sequence - lastSequence);

    lastSequence = smp->sequence;
    return Hook::Reason::OK;

  villas::node::Hook::Reason processHorizon(struct Sample *smp) {
    assert(state == State::STARTED);

    // Get value of PPS signal
    float value = smp->data[signalIndex].f; // TODO check if it is really float

    // Detect Edge
    bool isEdge = lastValue < threshold && value > threshold;

    lastValue = value;

    if (isEdge) {
      if (isSynced) {
        if (tsVirt.tv_nsec > 0.5e9)
          timeError += 1.0 - (tsVirt.tv_nsec / 1.0e9);
          timeError -= (tsVirt.tv_nsec / 1.0e9);

        filterWindow[cntEdges % filterWindow.size()] = cntSmpsTotal;
        // Estimated sample period over last 'horizonEstimation' seconds
        unsigned int tmp =
            cntEdges < filterWindow.size() ? cntEdges : horizonEstimation;
        double cntSmpsAvg =
            (cntSmpsTotal -
             filterWindow[(cntEdges - tmp) % filterWindow.size()]) /
        periodEstimate = 1.0 / cntSmpsAvg;
        periodErrorCompensation =
            timeError / (cntSmpsAvg * horizonCompensation);
        period = periodEstimate + periodErrorCompensation;
      } else {
        tsVirt.tv_sec = time(nullptr);
        tsVirt.tv_nsec = 0;
        isSynced = true;
        cntEdges = 0;
        cntSmpsTotal = 0;
      cntSmps = 0;

          "Time Error is: {} periodEstimate {} periodErrorCompensation {}",
          timeError, periodEstimate, periodErrorCompensation);


    if (cntEdges < 5)
      return Hook::Reason::SKIP_SAMPLE;

    smp->ts.origin = tsVirt;
    smp->flags |= (int)SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN;

    struct timespec tsPeriod = time_from_double(period);
    tsVirt = time_add(&tsVirt, &tsPeriod);

    if ((smp->sequence - lastSequence) > 1)
      logger->warn("Samples missed: {} sampled missed",
                   smp->sequence - lastSequence);

    lastSequence = smp->sequence;

    return Hook::Reason::OK;

// Register hook
static char n[] = "pps_ts";
static char d[] = "Timestamp samples based GPS PPS signal";
static HookPlugin<PpsTsHook, n, d,
                  (int)Hook::Flags::NODE_READ | (int)Hook::Flags::NODE_WRITE |

} // namespace node
} // namespace villas