# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --- title: Original PMU sensor data format as used in the SOGNO EU project type: object required: - device - timestamp - component - measurand - phase - data properties: device: description: ID for measurement device type: string timestamp: description: Timestamp of measurement in ISO 8601 format type: string pattern: '^\d{4}(-\d\d(-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?(\.\d+)?(([+-]\d\d:\d\d)|Z)?)?)?)?$' component: description: ID (uuid) from CIM document type: string format: uuid measurand: type: string enum: - voltmagnitude - voltangle - currmagnitude - currangle - activepower - reactivepower - apparentpower - frequency phase: type: string enum: - A - B - C data: type: number description: | Measurement value as in the following format depending on value of measurand: - voltmagnitude: phase-to-ground RMS value, unit volts - voltangle: unit radian - currmagnitude: RMS value, unit ampere - currangle: unit radian - activepower: single phase power, unit watts - reactivepower: single phase power, unit voltampere reactive - apparentpower: single phase power, unit voltampere - frequency: unit hertz example: device: pmu-abc0 timestamp: '2021-10-07T10:11:12.1231241+02:00' component: 7a30b61a-2913-11ec-9621-0242ac130002 measurand: voltagemagnitude phase: A data: 123124