# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --- allOf: - type: object required: - sample_rate - start_frequency - end_frequency - frequency_resolution - dft_rate properties: sample_rate: type: integer default: 0 min: 0 example: 10000 description: The sampling rate of the input signal. start_frequency: type: number min: 0 example: 49.7 description: The lowest frequency bin. end_frequency: type: number example: 50.3 min: 0 description: The highest frequency bin. frequency_resolution: type: number example: 0.1 min: 0 description: The frequency resolution of the DFT. dft_rate: type: integer example: 1 min: 1 description: The number of phasor calculations performed per second. window_size_factor: type: integer default: 1 description: A factor that increases the automatically determined window size by a multiplicative factor. window_type: type: string enum: - flattop - hamming - hann - none default: none description: The window type. padding_type: type: string enum: - zero - signal_repeat default: none description: The padding type. frequency_estimate_type: type: string enum: - quadratic default: none description: The frequency estimation type. pps_index: type: integer description: The signal index of the PPS signal. This is only needed if data dumper is active. default: 0 angle_unit: type: string enum: - rad - degree default: rad description: The unit of the phase angle. add_channel_name: type: boolean default: false description: Adds the name of the channel as a suffix to the signal name e.g `amplitude_ch1`. timestamp_align: enum: - left - center - right default: center description: The timestamp alignment in respect to the the window. phase_offset: type: number default: 0.0 example: 10.0 description: An offset added to a calculated phase. amplitude_offset: type: number default: 0.0 example: 10.0 description: An offset added to the calculated amplitude. frequency_offset: type: number default: 0.0 example: 0.2 description: An offset added to the calculated frequency. rocof_offset: type: number default: 0.0 example: 1.0 description: An offset added to the calculated RoCoF. This setting does not really make sense but is available for completeness reasons" - $ref: ../hook_multi.yaml