# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
type: object
title: Format Object
- type
    type: string
    description: |
      Specifies which protocol should be used by this node.

      For a complete list of supported node-types run `villas node --help`.

      In addition to the node settings described in this section, every node type has its own specific settings

  propertyName: type
    amqp: nodes/_amqp.yaml
    api: nodes/_api.yaml
    can: nodes/_can.yaml
    comedi: nodes/_comedi.yaml
    ethercat: nodes/_ethercat.yaml
    example: nodes/_example.yaml
    exec: nodes/_exec.yaml
    file: nodes/_file.yaml
    fpga: nodes/_fpga.yaml
    iec60870-5-104: nodes/_iec60870-5-104.yaml
    iec61850-8-1: nodes/_iec61850-8-1.yaml
    iec61850-9-2: nodes/_iec61850-9-2.yaml
    infiniband: nodes/_infiniband.yaml
    influxdb: nodes/_influxdb.yaml
    kafka: nodes/_kafka.yaml
    loopback: nodes/_loopback.yaml
    modbus: nodes/_modbus.yaml
    mqtt: nodes/_mqtt.yaml
    nanomsg: nodes/_nanomsg.yaml
    ngsi: nodes/_ngsi.yaml
    opal: nodes/_opal.yaml
    redis: nodes/_redis.yaml
    rtp: nodes/_rtp.yaml
    shmem: nodes/_shmem.yaml
    signal: nodes/_signal_node.yaml
    signal.v2: nodes/_signal_v2_node.yaml
    socket: nodes/_socket.yaml
    stats_node: nodes/_stats_node.yaml
    temper: nodes/_temper.yaml
    test_rtt: nodes/_test_rtt.yaml
    uldaq: nodes/_uldaq.yaml
    webrtc: nodes/_webrtc.yaml
    websocket: nodes/_websocket.yaml
    zeromq: nodes/_zeromq.yaml