/* Node type: IEC60870-5-104. * * Author: Philipp Jungkamp * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; using namespace villas::node::iec60870; using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; static CP56Time2a timespec_to_cp56time2a(timespec time) { time_t time_ms = static_cast(time.tv_sec) * 1000 + static_cast(time.tv_nsec) / 1000000; return CP56Time2a_createFromMsTimestamp(NULL, time_ms); } static timespec cp56time2a_to_timespec(CP56Time2a cp56time2a) { auto time_ms = CP56Time2a_toMsTimestamp(cp56time2a); timespec time{}; time.tv_nsec = time_ms % 1000 * 1000; time.tv_sec = time_ms / 1000; return time; } ASDUData ASDUData::parse(json_t *json_signal, std::optional last_data, bool duplicate_ioa_is_sequence) { json_error_t err; char const *asdu_type_name = nullptr; int with_timestamp = -1; char const *asdu_type_id = nullptr; std::optional ioa_sequence_start = std::nullopt; int ioa = -1; if (json_unpack_ex(json_signal, &err, 0, "{ s?: s, s?: b, s?: s, s: i }", "asdu_type", &asdu_type_name, "with_timestamp", &with_timestamp, "asdu_type_id", &asdu_type_id, "ioa", &ioa)) throw ConfigError(json_signal, err, "node-config-node-iec60870-5-104"); // Increase the ioa if it is found twice to make it a sequence if (duplicate_ioa_is_sequence && last_data && ioa == last_data->ioa_sequence_start) { ioa = last_data->ioa + 1; ioa_sequence_start = last_data->ioa_sequence_start; } if ((asdu_type_name && asdu_type_id) || (!asdu_type_name && !asdu_type_id)) throw RuntimeError("Please specify one of asdu_type or asdu_type_id", ioa); auto asdu_data = asdu_type_name ? ASDUData::lookupName( asdu_type_name, with_timestamp != -1 ? with_timestamp != 0 : false, ioa, ioa_sequence_start.value_or(ioa)) : ASDUData::lookupTypeId(asdu_type_id, ioa, ioa_sequence_start.value_or(ioa)); if (!asdu_data.has_value()) throw RuntimeError("Found invalid asdu_type or asdu_type_id"); if (asdu_type_id && with_timestamp != -1 && asdu_data->hasTimestamp() != with_timestamp) throw RuntimeError( "Found mismatch between asdu_type_id {} and with_timestamp {}", asdu_type_id, with_timestamp != 0); return *asdu_data; }; std::optional ASDUData::lookupTypeId(char const *type_id, int ioa, int ioa_sequence_start) { auto check = [type_id](Descriptor descriptor) { return !strcmp(descriptor.type_id, type_id); }; auto descriptor = std::find_if(begin(descriptors), end(descriptors), check); if (descriptor != end(descriptors)) return ASDUData{&*descriptor, ioa, ioa_sequence_start}; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional ASDUData::lookupName(char const *name, bool with_timestamp, int ioa, int ioa_sequence_start) { auto check = [name, with_timestamp](Descriptor descriptor) { return !strcmp(descriptor.name, name) && descriptor.has_timestamp == with_timestamp; }; auto descriptor = std::find_if(begin(descriptors), end(descriptors), check); if (descriptor != end(descriptors)) return ASDUData{&*descriptor, ioa, ioa_sequence_start}; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional ASDUData::lookupType(int type, int ioa, int ioa_sequence_start) { auto check = [type](Descriptor descriptor) { return descriptor.type == type; }; auto descriptor = std::find_if(begin(descriptors), end(descriptors), check); if (descriptor != end(descriptors)) return ASDUData{&*descriptor, ioa, ioa_sequence_start}; else return std::nullopt; } bool ASDUData::hasTimestamp() const { return descriptor->has_timestamp; } ASDUData::Type ASDUData::type() const { return descriptor->type; } char const *ASDUData::name() const { return descriptor->name; } ASDUData::Type ASDUData::typeWithoutTimestamp() const { return descriptor->type_without_timestamp; } ASDUData ASDUData::withoutTimestamp() const { return ASDUData::lookupType(typeWithoutTimestamp(), ioa, ioa_sequence_start) .value(); } SignalType ASDUData::signalType() const { return descriptor->signal_type; } std::optional ASDUData::checkASDU(CS101_ASDU const &asdu) const { if (CS101_ASDU_getTypeID(asdu) != static_cast(descriptor->type)) return std::nullopt; for (int i = 0; i < CS101_ASDU_getNumberOfElements(asdu); i++) { InformationObject io = CS101_ASDU_getElement(asdu, i); if (ioa != InformationObject_getObjectAddress(io)) { InformationObject_destroy(io); continue; } SignalData signal_data; QualityDescriptor quality; switch (typeWithoutTimestamp()) { case ASDUData::SCALED_INT: { auto scaled_int = reinterpret_cast(io); int scaled_int_value = MeasuredValueScaled_getValue(scaled_int); signal_data.i = static_cast(scaled_int_value); quality = MeasuredValueScaled_getQuality(scaled_int); break; } case ASDUData::NORMALIZED_FLOAT: { auto normalized_float = reinterpret_cast(io); float normalized_float_value = MeasuredValueNormalized_getValue(normalized_float); signal_data.f = static_cast(normalized_float_value); quality = MeasuredValueNormalized_getQuality(normalized_float); break; } case ASDUData::DOUBLE_POINT: { auto double_point = reinterpret_cast(io); DoublePointValue double_point_value = DoublePointInformation_getValue(double_point); signal_data.i = static_cast(double_point_value); quality = DoublePointInformation_getQuality(double_point); break; } case ASDUData::SINGLE_POINT: { auto single_point = reinterpret_cast(io); bool single_point_value = SinglePointInformation_getValue(single_point); signal_data.b = static_cast(single_point_value); quality = SinglePointInformation_getQuality(single_point); break; } case ASDUData::SHORT_FLOAT: { auto short_float = reinterpret_cast(io); float short_float_value = MeasuredValueShort_getValue(short_float); signal_data.f = static_cast(short_float_value); quality = MeasuredValueShort_getQuality(short_float); break; } default: throw RuntimeError{"unsupported asdu type"}; } std::optional time_cp56; switch (type()) { case ASDUData::SCALED_INT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto scaled_int = reinterpret_cast(io); time_cp56 = MeasuredValueScaledWithCP56Time2a_getTimestamp(scaled_int); break; } case ASDUData::NORMALIZED_FLOAT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto normalized_float = reinterpret_cast(io); time_cp56 = MeasuredValueNormalizedWithCP56Time2a_getTimestamp(normalized_float); break; } case ASDUData::DOUBLE_POINT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto double_point = reinterpret_cast(io); time_cp56 = DoublePointWithCP56Time2a_getTimestamp(double_point); break; } case ASDUData::SINGLE_POINT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto single_point = reinterpret_cast(io); time_cp56 = SinglePointWithCP56Time2a_getTimestamp(single_point); break; } case ASDUData::SHORT_FLOAT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto short_float = reinterpret_cast(io); time_cp56 = MeasuredValueShortWithCP56Time2a_getTimestamp(short_float); break; } default: time_cp56 = std::nullopt; } InformationObject_destroy(io); std::optional timestamp = time_cp56.has_value() ? std::optional{cp56time2a_to_timespec(*time_cp56)} : std::nullopt; return ASDUData::Sample{signal_data, quality, timestamp}; } return std::nullopt; } bool ASDUData::addSampleToASDU(CS101_ASDU &asdu, ASDUData::Sample sample) const { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" std::optional timestamp = sample.timestamp.has_value() ? std::optional{timespec_to_cp56time2a(*sample.timestamp)} : std::nullopt; InformationObject io = nullptr; switch (descriptor->type) { case ASDUData::SCALED_INT: { auto scaled_int_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.i & 0xFFFF); auto scaled_int = MeasuredValueScaled_create(NULL, ioa, scaled_int_value, sample.quality); io = reinterpret_cast(scaled_int); break; } case ASDUData::NORMALIZED_FLOAT: { auto normalized_float_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.f); auto normalized_float = MeasuredValueNormalized_create( NULL, ioa, normalized_float_value, sample.quality); io = reinterpret_cast(normalized_float); break; } case ASDUData::DOUBLE_POINT: { auto double_point_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.i & 0x3); auto double_point = DoublePointInformation_create( NULL, ioa, double_point_value, sample.quality); io = reinterpret_cast(double_point); break; } case ASDUData::SINGLE_POINT: { auto single_point_value = sample.signal_data.b; auto single_point = SinglePointInformation_create( NULL, ioa, single_point_value, sample.quality); io = reinterpret_cast(single_point); break; } case ASDUData::SHORT_FLOAT: { auto short_float_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.f); auto short_float = MeasuredValueShort_create(NULL, ioa, short_float_value, sample.quality); io = reinterpret_cast(short_float); break; } case ASDUData::SCALED_INT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto scaled_int_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.i & 0xFFFF); auto scaled_int = MeasuredValueScaledWithCP56Time2a_create( NULL, ioa, scaled_int_value, sample.quality, timestamp.value()); io = reinterpret_cast(scaled_int); break; } case ASDUData::NORMALIZED_FLOAT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto normalized_float_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.f); auto normalized_float = MeasuredValueNormalizedWithCP56Time2a_create( NULL, ioa, normalized_float_value, sample.quality, timestamp.value()); io = reinterpret_cast(normalized_float); break; } case ASDUData::DOUBLE_POINT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto double_point_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.i & 0x3); auto double_point = DoublePointWithCP56Time2a_create( NULL, ioa, double_point_value, sample.quality, timestamp.value()); io = reinterpret_cast(double_point); break; } case ASDUData::SINGLE_POINT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto single_point_value = sample.signal_data.b; auto single_point = SinglePointWithCP56Time2a_create( NULL, ioa, single_point_value, sample.quality, timestamp.value()); io = reinterpret_cast(single_point); break; } case ASDUData::SHORT_FLOAT_WITH_TIMESTAMP: { auto short_float_value = static_cast(sample.signal_data.f); auto short_float = MeasuredValueShortWithCP56Time2a_create( NULL, ioa, short_float_value, sample.quality, timestamp.value()); io = reinterpret_cast(short_float); break; } default: throw RuntimeError{"invalid asdu data type"}; } bool successfully_added = CS101_ASDU_addInformationObject(asdu, io); InformationObject_destroy(io); return successfully_added; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop } ASDUData::ASDUData(ASDUData::Descriptor const *descriptor, int ioa, int ioa_sequence_start) : ioa(ioa), ioa_sequence_start(ioa_sequence_start), descriptor(descriptor) { } void SlaveNode::createSlave() noexcept { // Destroy slave id it was already created destroySlave(); // Create the slave object server.slave = CS104_Slave_create(server.low_priority_queue, server.high_priority_queue); CS104_Slave_setServerMode(server.slave, CS104_MODE_SINGLE_REDUNDANCY_GROUP); CS104_Slave_setMaxOpenConnections(server.slave, 1); // Configure the slave according to config server.asdu_app_layer_parameters = CS104_Slave_getAppLayerParameters(server.slave); CS104_APCIParameters apci_parameters = CS104_Slave_getConnectionParameters(server.slave); if (server.apci_t0) apci_parameters->t0 = *server.apci_t0; if (server.apci_t1) apci_parameters->t1 = *server.apci_t1; if (server.apci_t2) apci_parameters->t2 = *server.apci_t2; if (server.apci_t3) apci_parameters->t3 = *server.apci_t3; if (server.apci_k) apci_parameters->k = *server.apci_k; if (server.apci_w) apci_parameters->w = *server.apci_w; CS104_Slave_setLocalAddress(server.slave, server.local_address.c_str()); CS104_Slave_setLocalPort(server.slave, server.local_port); // Setup callbacks into the class CS104_Slave_setClockSyncHandler( server.slave, [](void *tcp_node, IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu, CP56Time2a new_time) { auto self = static_cast(tcp_node); return self->onClockSync(connection, asdu, new_time); }, this); CS104_Slave_setInterrogationHandler( server.slave, [](void *tcp_node, IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu, QualifierOfInterrogation qoi) { auto self = static_cast(tcp_node); return self->onInterrogation(connection, asdu, qoi); }, this); CS104_Slave_setASDUHandler( server.slave, [](void *tcp_node, IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu) { auto self = static_cast(tcp_node); return self->onASDU(connection, asdu); }, this); CS104_Slave_setConnectionEventHandler( server.slave, [](void *tcp_node, IMasterConnection connection, CS104_PeerConnectionEvent event) { auto self = static_cast(tcp_node); self->debugPrintConnection(connection, event); }, this); CS104_Slave_setRawMessageHandler( server.slave, [](void *tcp_node, IMasterConnection connection, uint8_t *message, int message_size, bool sent) { auto self = static_cast(tcp_node); self->debugPrintMessage(connection, message, message_size, sent); }, this); server.state = SlaveNode::Server::READY; } void SlaveNode::destroySlave() noexcept { if (server.state == SlaveNode::Server::NONE) return; stopSlave(); CS104_Slave_destroy(server.slave); server.state = SlaveNode::Server::NONE; } void SlaveNode::startSlave() noexcept(false) { if (server.state == SlaveNode::Server::NONE) createSlave(); else stopSlave(); server.state = SlaveNode::Server::READY; CS104_Slave_start(server.slave); if (!CS104_Slave_isRunning(server.slave)) throw std::runtime_error{"iec60870-5-104 server could not be started"}; } void SlaveNode::stopSlave() noexcept { if (server.state != SlaveNode::Server::READY || !CS104_Slave_isRunning(server.slave)) return; server.state = SlaveNode::Server::STOPPED; if (CS104_Slave_getNumberOfQueueEntries(server.slave, NULL) != 0) logger->info("Waiting for last messages in queue"); // Wait for all messages to be send before really stopping while ((CS104_Slave_getNumberOfQueueEntries(server.slave, NULL) != 0) && (CS104_Slave_getOpenConnections(server.slave) != 0)) std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); CS104_Slave_stop(server.slave); } void SlaveNode::debugPrintMessage(IMasterConnection connection, uint8_t *message, int message_size, bool sent) const noexcept { /// TODO: debug print the message bytes as trace } void SlaveNode::debugPrintConnection( IMasterConnection connection, CS104_PeerConnectionEvent event) const noexcept { switch (event) { case CS104_CON_EVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED: logger->info("Client connected"); break; case CS104_CON_EVENT_CONNECTION_CLOSED: logger->info("Client disconnected"); break; case CS104_CON_EVENT_ACTIVATED: logger->info("Connection activated"); break; case CS104_CON_EVENT_DEACTIVATED: logger->info("Connection closed"); break; } } bool SlaveNode::onClockSync(IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu, CP56Time2a new_time) const noexcept { logger->warn("Received clock sync command (unimplemented)"); return true; } bool SlaveNode::onInterrogation(IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu, QualifierOfInterrogation qoi) const noexcept { switch (qoi) { // Send last values without timestamps case IEC60870_QOI_STATION: { IMasterConnection_sendACT_CON(connection, asdu, false); logger->debug("Received general interrogation"); auto guard = std::lock_guard{output.last_values_mutex}; for (auto const &asdu_type : output.asdu_types) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < output.mapping.size();) { auto signal_asdu = CS101_ASDU_create( IMasterConnection_getApplicationLayerParameters(connection), false, CS101_COT_INTERROGATED_BY_STATION, 0, server.common_address, false, false); do { auto asdu_data = output.mapping[i]; auto last_value = output.last_values[i]; if (asdu_data.type() != asdu_type) continue; if (!asdu_data.withoutTimestamp().addSampleToASDU( signal_asdu, ASDUData::Sample{last_value, IEC60870_QUALITY_GOOD, std::nullopt})) break; } while (++i < output.mapping.size()); if (CS101_ASDU_getNumberOfElements(asdu) != 0) IMasterConnection_sendASDU(connection, signal_asdu); CS101_ASDU_destroy(signal_asdu); } } IMasterConnection_sendACT_TERM(connection, asdu); break; } // Negative acknowledgement default: IMasterConnection_sendACT_CON(connection, asdu, true); logger->warn("Ignoring interrogation type {}", qoi); } return true; } bool SlaveNode::onASDU(IMasterConnection connection, CS101_ASDU asdu) const noexcept { logger->warn("Ignoring ASDU type {}", (int)CS101_ASDU_getTypeID(asdu)); return true; } void SlaveNode::sendPeriodicASDUsForSample(Sample const *sample) const noexcept(false) { // ASDUs may only carry one type of ASDU for (auto const &type : output.asdu_types) { // Search all occurrences of this ASDU type for (unsigned signal = 0; signal < MIN(sample->length, output.mapping.size());) { // Create an ASDU for periodic transmission CS101_ASDU asdu = CS101_ASDU_create(server.asdu_app_layer_parameters, 0, CS101_COT_PERIODIC, 0, server.common_address, false, false); do { auto &asdu_data = output.mapping[signal]; // This signal_data does not belong in this ASDU if (asdu_data.type() != type) continue; auto timestamp = (sample->flags & (int)SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN) ? std::optional{sample->ts.origin} : std::nullopt; if (asdu_data.hasTimestamp() && !timestamp.has_value()) throw RuntimeError("Received sample without timestamp for ASDU type " "with mandatory timestamp"); if (asdu_data.signalType() != sample_format(sample, signal)) throw RuntimeError("Expected signal type {}, but received {}", signalTypeToString(asdu_data.signalType()), signalTypeToString(sample_format(sample, signal))); if (asdu_data.addSampleToASDU(asdu, ASDUData::Sample{sample->data[signal], IEC60870_QUALITY_GOOD, timestamp}) == false) // ASDU is full -> dispatch -> create a new one break; } while (++signal < MIN(sample->length, output.mapping.size())); if (CS101_ASDU_getNumberOfElements(asdu) != 0) CS104_Slave_enqueueASDU(server.slave, asdu); CS101_ASDU_destroy(asdu); } } } int SlaveNode::_write(Sample *samples[], unsigned sample_count) { if (server.state != SlaveNode::Server::READY) return -1; for (unsigned sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) { Sample const *sample = samples[sample_index]; // Update last_values output.last_values_mutex.lock(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < MIN(sample->length, output.last_values.size()); i++) output.last_values[i] = sample->data[i]; output.last_values_mutex.unlock(); sendPeriodicASDUsForSample(sample); } return sample_count; } SlaveNode::SlaveNode(const uuid_t &id, const std::string &name) : Node(id, name) { server.state = SlaveNode::Server::NONE; // Server config (use explicit defaults) server.local_address = ""; server.local_port = 2404; server.common_address = 1; server.low_priority_queue = 100; server.high_priority_queue = 100; // Config (use lib60870 defaults if std::nullopt) server.apci_t0 = std::nullopt; server.apci_t1 = std::nullopt; server.apci_t2 = std::nullopt; server.apci_t3 = std::nullopt; server.apci_k = std::nullopt; server.apci_w = std::nullopt; // Output config output.enabled = false; output.mapping = {}; output.asdu_types = {}; output.last_values = {}; } SlaveNode::~SlaveNode() { destroySlave(); } int SlaveNode::parse(json_t *json) { int ret = Node::parse(json); if (ret) return ret; json_error_t err; auto signals = getOutputSignals(); json_t *json_out = nullptr; char const *address = nullptr; int apci_t0 = -1; int apci_t1 = -1; int apci_t2 = -1; int apci_t3 = -1; int apci_k = -1; int apci_w = -1; ret = json_unpack_ex( json, &err, 0, "{ s?: o, s?: s, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, " "s?: i, s?: i }", "out", &json_out, "address", &address, "port", &server.local_port, "ca", &server.common_address, "low_priority_queue", &server.low_priority_queue, "high_priority_queue", &server.high_priority_queue, "apci_t0", &apci_t0, "apci_t1", &apci_t1, "apci_t2", &apci_t2, "apci_t3", &apci_t3, "apci_k", &apci_k, "apci_w", &apci_w); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-iec60870-5-104"); if (apci_t0 != -1) server.apci_t0 = apci_t0; if (apci_t1 != -1) server.apci_t1 = apci_t1; if (apci_t2 != -1) server.apci_t2 = apci_t2; if (apci_t3 != -1) server.apci_t3 = apci_t3; if (apci_k != -1) server.apci_k = apci_k; if (apci_w != -1) server.apci_w = apci_w; if (address) server.local_address = address; json_t *json_signals = nullptr; int duplicate_ioa_is_sequence = false; if (json_out) { output.enabled = true; ret = json_unpack_ex(json_out, &err, 0, "{ s: o, s?: b }", "signals", &json_signals, "duplicate_ioa_is_sequence", &duplicate_ioa_is_sequence); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json_out, err, "node-config-node-iec60870-5-104"); } if (json_signals) { json_t *json_signal; size_t i; std::optional last_data = std::nullopt; json_array_foreach(json_signals, i, json_signal) { auto signal = signals ? signals->getByIndex(i) : Signal::Ptr{}; auto asdu_data = ASDUData::parse(json_signal, last_data, duplicate_ioa_is_sequence); last_data = asdu_data; SignalData initial_value; if (signal) { if (signal->type != asdu_data.signalType()) { throw RuntimeError( "Type mismatch! Expected type {} for signal {}, but found {}", signalTypeToString(asdu_data.signalType()), signal->name, signalTypeToString(signal->type)); } switch (signal->type) { case SignalType::BOOLEAN: initial_value.b = false; break; case SignalType::INTEGER: initial_value.i = 0; break; case SignalType::FLOAT: initial_value.f = 0; break; default: throw RuntimeError{"unsupported signal type"}; } } else initial_value.f = 0.0; output.mapping.push_back(asdu_data); output.last_values.push_back(initial_value); } } for (auto const &asdu_data : output.mapping) { if (std::find(begin(output.asdu_types), end(output.asdu_types), asdu_data.type()) == end(output.asdu_types)) output.asdu_types.push_back(asdu_data.type()); } return 0; } int SlaveNode::start() { startSlave(); return Node::start(); } int SlaveNode::stop() { stopSlave(); return Node::stop(); } // Register node static char name[] = "iec60870-5-104"; static char description[] = "Provide values as protocol slave"; static NodePlugin p;