# $Id$ # Maintainer: Daniel Krebs pkgname=villas-node pkgdesc="Connecting real-time power grid simulation equipment" ## Choose to build tag release or some branch #branch=v$pkgver branch=develop pkgver=$branch pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') install=$pkgname.install # TODO: check dependencies, might be more makedepends=('libconfig') depends=('libwebsockets' 'zeromq' 'nanomsg' 'libxil' 'openssl' 'jansson' 'curl' 'libnl' 'protobuf' 'libpgm') repo=VILLASnode url="https://git.rwth-aachen.de/acs/public/villas/$repo" source=("$url/repository/$branch/archive.tar.bz2") sha256sums=(SKIP) prepare() { cd "$(sh -c "echo ${repo}-*")" # don't build tests sed -i 's/all: src plugins tools tests clients/all: src plugins tools clients/' Makefile # don't run ldconfig during install (requires root permissions) # see villas-node.install for post_install hook sed -i '/ldconfig/d' lib/Makefile.villas.inc } build() { cd "$(sh -c "echo ${repo}-*")" # concurrent build seems broken make -j1 } package() { cd "$(sh -c "echo ${repo}-*")" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install }