# CMakeLists. # # Author: Steffen Vogel # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 set(NODE_SRC loopback_internal.cpp ) if(WITH_WEB) list(APPEND NODE_SRC api.cpp) endif() if(LIBNL3_ROUTE_FOUND) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBNL3_ROUTE) endif() if(WITH_NODE_INFLUXDB) list(APPEND NODE_SRC influxdb.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_STATS) list(APPEND NODE_SRC stats.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_SIGNAL) list(APPEND NODE_SRC signal.cpp signal_v1.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_LOOPBACK) list(APPEND NODE_SRC loopback.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_TEST_RTT) list(APPEND NODE_SRC test_rtt.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_SMU) list(APPEND NODE_SRC smu.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_SOCKET) list(APPEND NODE_SRC socket.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_FILE) list(APPEND NODE_SRC file.cpp) endif() if(WITH_NODE_EXEC) list(APPEND NODE_SRC exec.cpp) endif() # Enable Universal Library for Linux DAQ devices (libuldaq) if(WITH_NODE_ULDAQ) list(APPEND NODE_SRC uldaq.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBULDAQ) endif() # Enable shared memory node-type if(WITH_NODE_SHMEM) list(APPEND NODE_SRC shmem.cpp) endif() # Enable IEC60870 node-types when lib60870 is available if(WITH_NODE_IEC60870) list(APPEND NODE_SRC iec60870.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIB60870) endif() # Enable IEC61850 node-types when libiec61850 is available if(WITH_NODE_IEC61850) list(APPEND NODE_SRC iec61850_goose.cpp iec61850.cpp iec61850_sv.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBIEC61850) endif() if(WITH_NODE_MODBUS) list(APPEND NODE_SRC modbus.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::MODBUS) endif() # Enable nanomsg node type when libnanomsg is available if(WITH_NODE_NANOMSG) list(APPEND NODE_SRC nanomsg.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::NANOMSG) endif() # Enable ZeroMQ node type when libzmq is available if(WITH_NODE_ZEROMQ) list(APPEND NODE_SRC zeromq.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBZMQ) endif() # Enable NGSI support if(WITH_NODE_NGSI) list(APPEND NODE_SRC ngsi.cpp) list(APPEND INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND LIBRARIES ${CURL_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Enable WebSocket support if(WITH_NODE_WEBSOCKET) list(APPEND NODE_SRC websocket.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBWEBSOCKETS) endif() # Enable AMQP support if(WITH_NODE_AMQP) list(APPEND NODE_SRC amqp.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::RABBITMQ_C) endif() # Enable MQTT support if(WITH_NODE_MQTT) list(APPEND NODE_SRC mqtt.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::MOSQUITTO) endif() # Enable Kafka support if(WITH_NODE_KAFKA) list(APPEND NODE_SRC kafka.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::RDKAFKA) endif() # Enable Comedi support if(WITH_NODE_COMEDI) list(APPEND NODE_SRC comedi.cpp) list(APPEND INCLUDE_DIRS ${COMEDILIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND LIBRARIES ${COMEDILIB_LDFLAGS}) endif() # Enable Infiniband support if(WITH_NODE_INFINIBAND) list(APPEND NODE_SRC infiniband.cpp) list(APPEND INCLUDE_DIRS ${IBVERBS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${RDMACM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND LIBRARIES ${IBVERBS_LIBRARIES} ${RDMACM_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Enable RTP node type when libre is available if(WITH_NODE_RTP) list(APPEND NODE_SRC rtp.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES re) endif() # Enable CAN node type if(WITH_NODE_CAN) list(APPEND NODE_SRC can.cpp) endif() # Enable Example node type if(WITH_NODE_EXAMPLE) list(APPEND NODE_SRC example.cpp) # Add your library dependencies for the new node-type here # list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::EXAMPLELIB) endif() # Enable Ethercat support if(WITH_NODE_ETHERCAT) list(APPEND NODE_SRC ethercat.cpp) list(APPEND INCLUDE_DIRS ${ETHERLAB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND LIBRARIES ${ETHERLAB_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Enable VILLASfpga support if(WITH_NODE_FPGA) list(APPEND NODE_SRC fpga.cpp) list(APPEND INCLUDE_DIRS $) endif() # Enable TEMPer node-type support if(WITH_NODE_TEMPER) list(APPEND NODE_SRC temper.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::LIBUSB) endif() # Enable Redis support if(WITH_NODE_REDIS) list(APPEND NODE_SRC redis.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES PkgConfig::HIREDIS PkgConfig::REDISPP) endif() # Enable WebRTC support if(WITH_NODE_WEBRTC) list(APPEND NODE_SRC webrtc.cpp webrtc/signaling_client.cpp webrtc/signaling_message.cpp webrtc/peer_connection.cpp) list(APPEND LIBRARIES LibDataChannel::LibDataChannel) endif() add_library(nodes STATIC ${NODE_SRC}) target_include_directories(nodes PUBLIC ${INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(nodes PUBLIC ${LIBRARIES})