# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 nodes = { ngsi_node = { type = "ngsi", # The HTTP REST API endpoint of the FIRWARE context broker endpoint = "", # Add an 'Auth-Token' token header to each request access_token = "aig1aaQuohsh5pee9uiC2Bae3loSh9wu" entity_id = "S3_ElectricalGrid", entity_type = "ElectricalGridMonitoring", # Create the NGSI entities during startup create = true # Rate at which we poll the broker for updates rate = 0.1 # Timeout of HTTP request in seconds (default is 1, must be smaller than 1 / rate) timeout = 1, # Verification of SSL server certificates (default is true) verify_ssl = false, in = { signals = ( { name = "attr1", ngsi_attribute_name = "attr1", # Defaults to signal 'name' ngsi_attribute_type = "Volts", # Default to signal 'unit' ngsi_attribute_metadatas = ( { name="accuracy", type="percent", value="5" } ) } ) } out = { signals = ( { name="PTotalLosses", unit="MW" }, { name="QTotalLosses", unit="Mvar" } ) } } }