/* Message paths. * * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include <bitset> #include <fmt/ostream.h> #include <jansson.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <uuid/uuid.h> #include <villas/colors.hpp> #include <villas/common.hpp> #include <villas/config.hpp> #include <villas/list.hpp> #include <villas/log.hpp> #include <villas/mapping_list.hpp> #include <villas/node.hpp> #include <villas/node_list.hpp> #include <villas/path_destination.hpp> #include <villas/path_source.hpp> #include <villas/pool.hpp> #include <villas/queue.h> #include <villas/signal_list.hpp> #include <villas/task.hpp> // Forward declarations struct pollfd; namespace villas { namespace node { // Forward declarations class Node; // The datastructure for a path. class Path { friend PathSource; friend SecondaryPathSource; friend PathDestination; protected: void *runSingle(); void *runPoll(); static void *runWrapper(void *arg); void startPoll(); static int id; public: enum State state; // Path state. // The register mode determines under which condition the path is triggered. enum class Mode { ANY, // The path is triggered whenever one of the sources receives samples. ALL // The path is triggered only after all sources have received at least 1 sample. } mode; // Determines when this path is triggered. uuid_t uuid; std::vector<struct pollfd> pfds; struct Pool pool; struct Sample *last_sample; int last_sequence; NodeList masked; MappingList mappings; // List of all input mappings. PathSourceList sources; // List of all incoming nodes. PathDestinationList destinations; // List of all outgoing nodes. HookList hooks; // List of processing hooks. SignalList::Ptr signals; // List of signals which this path creates. struct Task timeout; double rate; // A timeout for int affinity; // Thread affinity. bool enabled; // Is this path enabled? int poll; // Weather or not to use poll(2). bool reversed; // This path has a matching reverse path. bool builtin; // This path should use built-in hooks by default. int original_sequence_no; // Use original source sequence number when multiplexing unsigned queuelen; // The queue length for each path_destination::queue pthread_t tid; // The thread id for this path. json_t *config; // A JSON object containing the configuration of the path. Logger logger; std::bitset<MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH> mask; // A mask of PathSources which are enabled for poll(). std::bitset<MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH> received; // A mask of PathSources for which we already received samples. friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Path &p) { if (p.sources.size() > 1) os << "[ "; for (auto ps : p.sources) os << ps->getNode()->getNameShort() << " "; if (p.sources.size() > 1) os << "] "; os << CLR_MAG("=>"); if (p.destinations.size() != 1) os << " ["; for (auto pd : p.destinations) os << " " << pd->getNode()->getNameShort(); if (p.destinations.size() != 1) os << " ]"; return os; } std::string toString() { std::stringstream ss; ss << *this; return ss.str(); } Path(); ~Path(); void prepare(NodeList &nodes); // Check if path configuration is proper. void check(); // Check prepared path. void checkPrepared(); /* Start a path. * * Start a new pthread for receiving/sending messages over this path. */ void start(); // Stop a path. void stop(); // Get a list of signals which is emitted by the path. SignalList::Ptr getOutputSignals(bool after_hooks = true); unsigned getOutputSignalsMaxCount(); /* Parse a single path and add it to the global configuration. * * @param json A JSON object containing the configuration of the path. * @param p Pointer to the allocated memory for this path * @param nodes A linked list of all existing nodes * @retval 0 Success. Everything went well. * @retval <0 Error. Something went wrong. */ void parse(json_t *json, NodeList &nodes, const uuid_t sn_uuid); void parseMask(json_t *json_mask, NodeList &nodes); bool isSimple() const; bool isMuxed() const; bool isEnabled() const { return enabled; } bool isReversed() const { return reversed; } State getState() const { return state; } // Get the UUID of this path. const uuid_t &getUuid() const { return uuid; } json_t *toJson() const; }; } // namespace node } // namespace villas #ifndef FMT_LEGACY_OSTREAM_FORMATTER template <> class fmt::formatter<villas::node::Path> : public fmt::ostream_formatter {}; #endif