--- openapi: '3.0.0' info: title: VILLASnode version: 0.10.0 description: 'A HTTP/REST API for controlling VILLASnode remotely without the need to restart the daemon.' termsOfService: 'https://www.fein-aachen.org/projects/villas-node/' contact: name: 'Steffen Vogel' email: svogel2@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de url: 'https://fein-aachen.org/contact/' license: name: GPL-v3 url: 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html' externalDocs: url: 'https://villas.fein-aachen.org/doc/node.html' servers: - url: "https://villas.k8s.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de/api/v2" description: "The production API server in our EONERC OpenStack Kubernetes" tags: - name: super-node description: Global super-node related operations. - name: nodes description: Node related operations. - name: paths description: Path related operations. components: parameters: node-uuid: name: uuid description: A globally unique identifier for each node. in: path required: true schema: type: string format: uuid path-uuid: name: uuid description: A globally unique identifier for each path. in: path required: true schema: type: string format: uuid node-uuid-name: name: uuid-or-name description: Either a UUID or node-name in: path required: true schema: oneOf: - type: string format: uuid - type: string pattern: "[a-z0-9_-]{2,32}" paths: "/status": get: summary: Get the current status of the VILLASnode instance. tags: - super-node responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: state: running version: v0.10.0 release: 1.node_uuid_unique_debug.20201015git335440d build_id: v0.10.0-335440d-debug build_date: '20201015' hostname: ernie uuid: c9d64cc7-c6e1-4dd4-8873-126318e9d42c time_now: 1602765814.9240997 time_started: 1602765814.3103526 timezone: name: CEST offset: -3600 dst: true kernel: sysname: Linux nodename: ernie release: 5.6.17-rt10 version: "#5 SMP Fri Jul 10 14:02:33 CEST 2020" machine: x86_64 domainname: "(none)" system: cores_configured: 28 cores: 28 procecces: 780 uptime: 1379600 load: - 1.66259765625 - 1.271484375 - 1.18701171875 ram: total: 269994606592 free: 262204465152 shared: 44191744 buffer: 130211840 swap: total: 4294963200 free: 4294963200 highmem: total: 0 free: 0 "/capabilities": get: summary: Get the capabilities of the VILLASnode instance. tags: - super-node responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: hooks: - average - cast - decimate - dp - drop - dump - ebm - fix - gate - jitter_calc - limit_rate - average - restart - scale - shift_seq - shift_ts - skip_first - stats - ts - pps_ts - print node-types: - loopback_internal - influxdb - stats - signal - loopback - test_rtt - socket - file - exec - shmem - zeromq - ngsi - websocket - amqp - mqtt - can - example - ethercat apis: - status - capabilities - config - shutdown - restart - nodes - node - node/start - node/stop - node/pause - node/resume - node/restart - node/stats - node/stats/reset - node/file - paths - path - path/start - path/stop formats: - json - iotagent_ul - json.reserve - villas.binary - villas.web - villas.human - tsv - csv - raw.8 - raw.16.be - raw.32.be - raw.64.be - raw.16.le - raw.32.le - raw.64.le - gtnet - gtnet.fake - value "/config": get: summary: Get the currently loaded configuration. tags: - super-node responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: nodes: udp_node1: type: socket layer: udp in: address: '*:12000' signals: count: 8 type: float out: address: '' web_node1: type: websocket vectorize: 2 series: - label: Random walk unit: V - label: Sine unit: A - label: Rect unit: Var - label: Ramp unit: °C paths: - in: - udp_node1 out: - web_node1 hooks: - type: decimate ratio: 2 - in: - web_node1 out: - udp_node1 "/restart": post: summary: Restart the VILLASnode instance. tags: - super-node requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: config: oneOf: - type: string example: "http://example.com/path/to/config.json" description: An optional path or URI to a new configuration file which should be loaded after restarting the node. - type: object description: An optional JSON object containing thenew configuration which should be loaded responses: '200': description: Success. The instance has been restarted. content: application/json: examples: example1: value: restarts: 5 config: http://example.com/path/to/config.json "/shutdown": post: summary: Shutdown the VILLASnode instance. tags: - super-node responses: '200': description: Success. The instance has been shut down. "/nodes": get: summary: Get a list of all configure node instances. tags: - nodes responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: - name: udp_node1 uuid: b3df1d73-f483-f16c-5936-4ea48295615c state: running affinity: -1 in: address: '*:12000' signals: count: 8 type: float out: address: '' type: socket layer: udp - name: web_node1 uuid: 19c84350-c83a-8a3b-224b-43fa591c8998 state: running affinity: -1 in: vectorize: 2 signals: - type: float enabled: true name: signal0 - type: float enabled: true name: signal1 - type: float enabled: true name: signal2 - type: float enabled: true name: signal3 out: vectorize: 2 signals: - type: float enabled: true name: signal0 - type: float enabled: true name: signal1 - type: float enabled: true name: signal2 type: websocket vectorize: 2 series: - label: Random walk unit: V - label: Sine unit: A - label: Rect unit: Var - label: Ramp unit: °C "/node/{uuid-or-name}": get: summary: Get the information of a specific node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name' responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: name: udp_node1 uuid: b3df1d73-f483-f16c-5936-4ea48295615c state: running affinity: -1 in: address: '*:12000' signals: count: 8 type: float out: address: '' type: socket layer: udp '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID or the node does not collect statistics. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/stats": get: summary: Get the statistics of a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: rtp.jitter: low: 1.3293196e-316 high: 0 total: 0 rtp.pkts_lost: low: 1.3285797e-316 high: 1.3290532e-316 total: 0 rtp.loss_fraction: low: 3.0e-323 high: 1.32907453e-316 total: 0 age: low: 1.3288619e-316 high: 1.32909588e-316 total: 0 owd: low: 3.0e-323 high: 3.0e-322 total: 144 higher: 0 lower: 0 highest: 0.099986117 lowest: 0.09990915800000001 mean: 0.09998063221527778 variance: 7.736879555478282e-11 stddev: 8.795953362472019e-06 buckets: - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 gap_received: low: 0 high: 1.32743107e-316 total: 144 higher: 0 lower: 0 highest: 0.10000411000000001 lowest: 0.09999650900000001 mean: 0.09999998652777778 variance: 5.701784607620545e-13 stddev: 7.551016228045431e-07 buckets: - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 gap_sent: low: 1.58e-321 high: 1.3292848e-316 total: 144 higher: 0 lower: 0 highest: 0.10004273400000001 lowest: 0.09926839700000001 mean: 0.09999436691666665 variance: 3.7637473716438304e-09 stddev: 6.134938770390321e-05 buckets: - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 reordered: low: 8.28904606e-315 high: 1.32930615e-316 total: 0 skipped: low: 1.32879865e-316 high: 1.3293275e-316 total: 0 '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID or the node does not collect statistics. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/stats/reset": post: summary: Reset the statistics counters for a specific node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The statistics of the node have been reset. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/start": post: summary: Start a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The node has been started. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/stop": post: summary: Stop a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The node has been stopped. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/pause": post: summary: Pause a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The node has been paused. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/resume": post: summary: Resume a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The node has been resumed. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/restart": post: summary: Retart a node. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The node has been restarted. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/file/rewind": post: summary: Rewind the playback file to the beginning. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" responses: '200': description: Success. The file has been rewound. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/node/{uuid-or-name}/file/seek": post: summary: Rewind the playback file to the beginning. tags: - nodes parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/node-uuid-name" requestBody: description: Sample position in file required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - position properties: position: type: integer example: 123 description: Skip the first nth samples in the file. responses: '200': description: Success. The read-pointer of the file has been changed. '404': description: Error. There is no node with the given UUID. "/paths": get: summary: Get a list of all paths. tags: - paths responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: - uuid: 251c99af-4b05-9de4-367e-2bb550412e56 state: running mode: any enabled: true builtin: true reverse: false original_sequence_no: true last_sequence: false poll: false queuelen: 1024 signals: [] hooks: [] in: - udp_node1 out: - web_node1 - uuid: 61b5674b-95fa-b35f-bff8-c877acf21e3b state: running mode: any enabled: true builtin: true reverse: false original_sequence_no: true last_sequence: false poll: false queuelen: 1024 signals: [] hooks: [] in: - web_node1 out: - udp_node1 "/path/{uuid}": post: summary: Get details of a single path. tags: - paths parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/path-uuid" responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: uuid: 251c99af-4b05-9de4-367e-2bb550412e56 state: running mode: any enabled: true builtin: true reverse: false original_sequence_no: true last_sequence: false poll: false queuelen: 1024 signals: [] hooks: [] in: - udp_node1 out: - web_node1 '404': description: Error. There is no path with the given UUID. "/path/{uuid}/start": post: summary: Start a path. tags: - paths parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/path-uuid" responses: '200': description: Success. The path has been started. '404': description: Error. There is no path with the given UUID. "/path/{uuid}/stop": post: summary: Start a path. tags: - paths parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/path-uuid" responses: '200': description: Success. The path has been stopped. '404': description: Error. There is no path with the given UUID. "/graph.{format}": get: summary: Get a graph representation of the currently loaded configuration. tags: - super-node parameters: - in: path name: format schema: type: string description: The image format of the generated graph. enum: - ps - eps - txt - svg - svgz - gif - png - jpg - jpeg - bmp - dot - fig - json - pdf - in: query name: layout schema: type: string description: The Graphviz layout engine used for rendering the graph. enum: - circo - dot - fdp - neato - nop - nop1 - nop2 - osage - patchwork - sfdp - twopi