/* Memory managment.
 * Author: Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>

#include <villas/exceptions.hpp>
#include <villas/memory_manager.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::utils;

namespace villas {

MemoryManager *MemoryManager::instance = nullptr;

MemoryManager &MemoryManager::get() {
  if (instance == nullptr) {
    instance = new MemoryManager;
    if (!instance)
      throw MemoryAllocationError();

  return *instance;

MemoryManager::getOrCreateAddressSpace(std::string name) {
  try {
    // Try fast lookup
    return addrSpaceLookup.at(name);
  } catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
    // Does not yet exist, create
    std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> addrSpace(new AddressSpace);
    addrSpace->name = name;

    // Cache it for the next access
    addrSpaceLookup[name] = memoryGraph.addVertex(addrSpace);

    return addrSpaceLookup[name];

MemoryManager::createMapping(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dest, size_t size,
                             const std::string &name,
                             MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId fromAddrSpace,
                             MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId toAddrSpace) {
  std::shared_ptr<Mapping> mapping(new Mapping);

  mapping->name = name;
  mapping->src = src;
  mapping->dest = dest;
  mapping->size = size;

  return addMapping(mapping, fromAddrSpace, toAddrSpace);

MemoryManager::addMapping(std::shared_ptr<Mapping> mapping,
                          MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId fromAddrSpace,
                          MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId toAddrSpace) {
  return memoryGraph.addEdge(mapping, fromAddrSpace, toAddrSpace);

MemoryManager::findAddressSpace(const std::string &name) {
  return memoryGraph.findVertex(
      [&](const std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> &v) { return v->name == name; });

MemoryManager::findPath(const MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId &fromAddrSpaceId,
                        const MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId &toAddrSpaceId) {
  std::list<AddressSpaceId> path;

  auto fromAddrSpace = memoryGraph.getVertex(fromAddrSpaceId);
  auto toAddrSpace = memoryGraph.getVertex(toAddrSpaceId);

  // Find a path through the memory graph
  MemoryGraph::Path pathGraph;
  if (not memoryGraph.getPath(fromAddrSpaceId, toAddrSpaceId, pathGraph,
                              pathCheckFunc)) {

    logger->debug("No translation found from ({}) to ({})",
                  fromAddrSpace->toString(), toAddrSpace->toString());

    throw std::out_of_range("no translation found");

  for (auto &mappingId : pathGraph) {
    auto mapping = memoryGraph.getEdge(mappingId);

  return path;

MemoryTranslation MemoryManager::getTranslation(
    const MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId &fromAddrSpaceId,
    const MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId &toAddrSpaceId) {
  // Find a path through the memory graph
  MemoryGraph::Path path;
  if (not memoryGraph.getPath(fromAddrSpaceId, toAddrSpaceId, path,
                              pathCheckFunc)) {

    auto fromAddrSpace = memoryGraph.getVertex(fromAddrSpaceId);
    auto toAddrSpace = memoryGraph.getVertex(toAddrSpaceId);
    logger->debug("No translation found from ({}) to ({})",
                  fromAddrSpace->toString(), toAddrSpace->toString());

    throw std::out_of_range("no translation found");

  // Start with an identity mapping
  MemoryTranslation translation(0, 0, SIZE_MAX);

  // Iterate through path and merge all mappings into a single translation
  for (auto &mappingId : path) {
    auto mapping = memoryGraph.getEdge(mappingId);
    translation += getTranslationFromMapping(*mapping);

  return translation;

bool MemoryManager::pathCheck(const MemoryGraph::Path &path) {
  // Start with an identity mapping
  MemoryTranslation translation(0, 0, SIZE_MAX);

  // Try to add all mappings together to a common translation. If this fails
  // there is a non-overlapping window.
  for (auto &mappingId : path) {
    auto mapping = memoryGraph.getEdge(mappingId);
    try {
      translation += getTranslationFromMapping(*mapping);
    } catch (const InvalidTranslation &) {
      return false;

  return true;

MemoryTranslation::getLocalAddr(uintptr_t addrInForeignAddrSpace) const {
  assert(addrInForeignAddrSpace >= dst);
  assert(addrInForeignAddrSpace < (dst + size));
  return src + addrInForeignAddrSpace - dst;

MemoryTranslation::getForeignAddr(uintptr_t addrInLocalAddrSpace) const {
  assert(addrInLocalAddrSpace >= src);
  assert(addrInLocalAddrSpace < (src + size));
  return dst + addrInLocalAddrSpace - src;

MemoryTranslation &
MemoryTranslation::operator+=(const MemoryTranslation &other) {
  Logger logger = logging.get("MemoryTranslation");

  // Set level to debug to enable debug output

  const uintptr_t this_dst_high = this->dst + this->size;
  const uintptr_t other_src_high = other.src + other.size;

  logger->debug("this->src:      {:#x}", this->src);
  logger->debug("this->dst:      {:#x}", this->dst);
  logger->debug("this->size:     {:#x}", this->size);
  logger->debug("other.src:      {:#x}", other.src);
  logger->debug("other.dst:      {:#x}", other.dst);
  logger->debug("other.size:     {:#x}", other.size);
  logger->debug("this_dst_high:  {:#x}", this_dst_high);
  logger->debug("other_src_high: {:#x}", other_src_high);

  // Make sure there is a common memory area
  assertExcept(other.src < this_dst_high, MemoryManager::InvalidTranslation());
  assertExcept(this->dst < other_src_high, MemoryManager::InvalidTranslation());

  const uintptr_t hi = std::max(this_dst_high, other_src_high);
  const uintptr_t lo = std::min(this->dst, other.src);

  const uintptr_t diff_hi = (this_dst_high > other_src_high)
                                ? (this_dst_high - other_src_high)
                                : (other_src_high - this_dst_high);

  const bool otherSrcIsSmaller = this->dst > other.src;
  const uintptr_t diff_lo =
      (otherSrcIsSmaller) ? (this->dst - other.src) : (other.src - this->dst);

  logger->debug("hi:             {:#x}", hi);
  logger->debug("lo:             {:#x}", lo);
  logger->debug("diff_hi:        {:#x}", diff_hi);
  logger->debug("diff_lo:        {:#x}", diff_lo);

  // New size of aperture, can only stay or shrink
  this->size = (hi - lo) - diff_hi - diff_lo;

  // New translation will come out other's destination (by default)
  this->dst = other.dst;

  // The source stays the same and can only increase with merged translations
  //this->src = this->src;

  if (otherSrcIsSmaller)
    // Other mapping starts at lower addresses, so we actually arrive at
    // higher addresses
    this->dst += diff_lo;
    // Other mapping starts at higher addresses than this, so we have to
    // increase the start
    // NOTE: for addresses equality, this just adds 0
    this->src += diff_lo;

  logger->debug("result src:     {:#x}", this->src);
  logger->debug("result dst:     {:#x}", this->dst);
  logger->debug("result size:    {:#x}", this->size);

  return *this;

void MemoryManager::printGraph() {
  auto loggerStatic = logger;

  loggerStatic->info("####### Vertices ########");

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < memoryGraph.getVertexCount(); i++) {
    auto vertex = memoryGraph.getVertex(i);
    loggerStatic->info(std::to_string(i) + ": " + vertex->name);

  loggerStatic->info("####### Edges ########");

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < memoryGraph.getEdgeCount(); i++) {
    auto mapping = memoryGraph.getEdge(i);
    loggerStatic->info("From: " + std::to_string(mapping->getVertexFrom()) +
                       " To: " + std::to_string(mapping->getVertexTo()) +
                       " ID: " + mapping->toString());

} // namespace villas