/* Node-type for shared memory communication. * * Author: Georg Martin Reinke <georg.reinke@rwth-aachen.de> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <cstring> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <villas/exceptions.hpp> #include <villas/kernel/kernel.hpp> #include <villas/log.hpp> #include <villas/node_compat.hpp> #include <villas/nodes/shmem.hpp> #include <villas/shmem.hpp> #include <villas/timing.hpp> #include <villas/utils.hpp> using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; int villas::node::shmem_init(NodeCompat *n) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); // Default values shm->conf.queuelen = -1; shm->conf.samplelen = -1; shm->conf.polling = false; shm->exec = nullptr; return 0; } int villas::node::shmem_parse(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); const char *val, *mode_str = nullptr; int ret; json_t *json_exec = nullptr; json_error_t err; ret = json_unpack_ex( json, &err, 0, "{ s: { s: s }, s: { s: s }, s?: i, s?: o, s?: s }", "out", "name", &shm->out_name, "in", "name", &shm->in_name, "queuelen", &shm->conf.queuelen, "exec", &json_exec, "mode", &mode_str); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-shmem"); if (mode_str) { if (!strcmp(mode_str, "polling")) shm->conf.polling = true; else if (!strcmp(mode_str, "pthread")) shm->conf.polling = false; else throw SystemError("Unknown mode '{}'", mode_str); } if (json_exec) { if (!json_is_array(json_exec)) throw SystemError("Setting 'exec' must be an array of strings"); shm->exec = new char *[json_array_size(json_exec) + 1]; if (!shm->exec) throw MemoryAllocationError(); size_t i; json_t *json_val; json_array_foreach(json_exec, i, json_val) { val = json_string_value(json_val); if (!val) throw SystemError("Setting 'exec' must be an array of strings"); shm->exec[i] = strdup(val); } shm->exec[i] = nullptr; } return 0; } int villas::node::shmem_prepare(NodeCompat *n) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); if (shm->conf.queuelen < 0) shm->conf.queuelen = MAX(DEFAULT_SHMEM_QUEUELEN, n->in.vectorize); if (shm->conf.samplelen < 0) { auto input_sigs = n->getInputSignals(false)->size(); auto output_sigs = 0U; if (n->getOutputSignals(true)) output_sigs = n->getOutputSignals(true)->size(); shm->conf.samplelen = MAX(input_sigs, output_sigs); } return 0; } int villas::node::shmem_start(NodeCompat *n) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); int ret; if (shm->exec) { ret = spawn(shm->exec[0], shm->exec); if (!ret) throw SystemError("Failed to spawn external program"); sleep(1); } ret = shmem_int_open(shm->out_name, shm->in_name, &shm->intf, &shm->conf); if (ret < 0) throw SystemError("Opening shared memory interface failed (ret={})", ret); return 0; } int villas::node::shmem_stop(NodeCompat *n) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); return shmem_int_close(&shm->intf); } int villas::node::shmem_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); int recv; struct Sample *shared_smps[cnt]; do { recv = shmem_int_read(&shm->intf, shared_smps, cnt); } while (recv == 0); if (recv < 0) { /* This can only really mean that the other process has exited, so close * the interface to make sure the shared memory object is unlinked */ n->logger->info("Shared memory segment has been closed."); n->setState(State::STOPPING); return recv; } sample_copy_many(smps, shared_smps, recv); sample_decref_many(shared_smps, recv); // TODO: signal descriptions are currently not shared between processes for (int i = 0; i < recv; i++) smps[i]->signals = n->getInputSignals(false); return recv; } int villas::node::shmem_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample *const smps[], unsigned cnt) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); struct Sample *shared_smps[cnt]; // Samples need to be copied to the shared pool first int avail, pushed, copied; avail = sample_alloc_many(&shm->intf.write.shared->pool, shared_smps, cnt); if (avail != (int)cnt) n->logger->warn("Pool underrun for shmem node {}", shm->out_name); copied = sample_copy_many(shared_smps, smps, avail); if (copied < avail) n->logger->warn("Outgoing pool underrun"); pushed = shmem_int_write(&shm->intf, shared_smps, copied); if (pushed != avail) n->logger->warn("Outgoing queue overrun for node"); return pushed; } char *villas::node::shmem_print(NodeCompat *n) { auto *shm = n->getData<struct shmem>(); char *buf = nullptr; strcatf(&buf, "out_name=%s, in_name=%s, queuelen=%d, polling=%s", shm->out_name, shm->in_name, shm->conf.queuelen, shm->conf.polling ? "yes" : "no"); if (shm->exec) { strcatf(&buf, ", exec='"); for (int i = 0; shm->exec[i]; i++) strcatf(&buf, shm->exec[i + 1] ? "%s " : "%s", shm->exec[i]); strcatf(&buf, "'"); } return buf; } static NodeCompatType p; __attribute__((constructor(110))) static void register_plugin() { p.name = "shmem"; p.description = "POSIX shared memory interface with external processes"; p.vectorize = 0; p.size = sizeof(struct shmem); p.parse = shmem_parse; p.print = shmem_print; p.start = shmem_start; p.stop = shmem_stop; p.read = shmem_read; p.write = shmem_write; p.prepare = shmem_prepare; p.init = shmem_init; static NodeCompatFactory ncp(&p); }