# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --- title: PMU format used by Igor example: device: device1 timestamp: '2020-05-20T10:27:57.980802+00:00' readings: - channel: BUS1-VA magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-IA magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-VB magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-IB magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-VC magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-IC magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-VN magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 - channel: BUS1-IN magnitude: 9.171 phase: 0.8305 frequency: 50.1 rocof: 0.11 type: object required: - device - timestamp - readings properties: device: description: ID for measurement device type: string timestamp: description: Timestamp of measurement in ISO 8601 format type: string pattern: '^\d{4}(-\d\d(-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?(\.\d+)?(([+-]\d\d:\d\d)|Z)?)?)?)?$' readings: type: array items: type: object properties: channel: type: string description: Name of the monitored bus magnitude: type: number description: Amplitude of the measured signal [V] phase: type: number description: Phase of the measured signal [radian] frequency: type: number description: Frequency of the line signal [Hz] rocof: type: number description: Rate of change of frequency [Hz/s]