/** Node type: mqtt * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2020, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; // Each process has a list of clients for which a thread invokes the mosquitto loop static struct vlist clients; static pthread_t thread; static Logger logger; static void * mosquitto_loop_thread(void *ctx) { int ret; // Set the cancel type of this thread to async ret = pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, nullptr); if (ret != 0) throw RuntimeError("Unable to set cancel type of MQTT communication thread to asynchronous."); while (true) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < vlist_length(&clients); i++) { struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) vlist_at(&clients, i); struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; // Execute mosquitto loop for this client ret = mosquitto_loop(m->client, 0, 1); if (ret) { n->logger->warn("Connection error: {}, attempting reconnect", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); ret = mosquitto_reconnect(m->client); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) n->logger->warn("Reconnection to broker failed: {}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); else n->logger->warn("Successfully reconnected to broker: {}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); ret = mosquitto_loop(m->client, 0, 1); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) n->logger->warn("Persisting connection error: {}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); } } } return nullptr; } static void mqtt_log_cb(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *ctx, int level, const char *str) { struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) ctx; switch (level) { case MOSQ_LOG_NONE: case MOSQ_LOG_INFO: case MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE: n->logger->info("{}", str); break; case MOSQ_LOG_WARNING: n->logger->warn("{}", str); break; case MOSQ_LOG_ERR: n->logger->error("{}", str); break; case MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG: n->logger->debug("{}", str); break; } } static void mqtt_connect_cb(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *ctx, int result) { struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) ctx; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; int ret; n->logger->info("Connected to broker {}", m->host); if (m->subscribe) { ret = mosquitto_subscribe(m->client, nullptr, m->subscribe, m->qos); if (ret) n->logger->warn("Failed to subscribe to topic '{}': {}", m->subscribe, mosquitto_strerror(ret)); } else n->logger->warn("No subscription as no topic is configured"); } static void mqtt_disconnect_cb(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *ctx, int result) { struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) ctx; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; n->logger->info("Disconnected from broker {}", m->host); } static void mqtt_message_cb(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *ctx, const struct mosquitto_message *msg) { int ret; struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) ctx; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; struct sample *smps[n->in.vectorize]; n->logger->debug("Received a message of {} bytes from broker {}", msg->payloadlen, m->host); ret = sample_alloc_many(&m->pool, smps, n->in.vectorize); if (ret <= 0) { n->logger->warn("Pool underrun in subscriber"); return; } ret = m->formatter->sscan((char *) msg->payload, msg->payloadlen, nullptr, smps, n->in.vectorize); if (ret < 0) { n->logger->warn("Received an invalid message"); n->logger->warn(" Payload: {}", (char *) msg->payload); return; } if (ret == 0) { n->logger->debug("Skip empty message"); sample_decref_many(smps, n->in.vectorize); return; } ret = queue_signalled_push_many(&m->queue, (void **) smps, n->in.vectorize); if (ret < (int) n->in.vectorize) n->logger->warn("Failed to enqueue samples"); } static void mqtt_subscribe_cb(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *ctx, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos) { struct vnode *n = (struct vnode *) ctx; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; n->logger->info("Subscribed to broker {}", m->host); } int mqtt_reverse(struct vnode *n) { struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; SWAP(m->publish, m->subscribe); return 0; } int mqtt_init(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; m->client = mosquitto_new(nullptr, true, (void *) n); if (!m->client) return -1; ret = mosquitto_threaded_set(m->client, true); if (ret) goto mosquitto_error; mosquitto_log_callback_set(m->client, mqtt_log_cb); mosquitto_connect_callback_set(m->client, mqtt_connect_cb); mosquitto_disconnect_callback_set(m->client, mqtt_disconnect_cb); mosquitto_message_callback_set(m->client, mqtt_message_cb); mosquitto_subscribe_callback_set(m->client, mqtt_subscribe_cb); /* Default values */ m->port = 1883; m->qos = 0; m->retain = 0; m->keepalive = 5; /* 5 second, minimum required for libmosquitto */ m->host = nullptr; m->username = nullptr; m->password = nullptr; m->publish = nullptr; m->subscribe = nullptr; m->ssl.enabled = 0; m->ssl.insecure = 0; m->ssl.cafile = nullptr; m->ssl.capath = nullptr; m->ssl.certfile = nullptr; m->ssl.keyfile = nullptr; return 0; mosquitto_error: n->logger->warn("{}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return ret; } int mqtt_parse(struct vnode *n, json_t *json) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; const char *host; const char *publish = nullptr; const char *subscribe = nullptr; const char *username = nullptr; const char *password = nullptr; json_error_t err; json_t *json_ssl = nullptr; json_t *json_format = nullptr; ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: { s?: s }, s?: { s?: s }, s?: o, s: s, s?: i, s?: i, s?: i, s?: b, s?: s, s?: s, s?: o }", "out", "publish", &publish, "in", "subscribe", &subscribe, "format", &json_format, "host", &host, "port", &m->port, "qos", &m->qos, "keepalive", &m->keepalive, "retain", &m->retain, "username", &username, "password", &password, "ssl", &json_ssl ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-mqtt"); m->host = strdup(host); m->publish = publish ? strdup(publish) : nullptr; m->subscribe = subscribe ? strdup(subscribe) : nullptr; m->username = username ? strdup(username) : nullptr; m->password = password ? strdup(password) : nullptr; if (!m->publish && !m->subscribe) throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-mqtt", "At least one topic has to be specified for node {}", *n); if (json_ssl) { m->ssl.enabled = 1; const char *cafile = nullptr; const char *capath = nullptr; const char *certfile = nullptr; const char *keyfile = nullptr; ret = json_unpack_ex(json_ssl, &err, 0, "{ s?: b, s?: b, s?: s, s?: s, s?: s, s?: s }", "enabled", &m->ssl.enabled, "insecure", &m->ssl.insecure, "cafile", &cafile, "capath", &capath, "certfile", &certfile, "keyfile", &keyfile ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json_ssl, err, "node-config-node-mqtt-ssl", "Failed to parse SSL configuration of node {}", *n); if (m->ssl.enabled && !cafile && !capath) throw ConfigError(json_ssl, "node-config-node-mqtt-ssl", "Either 'ssl.cafile' or 'ssl.capath' settings must be set for node {}.", *n); m->ssl.cafile = cafile ? strdup(cafile) : nullptr; m->ssl.capath = capath ? strdup(capath) : nullptr; m->ssl.certfile = certfile ? strdup(certfile) : nullptr; m->ssl.keyfile = keyfile ? strdup(keyfile) : nullptr; } /* Format */ m->formatter = json_format ? FormatFactory::make(json_format) : FormatFactory::make("json"); if (!m->formatter) throw ConfigError(json_format, "node-config-node-mqtt-format", "Invalid format configuration"); return 0; } int mqtt_check(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; ret = mosquitto_sub_topic_check(m->subscribe); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) throw RuntimeError("Invalid subscribe topic: '{}': {}", m->subscribe, mosquitto_strerror(ret)); ret = mosquitto_pub_topic_check(m->publish); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) throw RuntimeError("Invalid publish topic: '{}': {}", m->publish, mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return 0; } int mqtt_prepare(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; m->formatter->start(&n->in.signals, ~(int) SampleFlags::HAS_OFFSET); ret = pool_init(&m->pool, 1024, SAMPLE_LENGTH(vlist_length(&n->in.signals))); if (ret) return ret; ret = queue_signalled_init(&m->queue, 1024); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } char * mqtt_print(struct vnode *n) { struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; char *buf = nullptr; strcatf(&buf, "host=%s, port=%d, keepalive=%d, ssl=%s", m->host, m->port, m->keepalive, m->ssl.enabled ? "yes" : "no" ); /* Only show if not default */ if (m->username) strcatf(&buf, ", username=%s", m->username); if (m->publish) strcatf(&buf, ", out.publish=%s", m->publish); if (m->subscribe) strcatf(&buf, ", in.subscribe=%s", m->subscribe); return buf; } int mqtt_destroy(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; mosquitto_destroy(m->client); delete m->formatter; ret = pool_destroy(&m->pool); if (ret) return ret; ret = queue_signalled_destroy(&m->queue); if (ret) return ret; if (m->publish) free(m->publish); if (m->subscribe) free(m->subscribe); if (m->password) free(m->password); if (m->username) free(m->username); free(m->host); return 0; } int mqtt_start(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; if (m->username && m->password) { ret = mosquitto_username_pw_set(m->client, m->username, m->password); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; } if (m->ssl.enabled) { ret = mosquitto_tls_set(m->client, m->ssl.cafile, m->ssl.capath, m->ssl.certfile, m->ssl.keyfile, nullptr); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; ret = mosquitto_tls_insecure_set(m->client, m->ssl.insecure); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; } ret = mosquitto_connect(m->client, m->host, m->port, m->keepalive); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; // Add client to global list of MQTT clients // so that thread can call mosquitto loop for this client vlist_push(&clients, n); return 0; mosquitto_error: n->logger->warn("{}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return ret; } int mqtt_stop(struct vnode *n) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; // Unregister client from global MQTT client list // so that mosquitto loop is no longer invoked for this client // important to do that before disconnecting from broker, otherwise, mosquitto thread will attempt to reconnect vlist_remove(&clients, vlist_index(&clients, n)); ret = mosquitto_disconnect(m->client); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; return 0; mosquitto_error: n->logger->warn("{}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return ret; } int mqtt_type_start(villas::node::SuperNode *sn) { int ret; logger = logging.get("node:mqtt"); ret = vlist_init(&clients); if (ret) return ret; ret = mosquitto_lib_init(); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; // Start thread here to run mosquitto loop for registered clients ret = pthread_create(&thread, nullptr, mosquitto_loop_thread, nullptr); if (ret) return ret; return 0; mosquitto_error: logger->warn("{}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return ret; } int mqtt_type_stop() { int ret; // Stop thread here that executes mosquitto loop ret = pthread_cancel(thread); if (ret) return ret; logger->debug("Called pthread_cancel() on MQTT communication management thread."); ret = pthread_join(thread, nullptr); if (ret) return ret; ret = mosquitto_lib_cleanup(); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) goto mosquitto_error; // When this is called the list of clients should be empty if (vlist_length(&clients) > 0) throw RuntimeError("List of MQTT clients contains elements at time of destruction. Call node_stop for each MQTT node before stopping node type!"); ret = vlist_destroy(&clients, nullptr, false); if (ret) return ret; return 0; mosquitto_error: logger->warn("{}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return ret; } int mqtt_read(struct vnode *n, struct sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt) { int pulled; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; struct sample *smpt[cnt]; pulled = queue_signalled_pull_many(&m->queue, (void **) smpt, cnt); sample_copy_many(smps, smpt, pulled); sample_decref_many(smpt, pulled); return pulled; } int mqtt_write(struct vnode *n, struct sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt) { int ret; struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; size_t wbytes; char data[1500]; ret = m->formatter->sprint(data, sizeof(data), &wbytes, smps, cnt); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (m->publish) { ret = mosquitto_publish(m->client, nullptr /* mid */, m->publish, wbytes, data, m->qos, m->retain); if (ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { n->logger->warn("Publish failed: {}", mosquitto_strerror(ret)); return -abs(ret); } } else n->logger->warn("No publish possible because no publish topic is configured"); return cnt; } int mqtt_poll_fds(struct vnode *n, int fds[]) { struct mqtt *m = (struct mqtt *) n->_vd; fds[0] = queue_signalled_fd(&m->queue); return 1; } static struct vnode_type p; __attribute__((constructor(110))) static void register_plugin() { p.name = "mqtt"; p.description = "Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (libmosquitto)"; p.vectorize = 0; p.size = sizeof(struct mqtt); p.type.start = mqtt_type_start; p.type.stop = mqtt_type_stop; p.destroy = mqtt_destroy; p.prepare = mqtt_prepare; p.parse = mqtt_parse; p.check = mqtt_check; p.prepare = mqtt_prepare; p.print = mqtt_print; p.init = mqtt_init; p.destroy = mqtt_destroy; p.start = mqtt_start; p.stop = mqtt_stop; p.read = mqtt_read; p.write = mqtt_write; p.reverse = mqtt_reverse; p.poll_fds = mqtt_poll_fds; if (!node_types) node_types = new NodeTypeList(); node_types->push_back(&p); }