S2SS is a client server application based on UDP/IP to connect simulation equipment. ## Contact This project is developed at the [Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems](www.acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de) (ACS) at the EON Energy Research Center (EONERC) at the [RWTH University](http://www.rwth-aachen.de) in Aachen. - Steffen Vogel - Marija Stevic ## Compilation Install libraries including developement headers for: - libconfig Start the compilation with: $ make Add `V=5` for a more verbose debugging output. ## Installation Install the server by executing: $ sudo make install Add `PREFIX=/usr/local/` to specify a non-standard installation destination. **Important:** Please note that the server requires the [iproute2](http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/iproute2) tools to setup the network emulation and interfaces. Install these via: $ sudo yum install iproute2 or: $ sudo apt-get install iproute2 ## Configuration See [configuration](Configuration.md) for more information. ## Usage The S2SS server (`server`) expects the path to a configuration file as a single argument. Usage: ./server CONFIG CONFIG is a required path to a configuration file Simulator2Simulator Server 0.1-d7de19c (Jun 4 2014 02:50:13) Copyright 2014, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC Steffen Vogel The server requires root privileges for: - Enable the realtime fifo scheduler - Increase the task priority - Configure the network emulator (netem) - Change the SMP affinity of threads and network interrupts ### Examples 1. Start server: $ ./server etc/example.conf 2. Receive/dump data to file $ ./receive *:10200 > dump.csv 3. Replay recorded data: $ ./send 4 < dump.csv 4. Send random generated values: $ ./random 1 4 100 | ./send 4 5. Test ping/pong latency: $ ./test latency