/** Message paths. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "path.h" #include "timing.h" #include "pool.h" #include "queue.h" #include "hook.h" static void path_read(struct path *p) { int recv; int enqueue; int enqueued; int ready; /**< Number of blocks in smps[] which are allocated and ready to be used by node_read(). */ struct path_source *ps = p->source; int cnt = ps->node->vectorize; struct sample *smps[cnt]; /* Fill smps[] free sample blocks from the pool */ ready = sample_alloc(&ps->pool, smps, cnt); if (ready != cnt) warn("Pool underrun for path %s", path_name(p)); /* Read ready samples and store them to blocks pointed by smps[] */ recv = node_read(ps->node, smps, ready); if (recv < 0) error("Failed to receive message from node %s", node_name(ps->node)); else if (recv < ready) { warn("Partial read for path %s: read=%u expected=%u", path_name(p), recv, ready); /* Free samples that weren't written to */ sample_free(smps+recv, ready-recv); } debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Received %u messages from node %s", recv, node_name(ps->node)); /* Run preprocessing hooks for vector of samples */ enqueue = hook_run(p, smps, recv, HOOK_READ); if (enqueue != recv) { info("Hooks skipped %u out of %u samples for path %s", recv - enqueue, recv, path_name(p)); stats_update(p->stats->delta, STATS_SKIPPED, recv - enqueue); } /* Keep track of the lowest index that wasn't enqueued; * all following samples must be freed here */ int refd = 0; list_foreach(struct path_destination *pd, &p->destinations) { enqueued = queue_push_many(&pd->queue, (void **) smps, enqueue); if (enqueue != enqueued) warn("Queue overrun for path %s", path_name(p)); for (int i = 0; i < enqueued; i++) { sample_get(smps[i]); /* increase reference count */ refd = i; } debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Enqueued %u samples from %s to queue of %s", enqueued, node_name(ps->node), node_name(pd->node)); } if (refd != recv-1) sample_free(smps+refd+1, recv-refd-1); } static void path_write(struct path *p) { list_foreach(struct path_destination *pd, &p->destinations) { int cnt = pd->node->vectorize; int sent; int tosend; int available; int released; struct sample *smps[cnt]; /* As long as there are still samples in the queue */ while (1) { available = queue_pull_many(&pd->queue, (void **) smps, cnt); if (available == 0) break; else if (available < cnt) debug(DBG_PATH | 5, "Queue underrun for path %s: available=%u expected=%u", path_name(p), available, cnt); debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Dequeued %u samples from queue of node %s which is part of path %s", available, node_name(pd->node), path_name(p)); tosend = hook_run(p, smps, available, HOOK_WRITE); if (tosend == 0) continue; sent = node_write(pd->node, smps, tosend); if (sent < 0) error("Failed to sent %u samples to node %s", cnt, node_name(pd->node)); else if (sent < tosend) warn("Partial write to node %s", node_name(pd->node)); debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Sent %u messages to node %s", sent, node_name(pd->node)); released = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sent; i++) { if (sample_put(smps[i]) == 0) released++; /* we had the last reference (0 remaining) */ } debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Released %d samples back to memory pool", released); } } } /** Main thread function per path: receive -> sent messages */ static void * path_run(void *arg) { struct path *p = arg; for (;;) { path_read(p); path_write(p); } return NULL; } int path_start(struct path *p) { int ret; info("Starting path: %s (#hooks=%zu)", path_name(p), list_length(&p->hooks)); ret = hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PATH_START); if (ret) return -1; p->state = PATH_RUNNING; return pthread_create(&p->tid, NULL, &path_run, p); } int path_stop(struct path *p) { info("Stopping path: %s", path_name(p)); pthread_cancel(p->tid); pthread_join(p->tid, NULL); if (hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PATH_STOP)) return -1; p->state = PATH_STOPPED; return 0; } const char * path_name(struct path *p) { if (!p->_name) { if (list_length(&p->destinations) == 1) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) list_first(&p->destinations); strcatf(&p->_name, "%s " MAG("=>") " %s", node_name_short(p->source->node), node_name_short(pd->node)); } else { strcatf(&p->_name, "%s " MAG("=>") " [", node_name_short(p->source->node)); list_foreach(struct path_destination *pd, &p->destinations) strcatf(&p->_name, " %s", node_name_short(pd->node)); strcatf(&p->_name, " ]"); } } return p->_name; } struct path * path_create() { return (struct path *) alloc(sizeof(struct path)); } int path_init(struct path *p) { int ret, max_queuelen = 0; /* Add internal hooks if they are not already in the list*/ list_foreach(struct hook *h, &hooks) { if ( (h->type & HOOK_AUTO) && /* should this hook be added implicitely? */ (list_lookup(&p->hooks, h->name) == NULL) /* is not already in list? */ ) list_push(&p->hooks, memdup(h, sizeof(struct hook))); } /* We sort the hooks according to their priority before starting the path */ list_sort(&p->hooks, hooks_sort_priority); /* Parse hook arguments */ ret = hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PARSE); if (ret) error("Failed to parse arguments for hooks of path: %s", path_name(p)); /* Initialize destinations */ list_foreach(struct path_destination *pd, &p->destinations) { ret = queue_init(&pd->queue, pd->queuelen, &memtype_hugepage); if (ret) error("Failed to initialize queue for path"); if (pd->queuelen > max_queuelen) max_queuelen = pd->queuelen; } /* Initialize source */ ret = pool_init(&p->source->pool, max_queuelen, SAMPLE_LEN(p->source->samplelen), &memtype_hugepage); if (ret) error("Failed to allocate memory pool for path"); p->state = PATH_INITIALIZED; return 0; } void path_source_destroy(struct path_source *ps) { pool_destroy(&ps->pool); } void path_destination_destroy(struct path_destination *pd) { queue_destroy(&pd->queue); } void path_destroy(struct path *p) { list_destroy(&p->hooks, (dtor_cb_t) hook_destroy, true); list_destroy(&p->destinations, (dtor_cb_t) path_destination_destroy, true); path_source_destroy(p->source); free(p->_name); free(p->source); p->state = PATH_DESTROYED; } int path_uses_node(struct path *p, struct node *n) { list_foreach(struct path_destination *pd, &p->destinations) { if (pd->node == n) return 0; } return p->source->node == n ? 0 : -1; } int path_reverse(struct path *p, struct path *r) { int ret; if (list_length(&p->destinations) > 1) return -1; struct path_destination *first_pd = list_first(&p->destinations); list_init(&r->destinations); list_init(&r->hooks); /* General */ r->enabled = p->enabled; r->cfg = p->cfg; struct path_destination *pd = alloc(sizeof(struct path_destination)); pd->node = p->source->node; pd->queuelen = first_pd->queuelen; list_push(&r->destinations, pd); struct path_source *ps = alloc(sizeof(struct path_source)); ps->node = first_pd->node; ps->samplelen = p->source->samplelen; r->source = ps; list_foreach(struct hook *h, &p->hooks) { struct hook *hc = alloc(sizeof(struct hook)); ret = hook_copy(h, hc); if (ret) return ret; list_push(&r->hooks, hc); } return 0; } int path_parse(struct path *p, config_setting_t *cfg, struct list *nodes, struct settings *set) { config_setting_t *cfg_out, *cfg_hook; const char *in; int ret, samplelen, queuelen; struct node *source; struct list destinations; /* Input node */ if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "in", &in) && !config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "from", &in) && !config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "src", &in) && !config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "source", &in)) cerror(cfg, "Missing input node for path"); source = list_lookup(nodes, in); if (!source) cerror(cfg, "Invalid input node '%s'", in); /* Output node(s) */ if (!(cfg_out = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "out")) && !(cfg_out = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "to")) && !(cfg_out = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "dst")) && !(cfg_out = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "dest")) && !(cfg_out = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "sink"))) cerror(cfg, "Missing output nodes for path"); list_init(&destinations); ret = node_parse_list(&destinations, cfg_out, nodes); if (ret <= 0) cerror(cfg_out, "Invalid output nodes"); /* Optional settings */ list_init(&p->hooks); cfg_hook = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "hook"); if (cfg_hook) hook_parse_list(&p->hooks, cfg_hook); if (!config_setting_lookup_bool(cfg, "reverse", &p->reverse)) p->reverse = 0; if (!config_setting_lookup_bool(cfg, "enabled", &p->enabled)) p->enabled = 1; if (!config_setting_lookup_int(cfg, "values", &samplelen)) samplelen = DEFAULT_VALUES; if (!config_setting_lookup_int(cfg, "queuelen", &queuelen)) queuelen = DEFAULT_QUEUELEN; if (!IS_POW2(queuelen)) { queuelen = LOG2_CEIL(queuelen); warn("Queue length should always be a power of 2. Adjusting to %d", queuelen); } p->cfg = cfg; /* Check if nodes are suitable */ if (source->_vt->read == NULL) cerror(cfg, "Input node '%s' is not supported as a source.", node_name(source)); p->source = alloc(sizeof(struct path_source)); p->source->node = source; p->source->samplelen = samplelen; list_foreach(struct node *n, &destinations) { if (n->_vt->write == NULL) cerror(cfg_out, "Output node '%s' is not supported as a destination.", node_name(n)); struct path_destination *pd = alloc(sizeof(struct path_destination)); pd->node = n; pd->queuelen = queuelen; list_push(&p->destinations, pd); } list_destroy(&destinations, NULL, false); return 0; }