// global variables var connection; var timer; var seq = 0; var node = 'websocket' var url = 'ws://' + node; var protocol = ['live']; var plotData = []; var plotOptions = { xaxis: { mode: 'time' }, legend: { show: true } }; var xDelta = 10*1000; $(document).on('ready', function() { $.getJSON('/nodes.json', function(data) { $(data).each(function(index, node) { $(".node-selector").append($("
  • ").text(node)); }); }); $('#slider').slider({ min : 0, max : 100, slide : function(event, ui) { sendMsg(Date.now(), [ ui.value ]); } }); wsConnect(); }); $(window).on('beforeunload', wsDisconnect); function plotUpdate() { var data = []; // add data to arrays for (var i = 0; i < plotData.length; i++) { // remove old values //while (plotData[i].length > 0 && plotData[i][0][0] < (Date.now() - xDelta)) // plotData[i].shift() data[i] = { data : plotData[i], shadowSize : 0, label : "Index " + String(i), lines : { lineWidth: 2 } } } var options = { xaxis: { min: Date.now() - xDelta, max: Date.now() } } /* update plot */ $.plot('#placeholder', data, $.extend(true, options, plotOptions)); } function wsDisconnect() { connection.close(); $('#connectionStatus') .text('Disconnected') .css('color', 'red'); plotData = []; clearInterval(timer); } function wsConnect() { connection = new WebSocket(url, protocol); connection.onopen = function() { $('#connectionStatus') .text('Connected') .css('color', 'green'); timer = setInterval(plotUpdate, 1.0 / 25); }; connection.onclose = function() { wsDisconnect(); setTimeout(wsConnect, 3000); // retry }; connection.onerror = function(error) { $('#connectionStatus').text(function() { return 'Status: Error: ' + error.message; }); }; connection.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(e.data); var res = e.data.split(/\s+/).map(Number); var timestamp = res[0] * 1000; var values = res.slice(1) // add empty arrays for data while (plotData.length < values.length) plotData.push([]); // add data to arrays for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) plotData[i].push([timestamp, values[i]]); }; }; function sendMsg(ts, values) { connection.send(ts / 1000 + "(" + seq + ") " + values.join(" ")); seq += 1; } /* Control event handlers */ function onButtonClick(value) { sendMsg(Date.now(), [ value ]); } function onTextChange() { sendMsg(Date.now(), [ 1 ]); } /* Helpers */ function wsUrl(endpoint) { var l = window.location; var protocol = (l.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://"; var port = ((l.port != 80) && (l.port != 443)) ? ":" + l.port : ""; return protocol + l.hostname + port + endpoint; }