/** Node-type for smu data aquisition. * * @file * @author Manuel Pitz * @copyright 2014-2022, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license Apache 2.0 *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; SMUNode::SMUNode(const uuid_t &id, const std::string &name) : Node(id, name), mode(MODE_FREERUN), sample_rate(FS_10kSPS), fps(FB_10FPS), sync(SYNC_PPS), daq_cfg({sample_rate, fps, mode, sync}) { return; } int SMUNode::prepare() { assert(state == State::CHECKED); return Node::prepare(); } int SMUNode::parse(json_t *json) { int ret = Node::parse(json); if (ret) return ret; json_error_t err; json_t *jsonDumpers = nullptr; char *modeIn = nullptr; char *syncIn = nullptr; char *fpsIn = nullptr; char *sample_rateIn = nullptr; json_t *in_json = nullptr; ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: s, s?: s, s?: s, s?: s, s?: o, s?: o }", "mode", &modeIn, "sync", &syncIn, "fps", &fpsIn, "sample_rate", &sample_rateIn, "dumper", &jsonDumpers, "in", &in_json ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-smu"); if (jsonDumpers) { auto signals = getInputSignals(); size_t i; json_t *jsonDumper; ret = json_unpack_ex(jsonDumpers, &err, 0, "{ o }", &jsonDumper ); json_array_foreach(jsonDumpers, i, jsonDumper) { char *nameIn = nullptr; char *pathIn = nullptr; ret = json_unpack_ex(jsonDumper, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s: s }", "name", &nameIn, "path", &pathIn ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-smu", "Failed to parse dumper configuration"); int idx = signals->getIndexByName(nameIn); if (idx == -1) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-smu", "Could not find signal {} for dumper", nameIn); dumpers[idx].setPath(pathIn); dumpers[idx].openSocket(); dumpers[idx].setActive(); } } if(!modeIn || strcmp(modeIn, "MODE_FREERUN")==0) mode = MODE_FREERUN; else if (strcmp(modeIn, "MODE_ONESHOT")==0) mode = MODE_ONESHOT; else if (strcmp(modeIn, "MODE_VIRTUAL")==0) mode = MODE_VIRTUAL; else if (strcmp(modeIn, "MODE_MAX")==0) mode = MODE_MAX; if(!syncIn || strcmp(syncIn, "SYNC_PPS")==0) sync = SYNC_PPS; else if (strcmp(syncIn, "SYNC_NONE")==0) sync = SYNC_NONE; else if (strcmp(syncIn, "SYNC_NTP")==0) sync = SYNC_NTP; else if (strcmp(syncIn, "SYNC_MAX")==0) sync = SYNC_MAX; if(!fpsIn || strcmp(fpsIn, "FB_10FPS")==0) fps = FB_10FPS; else if (strcmp(fpsIn, "FB_20FPS")==0) fps = FB_20FPS; else if (strcmp(fpsIn, "FB_50FPS")==0) fps = FB_50FPS; else if (strcmp(fpsIn, "FB_100FPS")==0) fps = FB_100FPS; else if (strcmp(fpsIn, "FB_200FPS")==0) fps = FB_200FPS; if (!sample_rateIn || strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_10kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_10kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_1kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_1kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_2kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_2kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_5kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_5kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_20kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_20kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_25kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_25kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_50kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_50kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_100kSPS")==0) sample_rate = FS_100kSPS; else if (strcmp(sample_rateIn, "FS_200kSPS")==0) { sample_rate = FS_200kSPS; } if (json_is_object(in_json) && json_object_get(in_json, "vectorize")) { throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-smu", "Vectorize cannot be overwritten for this node type!"); } in.vectorize = sample_rate * 1000 / fps; return 0; } int SMUNode::start() { assert(state == State::PREPARED || state == State::PAUSED); int ret = Node::start(); daq_cfg.rate = sample_rate; daq_cfg.buff = fps; daq_cfg.mode = mode; daq_cfg.sync = sync; fd = ::open(SMU_DEV, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) logger->warn("Fail to open the device driver"); // Associate kernel-to-user Task ID if (ioctl(fd, SMU_IOC_REG_TASK, 0)){ logger->warn("Fail to register the driver"); ::close(fd); // return; } // Map kernel-to-user shared memory void *sh_mem = mmap(nullptr, MMAP_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); shared_mem = (uint8_t*)sh_mem; if (shared_mem == MAP_FAILED) logger->warn("Fail to map driver memory"); // Install PPS signal handler sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = (SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART); act.sa_sigaction = sync_signal; if (sigaction(SMU_SIG_SYNC, &act, nullptr)) logger->warn("Fail to install PPS handler"); // Install ADC signal handler sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = (SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART); act.sa_sigaction = data_available_signal; if (sigaction(SMU_SIG_DATA, &act, nullptr)) logger->warn("Fail to install ADC handler"); // Update DAQ memory configuration shared_mem_pos = 0; shared_mem_inc = sizeof(smu_mcsc_t); shared_mem_dim = daq_cfg.rate; // Stop DAQ driver if (ioctl(fd, SMU_IOC_STOP, 0)) logger->warn("Fail to stop the driver"); // Configure DAQ driver if (::write(fd, &daq_cfg, sizeof(daq_cfg))) logger->warn("Fail to configure the driver"); // Start DAQ driver if (ioctl(fd, SMU_IOC_START, 0)) { logger->warn("Fail to start the driver"); } if (!ret) state = State::STARTED; return ret; } int SMUNode::stop() { // Stop DAQ driver if(!ioctl(fd, SMU_IOC_STOP, 0)) { // Unmap kernel-to-user shared memory munmap(shared_mem, MMAP_SIZE); while(close(fd) != 0){} } return 1; } void SMUNode::sync_signal(int, siginfo_t *info, void*) { //mem_pos = (info->si_value.sival_int); /* Signal uldaq_read() about new data */ //pthread_cond_signal(&u->in.cv); } void SMUNode::data_available_signal(int, siginfo_t *info, void*) { mem_pos = (info->si_value.sival_int); /* Signal uldaq_read() about new data */ pthread_cond_signal(&cv); } int SMUNode::_read(struct Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = time(nullptr); ts.tv_nsec = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex); size_t mem_pos_local = mem_pos; smu_mcsc_t* p = (smu_mcsc_t*)shared_mem; for (unsigned j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { struct Sample *t = smps[j]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int16_t data = p[mem_pos_local].ch[i]; t->data[i].f = ((double)data); if (dumpers[i].isActive()) dumpers[i].writeDataBinary(1, &(t->data[i].f)); } mem_pos_local++; t->flags = (int) SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_DATA | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_SEQUENCE; t->ts.origin = ts; t->sequence = sequence++; t->length = 8; t->signals = in.signals; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return cnt; } static char n[] = "smu"; static char d[] = "SMU data acquisition"; static NodePlugin p;