# GTFPGA {#gtfpga} The GTFPGA card is an extension card for simulator racks from RTDS. The manufacturer provides a VHDL module to exchange data via fiber optics between the GTFPGA and GPC cards. The GTFPGA card is based on the Xilinx ML507 evaluation board. This board consists of a Virtex 5 FPGA, Ethernet and Fiberoptic MACs and an integrated PowerPC core. The PowerPC core is used to forward values between RTDS and the S2SS server. ## Configuration Every `gtfpga` node support the following special settings: #### `slot` #### `id` #### `rate` ### Example gtfpga_node = { type = "gtfpga", ### The following settings are specific to the gtfpga node-type!! ### slot = "01:00.0", # The PCIe slot location (see first column in 'lspci' output) id = "1ab8:4005", # The PCIe vendor:device ID (see third column in 'lspci -n' output) rate = 1 }