/** Hook-releated functions. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of VILLASnode. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "timing.h" #include "config.h" #include "msg.h" #include "hook.h" #include "path.h" #include "utils.h" #include "node.h" #include "plugin.h" int hook_init(struct hook *h, struct cfg *cfg) { struct hook_info i = { .nodes = &cfg->nodes, .paths = &cfg->paths }; if (h->type & HOOK_INIT) return h->cb(h, HOOK_INIT, &i); else return 0; } int hook_destroy(struct hook *h) { struct hook_info i = { NULL }; if (h->type & HOOK_DESTROY) return h->cb(h, HOOK_DESTROY, &i); else return 0; } int hook_copy(struct hook *h, struct hook *c) { memcpy(c, h, sizeof(struct hook)); c->_vd = c->prev = c->last = NULL; return 0; } int hook_cmp_priority(const void *a, const void *b) { struct hook *ha = (struct hook *) a; struct hook *hb = (struct hook *) b; return ha->priority - hb->priority; } int hook_run(struct path *p, struct sample *smps[], size_t cnt, int when) { struct hook_info i = { .path = p, .smps = smps, .cnt = cnt }; list_foreach(struct hook *h, &p->hooks) { if (h->type & when) { cnt = h->cb(h, when, &i); debug(LOG_HOOK | 22, "Ran hook '%s' when=%u prio=%u, cnt=%zu", h->name, when, h->priority, cnt); if (cnt == 0) break; } } return cnt; } void * hook_storage(struct hook *h, int when, size_t len, ctor_cb_t ctor, dtor_cb_t dtor) { switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: h->_vd = alloc(len); if (ctor) ctor(h->_vd); break; case HOOK_DESTROY: if (dtor) dtor(h->_vd); free(h->_vd); h->_vd = NULL; break; } return h->_vd; } /** Parse an array or single hook function. * * Examples: * hooks = [ "print", "fir" ] * hooks = "log" */ int hook_parse_list(struct list *list, config_setting_t *cfg) { switch (config_setting_type(cfg)) { case CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: hook_parse(cfg, list); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY: for (int i = 0; i < config_setting_length(cfg); i++) hook_parse(config_setting_get_elem(cfg, i), list); break; default: cerror(cfg, "Invalid hook functions"); } return list_length(list); } int hook_parse(config_setting_t *cfg, struct list *list) { struct hook *hook; struct plugin *plg; char *name, *param; const char *hookline = config_setting_get_string(cfg); if (!hookline) cerror(cfg, "Invalid hook function"); name = strtok((char *) hookline, ":"); param = strtok(NULL, ""); debug(3, "Hook: %s => %s", name, param); plg = plugin_lookup(PLUGIN_TYPE_HOOK, name); if (!plg) cerror(cfg, "Unknown hook function '%s'", name); hook = memdup(&plg->hook, sizeof(struct hook)); hook->parameter = param; list_push(list, hook); return 0; }