/** Receive messages from server snd print them on stdout. * * @file * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * * @addtogroup tools Test and debug tools * @{ *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" static struct super_node sn = { .state = STATE_DESTROYED }; /**< The global configuration */ struct dir { struct pool pool; pthread_t thread; bool enabled; bool started; } sendd, recvv; bool reverse = false; struct node *node; pthread_t ptid; /**< Parent thread id */ static void quit(int signal, siginfo_t *sinfo, void *ctx) { if (recvv.started) { pthread_cancel(recvv.thread); pthread_join(recvv.thread, NULL); pool_destroy(&recvv.pool); } if (sendd.started) { pthread_cancel(sendd.thread); pthread_join(sendd.thread, NULL); pool_destroy(&sendd.pool); } if (node->_vt->start == websocket_start) web_stop(&sn.web); node_stop(node); node_type_stop(node->_vt); super_node_destroy(&sn); info(GRN("Goodbye!")); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void usage() { printf("Usage: villas-pipe CONFIG NODE [OPTIONS]\n"); printf(" CONFIG path to a configuration file\n"); printf(" NODE the name of the node to which samples are sent and received from\n"); printf(" OPTIONS are:\n"); printf(" -d LVL set debug log level to LVL\n"); printf(" -x swap read / write endpoints\n"); printf(" -s only read data from stdin and send it to node\n"); printf(" -r only read data from node and write it to stdout\n\n"); print_copyright(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void * send_loop(void *ctx) { int ret; struct sample *smps[node->vectorize]; if (!sendd.enabled) return NULL; sendd.started = true; /* Initialize memory */ ret = pool_init(&sendd.pool, LOG2_CEIL(node->vectorize), SAMPLE_LEN(DEFAULT_VALUES), &memtype_hugepage); if (ret < 0) error("Failed to allocate memory for receive pool."); ret = sample_alloc(&sendd.pool, smps, node->vectorize); if (ret < 0) error("Failed to get %u samples out of send pool (%d).", node->vectorize, ret); while (!feof(stdin)) { int len; for (len = 0; len < node->vectorize; len++) { struct sample *s = smps[len]; int reason; retry: reason = sample_io_villas_fscan(stdin, s, NULL); if (reason < 0) { if (feof(stdin)) break; else { warn("Skipped invalid message message: reason=%d", reason); goto retry; } } } node_write(node, smps, len); pthread_testcancel(); } /* We reached EOF on stdin here. Lets kill the process */ info("Reached end-of-file. Terminating..."); pthread_kill(ptid, SIGINT); return NULL; } static void * recv_loop(void *ctx) { int ret; struct sample *smps[node->vectorize]; if (!recvv.enabled) return NULL; recvv.started = true; /* Initialize memory */ ret = pool_init(&recvv.pool, LOG2_CEIL(node->vectorize), SAMPLE_LEN(DEFAULT_VALUES), &memtype_hugepage); if (ret < 0) error("Failed to allocate memory for receive pool."); ret = sample_alloc(&recvv.pool, smps, node->vectorize); if (ret < 0) error("Failed to get %u samples out of receive pool (%d).", node->vectorize, ret); /* Print header */ fprintf(stdout, "# %-20s\t\t%s\n", "sec.nsec+offset", "data[]"); fflush(stdout); for (;;) { int recv = node_read(node, smps, node->vectorize); struct timespec now = time_now(); for (int i = 0; i < recv; i++) { struct sample *s = smps[i]; if (s->ts.received.tv_sec == -1 || s->ts.received.tv_sec == 0) s->ts.received = now; sample_io_villas_fprint(stdout, s, SAMPLE_IO_ALL); fflush(stdout); } pthread_testcancel(); } return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret, level = V; char c; ptid = pthread_self(); /* Default values */ sendd.enabled = true; recvv.enabled = true; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hxrsd:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'x': reverse = true; break; case 's': recvv.enabled = false; // send only break; case 'r': sendd.enabled = false; // receive only break; case 'd': level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': usage(); exit(c == '?' ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if (argc < optind + 2) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } log_init(&sn.log, level, LOG_ALL); log_start(&sn.log); super_node_init(&sn); super_node_parse_uri(&sn, argv[optind]); memory_init(sn.hugepages); signals_init(quit); rt_init(sn.priority, sn.affinity); /* Initialize node */ node = list_lookup(&sn.nodes, argv[optind+1]); if (!node) error("Node '%s' does not exist!", argv[optind+1]); if (node->_vt->start == websocket_start) { web_init(&sn.web, NULL); /* API is disabled in villas-pipe */ web_start(&sn.web); } if (reverse) node_reverse(node); ret = node_type_start(node->_vt, argc, argv, config_root_setting(&sn.cfg)); if (ret) error("Failed to intialize node type: %s", node_name(node)); ret = node_check(node); if (ret) error("Invalid node configuration"); ret = node_start(node); if (ret) error("Failed to start node: %s", node_name(node)); /* Start threads */ pthread_create(&recvv.thread, NULL, recv_loop, NULL); pthread_create(&sendd.thread, NULL, send_loop, NULL); for (;;) { if (node->_vt->start == websocket_start) web_service(&sn.web); else sleep(1); } return 0; } /** @} */