/** Hook funktions * * Every path can register hook functions which are called at specific events. * A list of supported events is described by enum hook_flags. * Please note that there are several hook callbacks which are hard coded into path_create(). * * This file includes some examples. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2015, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of S2SS. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "timing.h" #include "config.h" #include "msg.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "path.h" #include "utils.h" extern struct list nodes; struct list hooks; REGISTER_HOOK("print", 99, hook_print, HOOK_MSG) int hook_print(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct msg *m = p->current; double offset = time_delta(&MSG_TS(m), &p->ts_recv); int flags = MSG_PRINT_ALL; /* We dont show the offset if its to large */ if (offset > 1e9) flags &= ~MSG_PRINT_OFFSET; msg_fprint(stdout, m, flags, offset); return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("ts", 99, hook_ts, HOOK_MSG) int hook_ts(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct msg *m = p->current; m->ts.sec = p->ts_recv.tv_sec; m->ts.nsec = p->ts_recv.tv_nsec; return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("skip_unchanged", 99, hook_skip_unchanged, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_ASYNC) int hook_skip_unchanged(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct private { double threshold; struct msg previous; } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'deduplication'"); private->threshold = strtof(h->parameter, NULL); if (!private->threshold) error("Failed to parse parameter '%s' for hook 'deduplication'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private); break; case HOOK_ASYNC: { int ret = 0; struct msg *prev = &private->previous; struct msg *cur = p->current; for (int i = 0; i < MIN(cur->length, prev->length); i++) { if (fabs(cur->data[i].f - prev->data[i].f) > private->threshold) goto out; } ret = -1; /* no appreciable change in values, we will drop the packet */ out: memcpy(prev, cur, sizeof(struct msg)); /* save current message for next run */ return ret; } } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("convert", 99, hook_convert, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_MSG) int hook_convert(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct private { enum { TO_FIXED, TO_FLOAT } mode; } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'deduplication'"); if (!strcmp(h->parameter, "fixed")) private->mode = TO_FIXED; else if (!strcmp(h->parameter, "float")) private->mode = TO_FLOAT; else error("Invalid parameter '%s' for hook 'convert'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private); break; case HOOK_MSG: { struct msg *m = p->current; for (int i = 0; i < m->length; i++) { switch (private->mode) { /** @todo allow precission to be configured via parameter */ case TO_FIXED: m->data[i].i = m->data[i].f * 1e3; break; case TO_FLOAT: m->data[i].f = m->data[i].i; break; } } break; } } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("fir", 99, hook_fir, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_MSG) int hook_fir(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { /** @todo make this configurable via hook parameters */ const static double coeffs[] = HOOK_FIR_COEFFS; struct private { double *coeffs; double *history; int index; } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'fir'"); private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); private->coeffs = memdup(coeffs, sizeof(coeffs)); private->history = alloc(sizeof(coeffs)); private->index = strtol(h->parameter, NULL, 10); if (!private->index) error("Invalid parameter '%s' for hook 'fir'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private->coeffs); free(private->history); free(private); break; case HOOK_MSG: { /* Current value of interest */ float *cur = &p->current->data[private->index].f; /* Save last sample, unfiltered */ private->history[p->received % p->poolsize] = *cur; /* Reset accumulator */ *cur = 0; /* FIR loop */ for (int i = 0; i < MIN(ARRAY_LEN(coeffs), p->poolsize); i++) *cur += private->coeffs[i] * private->history[p->received+p->poolsize-i]; break; } } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("decimate", 99, hook_decimate, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_POST) int hook_decimate(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct private { long ratio; } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'decimate'"); private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); private->ratio = strtol(h->parameter, NULL, 10); if (!private->ratio) error("Invalid parameter '%s' for hook 'decimate'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private); break; case HOOK_POST: return p->received % private->ratio; } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("skip_first", 99, hook_skip_first, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_POST | HOOK_PATH ) int hook_skip_first(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct private { double wait; /**< Number of seconds to wait until first message is not skipped */ struct timespec started; /**< Timestamp of last simulation restart */ } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'skip_first'"); private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); private->wait = strtof(h->parameter, NULL); if (!private->wait) error("Invalid parameter '%s' for hook 'skip_first'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private); break; case HOOK_PATH_RESTART: private->started = p->ts_recv; break; case HOOK_PATH_START: clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &private->started); break; case HOOK_POST: { double delta = time_delta(&private->started, &p->ts_recv); return delta < private->wait ? -1 /* skip */ : 0; /* send */ } } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("restart", 1, hook_restart, HOOK_INTERNAL | HOOK_MSG) int hook_restart(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { if (p->current->sequence == 0 && p->previous->sequence <= UINT32_MAX - 32) { char *buf = path_print(p); warn("Simulation for path %s restarted (prev->seq=%u, current->seq=%u)", buf, p->previous->sequence, p->current->sequence); free(buf); p->sent = p->invalid = p->skipped = p->dropped = 0; p->received = 1; if (path_run_hook(p, HOOK_PATH_RESTART)) return -1; } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("verify", 2, hook_verify, HOOK_INTERNAL | HOOK_MSG) int hook_verify(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { int reason = msg_verify(p->current); if (reason) { p->invalid++; warn("Received invalid message (reason = %d)", reason); return -1; } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("drop", 3, hook_drop, HOOK_INTERNAL | HOOK_MSG) int hook_drop(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { int dist = p->current->sequence - (int32_t) p->previous->sequence; if (dist <= 0 && p->received > 1) { p->dropped++; return -1; } else return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("stats", 2, hook_stats, HOOK_STATS) int hook_stats(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: /** @todo Allow configurable bounds for histograms */ hist_create(&p->hist_sequence, -HIST_SEQ, +HIST_SEQ, 1); hist_create(&p->hist_delay, 0, 2, 100e-3); hist_create(&p->hist_gap, 0, 40e-3, 1e-3); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: hist_destroy(&p->hist_sequence); hist_destroy(&p->hist_delay); hist_destroy(&p->hist_gap); break; case HOOK_MSG: { struct msg *prev = p->previous, *cur = p->current; int dist = cur->sequence - (int32_t) prev->sequence; double delay = time_delta(&p->ts_recv, &MSG_TS(cur)); double gap = time_delta(&MSG_TS(prev), &MSG_TS(cur)); hist_put(&p->hist_sequence, dist); hist_put(&p->hist_delay, delay); hist_put(&p->hist_gap, gap); break; } case HOOK_PATH_STOP: if (p->hist_delay.total) { info("One-way delay (received):"); hist_print(&p->hist_delay); } if (p->hist_gap.total) { info("Message gap time:"); hist_print(&p->hist_gap); } if (p->hist_sequence.total) { info("Sequence number gaps:"); hist_print(&p->hist_sequence); } break; case HOOK_PATH_RESTART: hist_reset(&p->hist_sequence); hist_reset(&p->hist_delay); hist_reset(&p->hist_gap); break; case HOOK_PERIODIC: { char *buf = path_print(p); info("%-32s : %-8u %-8u %-8u %-8u %-8u", buf, p->sent, p->received, p->dropped, p->skipped, p->invalid); free(buf); break; } } return 0; } REGISTER_HOOK("stats_send", 99, hook_stats_send, HOOK_PRIVATE | HOOK_MSG) int hook_stats_send(struct path *p, struct hook *h, int when) { struct private { struct node *dest; int ratio; } *private = h->private; switch (when) { case HOOK_INIT: if (!h->parameter) error("Missing parameter for hook 'stats_send'"); private = h->private = alloc(sizeof(struct private)); private->dest = list_lookup(&nodes, h->parameter); if (!private->dest) error("Invalid destination node '%s' for hook 'stats_send'", h->parameter); break; case HOOK_DEINIT: free(private); break; case HOOK_MSG: { struct msg m = MSG_INIT(0); m.data[m.length++].f = p->sent; m.data[m.length++].f = p->received; m.data[m.length++].f = p->invalid; m.data[m.length++].f = p->skipped; m.data[m.length++].f = p->dropped; m.data[m.length++].f = p->hist_delay.last, m.data[m.length++].f = p->hist_gap.last; /* Send single message with statistics to destination node */ node_write_single(private->dest, &m); break; } } return 0; }