/** Node type: OPAL (AsyncApi) * * This file implements the opal subtype for nodes. * * @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de> * @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of VILLASnode. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "opal.h" #include "utils.h" /* Private static storage */ static char *async_shmem_name; /**< Shared Memory identifiers and size, provided via argv. */ static char *print_shmem_name; /**< Shared Memory identifiers and size, provided via argv. */ static int async_shmem_size; /**< Shared Memory identifiers and size, provided via argv. */ static int send_icons, recv_icons; /** Number of send blocks used in the running OPAL model. */ static int *send_ids, *recv_ids; /** A dynamically allocated array of SendIDs. */ static Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl params; /** String and Float parameters, provided by the OPAL AsyncProcess block. */ static pthread_mutex_t lock; /** Big Global Lock for libOpalAsync API */ int opal_init(int argc, char *argv[], config_setting_t *cfg) { int err; if (argc != 4) return -1; pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); async_shmem_name = argv[1]; async_shmem_size = atoi(argv[2]); print_shmem_name = argv[3]; /* Enable the OpalPrint function. This prints to the OpalDisplay. */ err = OpalSystemCtrl_Register(print_shmem_name); if (err != EOK) error("OpalPrint() access not available (%d)", err); /* Open Share Memory created by the model. */ err = OpalOpenAsyncMem(async_shmem_size, async_shmem_name); if (err != EOK) error("Model shared memory not available (%d)", err); err = OpalGetAsyncCtrlParameters(¶ms, sizeof(Opal_GenAsyncParam_Ctrl)); if (err != EOK) error("Could not get OPAL controller parameters (%d)", err); /* Get list of Send and RecvIDs */ err = OpalGetNbAsyncSendIcon(&send_icons); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to get number of send blocks (%d)", err); err = OpalGetNbAsyncRecvIcon(&recv_icons); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to get number of recv blocks (%d)", err); send_ids = alloc(send_icons * sizeof(int)); recv_ids = alloc(recv_icons * sizeof(int)); err = OpalGetAsyncSendIDList(send_ids, send_icons * sizeof(int)); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to get list of send ids (%d)", err); err = OpalGetAsyncRecvIDList(recv_ids, recv_icons * sizeof(int)); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to get list of recv ids (%d)", err); info("Started as OPAL Asynchronous process"); info("This is VILLASnode %s (built on %s, %s)", VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); opal_print_global(); return 0; } int opal_deinit() { int err; err = OpalCloseAsyncMem(async_shmem_size, async_shmem_name); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to close shared memory area (%d)", err); debug(4, "Closing OPAL shared memory mapping"); err = OpalSystemCtrl_UnRegister(print_shmem_name); if (err != EOK) error("Failed to close shared memory for system control (%d)", err); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock); free(send_ids); free(recv_ids); return 0; } int opal_print_global() { debug(2, "Controller ID: %u", params.controllerID); char *sbuf = alloc(send_icons * 5); char *rbuf = alloc(recv_icons * 5); for (int i = 0; i < send_icons; i++) strcatf(&sbuf, "%u ", send_ids[i]); for (int i = 0; i < recv_icons; i++) strcatf(&rbuf, "%u ", recv_ids[i]); debug(2, "Send Blocks: %s", sbuf); debug(2, "Receive Blocks: %s", rbuf); free(sbuf); free(rbuf); debug(2, "Control Block Parameters:"); for (int i = 0; i < GENASYNC_NB_FLOAT_PARAM; i++) debug(2, "FloatParam[]%u] = %f", i, params.FloatParam[i]); for (int i = 0; i < GENASYNC_NB_STRING_PARAM; i++) debug(2, "StringParam[%u] = %s", i, params.StringParam[i]); return 0; } int opal_parse(struct node *n, config_setting_t *cfg) { struct opal *o = n->_vd; config_setting_lookup_int(cfg, "send_id", &o->send_id); config_setting_lookup_int(cfg, "recv_id", &o->recv_id); config_setting_lookup_bool(cfg, "reply", &o->reply); return 0; } char * opal_print(struct node *n) { struct opal *o = n->_vd; /** @todo: Print send_params, recv_params */ return strf("send_id=%u, recv_id=%u, reply=%u", o->send_id, o->recv_id, o->reply); } int opal_open(struct node *n) { struct opal *o = n->_vd; /* Search for valid send and recv ids */ int sfound = 0, rfound = 0; for (int i = 0; i < send_icons; i++) sfound += send_ids[i] == o->send_id; for (int i = 0; i < send_icons; i++) rfound += send_ids[i] == o->send_id; if (!sfound) error("Invalid send_id '%u' for node %s", o->send_id, node_name(n)); if (!rfound) error("Invalid recv_id '%u' for node %s", o->recv_id, node_name(n)); /* Get some more informations and paramters from OPAL-RT */ OpalGetAsyncSendIconMode(&o->mode, o->send_id); OpalGetAsyncSendParameters(&o->send_params, sizeof(Opal_SendAsyncParam), o->send_id); OpalGetAsyncRecvParameters(&o->recv_params, sizeof(Opal_RecvAsyncParam), o->recv_id); return 0; } int opal_close(struct node *n) { return 0; } int opal_read(struct node *n, struct pool *pool, unsigned cnt) { struct opal *o = n->_vd; int state, len, ret; unsigned id; struct msg *m = &pool[first % poolsize]; double data[MSG_VALUES]; if (cnt != 1) error("The OPAL-RT node type does not support combining!"); /* This call unblocks when the 'Data Ready' line of a send icon is asserted. */ do { ret = OpalWaitForAsyncSendRequest(&id); if (ret != EOK) { state = OpalGetAsyncModelState(); if ((state == STATE_RESET) || (state == STATE_STOP)) error("OpalGetAsyncModelState(): Model stopped or resetted!"); return -1; // FIXME: correct return value } } while (id != o->send_id); /* No errors encountered yet */ OpalSetAsyncSendIconError(0, o->send_id); /* Get the size of the data being sent by the unblocking SendID */ OpalGetAsyncSendIconDataLength(&len, o->send_id); if (len > sizeof(data)) { warn("Ignoring the last %u of %u values for OPAL node %s (send_id=%u).", len / sizeof(double) - MSG_VALUES, len / sizeof(double), node_name(n), o->send_id); len = sizeof(data); } /* Read data from the model */ OpalGetAsyncSendIconData(data, len, o->send_id); m->sequence = htons(o->seq_no++); m->length = len / sizeof(double); for (int i = 0; i < m->length; i++) m->data[i].f = (float) data[i]; /* OPAL provides double precission */ /* This next call allows the execution of the "asynchronous" process * to actually be synchronous with the model. To achieve this, you * should set the "Sending Mode" in the Async_Send block to * NEED_REPLY_BEFORE_NEXT_SEND or NEED_REPLY_NOW. This will force * the model to wait for this process to call this * OpalAsyncSendRequestDone function before continuing. */ if (o->reply) OpalAsyncSendRequestDone(o->send_id); /* Before continuing, we make sure that the real-time model * has not been stopped. If it has, we quit. */ state = OpalGetAsyncModelState(); if ((state == STATE_RESET) || (state == STATE_STOP)) error("OpalGetAsyncModelState(): Model stopped or resetted!"); return 1; } int opal_write(struct node *n, struct pool *pool, unsigned cnt) { struct opal *o = n->_vd; struct msg *m = &pool[first % poolsize]; int state; int len; double data[m->length]; if (cnt != 1) error("The OPAL-RT node type does not support combining!"); state = OpalGetAsyncModelState(); if ((state == STATE_RESET) || (state == STATE_STOP)) error("OpalGetAsyncModelState(): Model stopped or resetted!"); OpalSetAsyncRecvIconStatus(m->sequence, o->recv_id); /* Set the Status to the message ID */ OpalSetAsyncRecvIconError(0, o->recv_id); /* Set the Error to 0 */ /* Get the number of signals to send back to the model */ OpalGetAsyncRecvIconDataLength(&len, o->recv_id); if (len > sizeof(data)) warn("Node %s is expecting more signals (%u) than values in message (%u)", node_name(n), len / sizeof(double), m->length); for (int i = 0; i < m->length; i++) data[i] = (double) m->data[i].f; /* OPAL expects double precission */ OpalSetAsyncRecvIconData(data, m->length * sizeof(double), o->recv_id); return 1; } static struct node_type vt = { .name = "opal", .description = "run as OPAL Asynchronous Process (libOpalAsyncApi)", .vectoroize = 1, .size = sizeof(struct opal), .parse = opal_parse, .print = opal_print, .open = opal_open, .close = opal_close, .read = opal_read, .write = opal_write, .init = opal_init, .deinit = opal_deinit }; REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(&vt)