/** Histogram class. * * @author Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de> * @copyright 2014-2022, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license Apache License 2.0 *********************************************************************************/ #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <villas/utils.hpp> #include <villas/hist.hpp> #include <villas/config.hpp> #include <villas/table.hpp> #include <villas/exceptions.hpp> using namespace villas; using namespace villas::utils; namespace villas { Hist::Hist(int buckets, Hist::cnt_t wu) : resolution(0), high(0), low(0), highest(std::numeric_limits<double>::min()), lowest(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()), last(0), total(0), warmup(wu), higher(0), lower(0), data(buckets, 0), _m{0, 0}, _s{0, 0} { } void Hist::put(double value) { last = value; // Update min/max if (value > highest) highest = value; if (value < lowest) lowest = value; if (data.size()) { if (total < warmup) { // We are still in warmup phase... Waiting for more samples... } else if (data.size() && total == warmup && warmup != 0) { low = getMean() - 3 * getStddev(); high = getMean() + 3 * getStddev(); resolution = (high - low) / data.size(); } else if (data.size() && (total == warmup) && (warmup == 0)) { // There is no warmup phase // TODO resolution = ? } else { idx_t idx = std::round((value - low) / resolution); // Check bounds and increment if (idx >= (idx_t) data.size()) higher++; else if (idx < 0) lower++; else data[idx]++; } } total++; // Online / running calculation of variance and mean // by Donald Knuthâs Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition if (total == 1) { _m[1] = _m[0] = value; _s[1] = 0.0; } else { _m[0] = _m[1] + (value - _m[1]) / total; _s[0] = _s[1] + (value - _m[1]) * (value - _m[0]); // Set up for next iteration _m[1] = _m[0]; _s[1] = _s[0]; } } void Hist::reset() { total = 0; higher = 0; lower = 0; highest = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); lowest = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); for (auto &elm : data) elm = 0; } double Hist::getMean() const { return total > 0 ? _m[0] : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } double Hist::getVar() const { return total > 1 ? _s[0] / (total - 1) : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } double Hist::getStddev() const { return sqrt(getVar()); } void Hist::print(Logger logger, bool details) const { if (total > 0) { Hist::cnt_t missed = total - higher - lower; logger->info("Counted values: {} ({} between {} and {})", total, missed, low, high); logger->info("Highest: {:g}", highest); logger->info("Lowest: {:g}", lowest); logger->info("Mu: {:g}", getMean()); logger->info("1/Mu: {:g}", 1.0 / getMean()); logger->info("Variance: {:g}", getVar()); logger->info("Stddev: {:g}", getStddev()); if (details && total - higher - lower > 0) { char *buf = dump(); logger->info("Matlab: {}", buf); free(buf); plot(logger); } } else logger->info("Counted values: {}", total); } void Hist::plot(Logger logger) const { // Get highest bar Hist::cnt_t max = *std::max_element(data.begin(), data.end()); std::vector<TableColumn> cols = { { -9, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Value", "%+9.3g" }, { -6, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Count", "%6ju" }, { 0, TableColumn::Alignment::LEFT, "Plot", "%s", "occurences" } }; Table table = Table(logger, cols); // Print plot table.header(); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { double value = low + (i) * resolution; Hist::cnt_t cnt = data[i]; int bar = cols[2].getWidth() * ((double) cnt / max); char *buf = strf("%s", ""); for (int i = 0; i < bar; i++) buf = strcatf(&buf, "\u2588"); table.row(3, value, cnt, buf); free(buf); } } char * Hist::dump() const { char *buf = new char[128]; if (!buf) throw MemoryAllocationError(); memset(buf, 0, 128); strcatf(&buf, "[ "); for (auto elm : data) strcatf(&buf, "%ju ", elm); strcatf(&buf, "]"); return buf; } json_t * Hist::toJson() const { json_t *json_buckets, *json_hist; json_hist = json_pack("{ s: f, s: f, s: i }", "low", low, "high", high, "total", total ); if (total > 0) { json_object_update(json_hist, json_pack("{ s: i, s: i, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f }", "higher", higher, "lower", lower, "highest", highest, "lowest", lowest, "mean", getMean(), "variance", getVar(), "stddev", getStddev() )); } if (total - lower - higher > 0) { json_buckets = json_array(); for (auto elm : data) json_array_append(json_buckets, json_integer(elm)); json_object_set(json_hist, "buckets", json_buckets); } return json_hist; } int Hist::dumpJson(FILE *f) const { json_t *j = Hist::toJson(); int ret = json_dumpf(j, f, 0); json_decref(j); return ret; } int Hist::dumpMatlab(FILE *f) const { fprintf(f, "struct("); fprintf(f, "'low', %f, ", low); fprintf(f, "'high', %f, ", high); fprintf(f, "'total', %ju, ", total); fprintf(f, "'higher', %ju, ", higher); fprintf(f, "'lower', %ju, ", lower); fprintf(f, "'highest', %f, ", highest); fprintf(f, "'lowest', %f, ", lowest); fprintf(f, "'mean', %f, ", getMean()); fprintf(f, "'variance', %f, ", getVar()); fprintf(f, "'stddev', %f, ", getStddev()); if (total - lower - higher > 0) { char *buf = dump(); fprintf(f, "'buckets', %s", buf); free(buf); } else fprintf(f, "'buckets', zeros(1, %zu)", data.size()); fprintf(f, ")"); return 0; } } // namespace villas