# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema --- allOf: - type: object properties: queuelen: type: integer default: description: Length of the input and output queues in elements. samplelen: type: integer description: Maximum number of data elements in a single `struct Sample`` for the samples handled by this node. default: mode: type: string default: pthread enum: - pthread - polling description: | If set to `pthread`, POSIX condition variables (CV) are used to signal writes between processes. If set to `polling`, no CV's are used, meaning that blocking writes have to be implemented using polling, leading to performance improvements at a cost of unnecessary CPU usage. exec: description: | Optional name and command-line arguments (as passed to `execve`) of a command to be executed during node startup. This can be used to start the external program directly from VILLASNode. If unset, no command is executed. type: array items: type: string in: type: object properties: name: type: string description: | Name of the POSIX shared memory object. Must start with a forward slash (/). The same name should be passed to the external program somehow in its configuration or command-line arguments. out: type: object properties: name: type: string description: | Name of the POSIX shared memory object. Must start with a forward slash (/). The same name should be passed to the external program somehow in its configuration or command-line arguments. - $ref: ../node_signals.yaml - $ref: ../node.yaml