/* The "status" API request.
 * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <villas/api/request.hpp>
#include <villas/api/response.hpp>
#include <villas/timing.hpp>
#include <villas/uuid.hpp>

namespace villas {
namespace node {
namespace api {

class StatusRequest : public Request {

  using Request::Request;

  virtual Response *execute() {
    int ret;

    if (method != Session::Method::GET)
      throw InvalidMethod(this);

    if (body != nullptr)
      throw BadRequest("Status endpoint does not accept any body data");

    auto *sn = session->getSuperNode();

    struct utsname uts;
    struct sysinfo sinfo;
    char hname[128];

    auto now = time_now();
    auto started = sn->getStartTime();

    ret = gethostname(hname, sizeof(hname));
    if (ret)
                  "Failed to get system hostname");

    ret = uname(&uts);
    if (ret)
                  "Failed to get kernel information");

    ret = sysinfo(&sinfo);
    if (ret)
                  "Failed to get system information");

    float f_load = 1.f / (1 << SI_LOAD_SHIFT);


    json_error_t err;
    json_t *json_status = json_pack_ex(
        &err, 0,
        "{ s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: f, s: f, s: { s: s, s: "
        "I, s: b }, s: { s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s, s: s}, s: { s: i, s: i, "
        "s: I, s: I, s: [ f, f, f ], s: { s: I, s, I, s: I, s: I }, s: { s: I, "
        "s: I }, s: { s: I, s: I } } }",
        "state", stateToString(sn->getState()).c_str(), "version",
        PROJECT_VERSION_STR, "release", PROJECT_RELEASE, "build_id",
        PROJECT_BUILD_ID, "build_date", PROJECT_BUILD_DATE, "hostname", hname,
        "uuid", uuid::toString(sn->getUuid()).c_str(), "time_now",
        time_to_double(&now), "time_started", time_to_double(&started),
        "timezone", "name", tzname[daylight], "offset", (json_int_t)timezone,
        "dst", daylight, "kernel", "sysname", uts.sysname, "nodename",
        uts.nodename, "release", uts.release, "version", uts.version, "machine",
        uts.machine, "domainname", uts.domainname, "system", "cores_configured",
        get_nprocs_conf(), "cores", get_nprocs(), "processes",
        (json_int_t)sinfo.procs, "uptime", (json_int_t)sinfo.uptime, "load",
        f_load * sinfo.loads[0], f_load * sinfo.loads[1],
        f_load * sinfo.loads[2], "ram", "total",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.totalram * sinfo.mem_unit), "free",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.freeram * sinfo.mem_unit), "shared",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.sharedram * sinfo.mem_unit), "buffer",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.bufferram * sinfo.mem_unit), "swap", "total",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.totalswap * sinfo.mem_unit), "free",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.freeswap * sinfo.mem_unit), "highmem", "total",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.totalhigh * sinfo.mem_unit), "free",
        (json_int_t)(sinfo.freehigh * sinfo.mem_unit));
    if (!json_status)
                  "Failed to prepare response: {}", err.text);

    return new JsonResponse(session, HTTP_STATUS_OK, json_status);

// Register API request
static char n[] = "status";
static char r[] = "/status";
static char d[] = "get status and statistics of web server";
static RequestPlugin<StatusRequest, n, r, d> p;

} // namespace api
} // namespace node
} // namespace villas