# Getting started ## Installation We put some effort in getting you started as smooth as possible. For first tests and development you can use the Docker platform to bootstrap your environment. Docker is a software to run containers (a.k.a images in Docker's terminology) on a Linux machine. We use for development as well as for testing or demonstrating VILLASnode's functionality. **Note:** Please be aware that we do not recommend to use Docker for running VILLASnode in a real-time simulation. We prepared a image which you can download and run out of the box: 1. Download the Docker toolbox: https://www.docker.com/docker-toolbox . This toolbox includes a virtual machine as well all the Docker tools you need to the Docker container which is provided by us. More instructions to get with can be found here: http://docs.docker.com/windows/started/ 2. After installing the toolbox, open the "Docker Quickstart Terminal" 3. Start the latest VILLASnode container by running: ``` $ docker run rwth-acs/villas-node --help ``` @todo Add a ASCIIcinema screencast here ## Guide