/** Statistic collection. * * @author Steffen Vogel <svogel2@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de> * @copyright 2014-2022, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************************/ #include <cstring> #include <villas/stats.hpp> #include <villas/hist.hpp> #include <villas/timing.hpp> #include <villas/node.hpp> #include <villas/utils.hpp> #include <villas/node.hpp> using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; std::unordered_map<Stats::Metric, Stats::MetricDescription> Stats::metrics = { { Stats::Metric::SMPS_SKIPPED, { "skipped", "samples", "Skipped samples and the distance between them" }}, { Stats::Metric::SMPS_REORDERED, { "reordered", "samples", "Reordered samples and the distance between them" }}, { Stats::Metric::GAP_SAMPLE, { "gap_sent", "seconds", "Inter-message timestamps (as sent by remote)" }}, { Stats::Metric::GAP_RECEIVED, { "gap_received", "seconds", "Inter-message arrival time (as received by this instance)" }}, { Stats::Metric::OWD, { "owd", "seconds", "One-way-delay (OWD) of received messages" }}, { Stats::Metric::AGE, { "age", "seconds", "Processing time of packets within the from receive to sent" }}, { Stats::Metric::SIGNAL_COUNT, { "signal_cnt", "signals", "Number of signals per sample" }}, { Stats::Metric::RTP_LOSS_FRACTION, { "rtp.loss_fraction", "percent", "Fraction lost since last RTP SR/RR." }}, { Stats::Metric::RTP_PKTS_LOST, { "rtp.pkts_lost", "packets", "Cumulative number of packets lost" }}, { Stats::Metric::RTP_JITTER, { "rtp.jitter", "seconds", "Interarrival jitter" }}, }; std::unordered_map<Stats::Type, Stats::TypeDescription> Stats::types = { { Stats::Type::LAST, { "last", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::HIGHEST, { "highest", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::LOWEST, { "lowest", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::MEAN, { "mean", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::VAR, { "var", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::STDDEV, { "stddev", SignalType::FLOAT }}, { Stats::Type::TOTAL, { "total", SignalType::INTEGER }} }; std::vector<TableColumn> Stats::columns = { { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::LEFT, "Node", "%s" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Recv", "%ju", "pkts" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Sent", "%ju", "pkts" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Drop", "%ju", "pkts" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Skip", "%ju", "pkts" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "OWD last", "%lf", "secs" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "OWD mean", "%lf", "secs" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Rate last", "%lf", "pkt/sec" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Rate mean", "%lf", "pkt/sec" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Age mean", "%lf", "secs" }, { 10, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Age Max", "%lf", "sec" }, { 8, TableColumn::Alignment::RIGHT, "Signals", "%ju", "signals" } }; enum Stats::Format Stats::lookupFormat(const std::string &str) { if (str == "human") return Format::HUMAN; else if (str == "json") return Format::JSON; else if (str == "matlab") return Format::MATLAB; throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid format"); } enum Stats::Metric Stats::lookupMetric(const std::string &str) { for (auto m : metrics) { if (str == m.second.name) return m.first; } throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid stats metric"); } enum Stats::Type Stats::lookupType(const std::string &str) { for (auto t : types) { if (str == t.second.name) return t.first; } throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid stats type"); } Stats::Stats(int buckets, int warmup) : logger(logging.get("stats")) { for (auto m : metrics) { histograms.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(m.first), std::forward_as_tuple(buckets, warmup) ); } } void Stats::update(enum Metric m, double val) { histograms[m].put(val); } void Stats::reset() { for (auto m : metrics) histograms[m.first].reset(); } json_t * Stats::toJson() const { json_t *obj = json_object(); for (auto m : metrics) { const Hist &h = histograms.at(m.first); json_object_set_new(obj, m.second.name, h.toJson()); } return obj; } void Stats::printHeader(enum Format fmt) { switch (fmt) { case Format::HUMAN: setupTable(); table->header(); break; default: { } } } void Stats::setupTable() { if (!table) { auto logger = logging.get("stats"); table = std::make_shared<Table>(logger, columns); } } void Stats::printPeriodic(FILE *f, enum Format fmt, node::Node *n) const { switch (fmt) { case Format::HUMAN: setupTable(); table->row(11, n->getNameShort().c_str(), (uintmax_t) histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getTotal(), (uintmax_t) histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getTotal(), (uintmax_t) histograms.at(Metric::SMPS_REORDERED).getTotal(), (uintmax_t) histograms.at(Metric::SMPS_SKIPPED).getTotal(), (double) histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getLast(), (double) histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getMean(), (double) 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::GAP_RECEIVED).getLast(), (double) 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::GAP_RECEIVED).getMean(), (double) histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getMean(), (double) histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getHighest(), (uintmax_t) histograms.at(Metric::SIGNAL_COUNT).getLast() ); break; case Format::JSON: { json_t *json_stats = json_pack("{ s: s, s: i, s: i, s: i, s: i, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: f, s: i }", "node", n->getNameShort().c_str(), "recv", histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getTotal(), "sent", histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getTotal(), "dropped", histograms.at(Metric::SMPS_REORDERED).getTotal(), "skipped", histograms.at(Metric::SMPS_SKIPPED).getTotal(), "owd_last", 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getLast(), "owd_mean", 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::OWD).getMean(), "rate_last", 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::GAP_SAMPLE).getLast(), "rate_mean", 1.0 / histograms.at(Metric::GAP_SAMPLE).getMean(), "age_mean", histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getMean(), "age_max", histograms.at(Metric::AGE).getHighest(), "signals", histograms.at(Metric::SIGNAL_COUNT).getLast() ); json_dumpf(json_stats, f, 0); break; } default: { } } } void Stats::print(FILE *f, enum Format fmt, int verbose) const { switch (fmt) { case Format::HUMAN: for (auto m : metrics) { logger->info("{}: {}", m.second.name, m.second.desc); histograms.at(m.first).print(logger, verbose); } break; case Format::JSON: json_dumpf(toJson(), f, 0); fflush(f); break; default: { } } } union SignalData Stats::getValue(enum Metric sm, enum Type st) const { const Hist &h = histograms.at(sm); union SignalData d; switch (st) { case Type::TOTAL: d.i = h.getTotal(); break; case Type::LAST: d.f = h.getLast(); break; case Type::HIGHEST: d.f = h.getHighest(); break; case Type::LOWEST: d.f = h.getLowest(); break; case Type::MEAN: d.f = h.getMean(); break; case Type::STDDEV: d.f = h.getStddev(); break; case Type::VAR: d.f = h.getVar(); break; default: d.f = -1; } return d; } const Hist & Stats::getHistogram(enum Metric sm) const { return histograms.at(sm); } std::shared_ptr<Table> Stats::table = std::shared_ptr<Table>();