/* Interface related functions.
 * Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <dirent.h>

#include <netlink/route/link.h>

#include <villas/cpuset.hpp>
#include <villas/exceptions.hpp>
#include <villas/node/config.hpp>
#include <villas/super_node.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>

#include <villas/kernel/if.hpp>
#include <villas/kernel/kernel.hpp>
#include <villas/kernel/nl.hpp>
#include <villas/kernel/tc.hpp>
#include <villas/kernel/tc_netem.hpp>

#include <villas/nodes/socket.hpp>

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::node;
using namespace villas::utils;
using namespace villas::kernel;

Interface::Interface(struct rtnl_link *link, int aff)
    : nl_link(link), tc_qdisc(nullptr), affinity(aff) {
  logger = logging.get(fmt::format("kernel:if:{}", getName()));

  int n = getIRQs();
  if (n)
    logger->warn("Did not found any interrupts");

  logger->debug("Found {} IRQs", irqs.size());

Interface::~Interface() {
  if (tc_qdisc)

int Interface::start() {
  logger->info("Starting interface which is used by {} nodes", nodes.size());

  // Set affinity for network interfaces (skip _loopback_ dev)
  if (affinity)

  // Assign fwmark's to nodes which have netem options
  int ret, fwmark = 0;
  for (auto *n : nodes) {
    if (n->tc_qdisc && n->fwmark < 0)
      n->fwmark = 1 + fwmark++;

  // Abort if no node is using netem
  if (fwmark == 0)
    return 0;

  if (getuid() != 0)
    throw RuntimeError("Network emulation requires super-user privileges!");

  // Replace root qdisc
  ret = tc::prio(this, &tc_qdisc, TC_HANDLE(1, 0), TC_H_ROOT, fwmark);
  if (ret)
    throw RuntimeError("Failed to setup priority queuing discipline: {}",

  // Create netem qdisks and appropriate filter per netem node
  for (auto *n : nodes) {
    if (n->tc_qdisc) {
      ret =
          tc::mark(this, &n->tc_classifier, TC_HANDLE(1, n->fwmark), n->fwmark);
      if (ret)
        throw RuntimeError("Failed to setup FW mark classifier: {}",

      char *buf = tc::netem_print(n->tc_qdisc);
      logger->debug("Starting network emulation for FW mark {}: {}", n->fwmark,

      ret = tc::netem(this, &n->tc_qdisc, TC_HANDLE(0x1000 + n->fwmark, 0),
                      TC_HANDLE(1, n->fwmark));
      if (ret)
        throw RuntimeError("Failed to setup netem qdisc: {}", nl_geterror(ret));

  return 0;

int Interface::stop() {
  logger->info("Stopping interface");

  if (affinity)

  if (tc_qdisc)

  return 0;

std::string Interface::getName() const {
  auto str = rtnl_link_get_name(nl_link);

  return std::string(str);

Interface *Interface::getEgress(struct sockaddr *sa, SuperNode *sn) {
  struct rtnl_link *link;

  Logger logger = logging.get("kernel:if");

  auto &interfaces = sn->getInterfaces();
  auto affinity = sn->getAffinity();

  // Determine outgoing interface
  link = nl::get_egress_link(sa);
  if (!link)
    throw RuntimeError("Failed to get interface for socket address '{}'",

  // Search of existing interface with correct ifindex
  for (auto *i : interfaces) {
    if (rtnl_link_get_ifindex(i->nl_link) == rtnl_link_get_ifindex(link))
      return i;

  // If not found, create a new interface
  auto *i = new Interface(link, affinity);
  if (!i)
    throw MemoryAllocationError();


  return i;

int Interface::getIRQs() {
  int irq;

  auto dirname = fmt::format("/sys/class/net/{}/device/msi_irqs/", getName());
  DIR *dir = opendir(dirname.c_str());
  if (dir) {

    struct dirent *entry;
    while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
      irq = atoi(entry->d_name);
      if (irq)


  return 0;

int Interface::setAffinity(int affinity) {
  assert(affinity != 0);

  if (getuid() != 0) {
    logger->warn("Failed to tune IRQ affinity. Please run as super-user");
    return 0;

  FILE *file;

  CpuSet cset_pin(affinity);

  for (int irq : irqs) {
    std::string filename = fmt::format("/proc/irq/{}/smp_affinity", irq);

    file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
    if (file) {
      if (fprintf(file, "%8lx", (unsigned long)cset_pin) < 0)
        throw SystemError(
            "Failed to set affinity for for IRQ {} on interface '{}'", irq,

      logger->debug("Set affinity of IRQ {} to {} {}", irq,
                    cset_pin.count() == 1 ? "core" : "cores",
    } else
      throw SystemError(
          "Failed to set affinity for for IRQ {} on interface '{}'", irq,

  return 0;