# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- type: object
      $ref: ../format_spec.yaml

      type: string
      format: uri
      description: |
        Specifies the URI to a file from which is written to or read from depending in which group (`in`or `out`) is used.

        This setting allows to add special placeholders for time and date values.
        See [strftime(3)](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strftime.3.html) for a list of supported placeholder.


        uri = "logs/measurements_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log"

        will create a file called:


      type: object
          type: number

          type: string
          - direct
          - wait
          - relative
          - absolute
          description: |
            The *epoch* describes the point in time when the first message will be read from the file.
            This setting allows to select the behavior of the following `epoch` setting.
            It can be used to adjust the point in time when the first value should be read.

            The behavior of `epoch` is depending on the value of `epoch_mode`.

            To facilitate the following description of supported `epoch_mode`'s, we will introduce some intermediate variables (timestamps).
            Those variables will also been displayed during the startup phase of the server to simplify debugging.

            - `epoch` is the value of the `epoch` setting.
            - `first` is the timestamp of the first message / line in the input file.
            - `offset` will be added to the timestamps in the file to obtain the real time when the message will be sent.
            - `start` is the point in time when the first message will be sent (`first + offset`).
            - `eta` the time to wait until the first message will be send (`start - now`)

            The supported values for `epoch_mode`:

            | `epoch_mode` 	| `offset` 		| `start = first + offset` |
            | :--		| :--			| :-- |
            | `direct`  	| `now - first + epoch` 	| `now + epoch` |
            | `wait`  	| `now + epoch` 		| `now + first` |
            | `relative` 	| `epoch` 		| `first + epoch` |
            | `absolute` 	| `epoch - first` 	| `epoch` |
            | `original` 	| `0` 			| immediately |

            type: number
            default: 0
            description: |
              By default `send_rate` has the value `0` which means that the time between consecutive samples is the same as in the `in` file based on the timestamps in the first column.

              If this setting has a non-zero value, the default behavior is overwritten with a fixed rate.

            type: string
            default: exit
            - rewind
            - wait
            - exit

            description: |
              Defines the behavior if the end of file of the input file is reached.

              - `rewind` will rewind the file pointer and restart reading samples from the beginning of the file.
              - `exit` will terminated the program.
              - `wait` will periodically test if there are new samples which have been appended to the file.

            type: integer
            min: 0
            default: 0
            description: |
              Similar to the [`out.buffer_size` setting](#out-buffer_size). This means that the data is loaded into the buffer before it is passed on to the node.

              If `in.buffer_size = 0`, no buffer will be generated.

        type: object
            type: boolean
            description: |
              With this setting enabled, the outgoing file is flushed whenever new samples have been written to it.

            type: integer
            default: 0
            min: 0
            description: |
              If this is set to a positive value `<X>`, the node will generate a full [stream buffer](https://linux.die.net/man/3/setvbuf) with a size of `<X>` bytes. This means that the data is buffered and not written until the buffer is full or until the node is stopped.

              If `out.buffer_size = 0`, no buffer will be generated.

- $ref: ../node_signals.yaml
- $ref: ../node.yaml