--- openapi: '3.0.0' info: title: VILLASnode Relay version: 0.10.0 description: 'A HTTP/REST API for observing the state of VILLASnode relay.' termsOfService: 'https://www.fein-aachen.org/projects/villas-node/' contact: name: 'Steffen Vogel' email: svogel2@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de url: 'https://fein-aachen.org/contact/' license: name: Apache-2.0 url: 'https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0' externalDocs: url: 'https://villas.fein-aachen.org/doc/node.html' servers: - url: "https://villas.k8s.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de/ws/relay/api/v1" description: "The production API server in our EONERC OpenStack Kubernetes" tags: - name: status paths: "/": get: summary: Get the current status of the VILLASnode relay instance including all active sessions. tags: - status responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: examples: example1: value: sessions: - identifier: node_1 uuid: 8c58c29d-db3a-821b-7a4c-c4be5930d751 connections: - name: "::ffff:" ip: created: 1614042974 bytes_recv: 3480 bytes_sent: 3480 frames_recv: 174 frames_sent: 174 - name: "::ffff:" ip: created: 1614042962 bytes_recv: 5880 bytes_sent: 3480 frames_recv: 294 frames_sent: 174 created: 1614042962 connects: 2 version: v0.11.0 hostname: villas-relay-cccfdd5bb-bvvwk uuid: 32dd320b-3f86-497f-a77c-f83ecdb55c54 options: loopback: false port: 8088 protocol: live