nodes = { zeromq_node = { type = "zeromq" pattern = "pubsub" # The ZeroMQ pattern. One of pubsub, radiodish ipv6 = false # Enable IPv6 support curve = { # Z85 encoded Curve25519 keys enabled = false, public_key = "Veg+Q.V-c&1k>yVh663gQ^7fL($y47gybE-nZP1L" secret_key = "HPY.+mFuB[jGs@(zZr6$IZ1H1dZ7Ji*j>oi@O?Pc" } in = { subscribe = "tcp://*:1234" # The subscribe endpoint. # See for details. filter = "ab184" # A filter which is prefix matched for each received msg } out = { publish = [ # The publish endpoints. "tcp://localhost:1235", # See for details. "tcp://localhost:12444" ] filter = "ab184" # A prefix which is pre-pended to each message. } } }