/** Node-type for signal generation. * * @file * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2021, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::utils; SignalNodeSignal::SignalNodeSignal(json_t *json) : type(Type::MIXED), frequency(1.0), amplitude(1.0), stddev(0.2), offset(0.0), pulse_width(1.0), pulse_low(0.0), pulse_high(1.0), phase(0.0) { parse(json); last = offset; } enum SignalNodeSignal::Type SignalNodeSignal::lookupType(const std::string &type) { if (type == "random") return Type::RANDOM; else if (type == "sine") return Type::SINE; else if (type == "square") return Type::SQUARE; else if (type == "triangle") return Type::TRIANGLE; else if (type == "ramp") return Type::RAMP; else if (type == "counter") return Type::COUNTER; else if (type == "constant") return Type::CONSTANT; else if (type == "mixed") return Type::MIXED; else if (type == "pulse") return Type::PULSE; throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid signal type"); } std::string SignalNodeSignal::typeToString(enum Type type) { switch (type) { case Type::CONSTANT: return "constant"; case Type::SINE: return "sine"; case Type::TRIANGLE: return "triangle"; case Type::SQUARE: return "square"; case Type::RAMP: return "ramp"; case Type::COUNTER: return "counter"; case Type::RANDOM: return "random"; case Type::MIXED: return "mixed"; case Type::PULSE: return "pulse"; default: return nullptr; } } void SignalNodeSignal::start() { last = offset; } void SignalNodeSignal::read(unsigned c, double t, double r, SignalData *d) { switch (type) { case Type::CONSTANT: d->f = offset + amplitude; break; case Type::SINE: d->f = offset + amplitude * sin(t * frequency * 2 * M_PI + phase); break; case Type::TRIANGLE: d->f = offset + amplitude * (fabs(fmod(t * frequency + (phase / (2 * M_PI)), 1) - .5) - 0.25) * 4; break; case Type::SQUARE: d->f = offset + amplitude * ( (fmod(t * frequency + (phase / (2 * M_PI)), 1) < .5) ? -1 : 1); break; case Type::RAMP: d->f = offset + amplitude * fmod(t, frequency); break; case Type::COUNTER: d->f = offset + amplitude * c; break; case Type::RANDOM: last += boxMuller(0, stddev); d->f = last; break; case Type::MIXED: break; case Type::PULSE: d->f = abs(fmod(t * frequency + (phase / (2 * M_PI)) , 1)) <= (pulse_width / r) ? pulse_high : pulse_low; d->f += offset; break; } } int SignalNodeSignal::parse(json_t *json) { int ret; const char *type_str; json_error_t err; ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F }", "signal", &type_str, "frequency", &frequency, "amplitude", &litude, "stddev", &stddev, "offset", &offset, "pulse_width", &pulse_width, "pulse_low", &pulse_low, "pulse_high", &pulse_high, "phase", &phase ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-signal"); try { type = lookupType(type_str); } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) { throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-node-signal-type", "Unknown signal type: {}", type_str); } return 0; } Signal::Ptr SignalNodeSignal::toSignal(Signal::Ptr tpl) const { auto isDefaultName = tpl->name.rfind("signal", 0) == 0; auto name = isDefaultName ? typeToString(type) : tpl->name; auto unit = tpl->unit; auto sig = std::make_shared(name, unit, SignalType::FLOAT); sig->init.f = offset; return sig; } SignalNode::SignalNode(const std::string &name) : Node(name), task(CLOCK_MONOTONIC), rt(1), rate(10), monitor_missed(true), limit(-1), missed_steps(0) { } int SignalNode::prepare() { assert(state == State::CHECKED); for (unsigned i = 0; i < signals.size(); i++) { auto &sig = (*in.signals)[i]; auto &ssig = signals[i]; sig = ssig.toSignal(sig); } if (logger->level() <= spdlog::level::debug) in.signals->dump(logger); return Node::prepare(); } int SignalNode::parse(json_t *json, const uuid_t sn_uuid) { int r = -1, m = -1, ret = Node::parse(json, sn_uuid); if (ret) return ret; json_error_t err; size_t i; json_t *json_signals, *json_signal; ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: b, s?: i, s?: F, s?: b, s: { s: o } }", "realtime", &r, "limit", &limit, "rate", &rate, "monitor_missed", &m, "in", "signals", &json_signals ); if (ret) throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-signal"); if (r >= 0) rt = r != 0; if (m >= 0) monitor_missed = m != 0; signals.clear(); unsigned j = 0; json_array_foreach(json_signals, i, json_signal) { auto sig = SignalNodeSignal(json_signal); if (sig.type == SignalNodeSignal::Type::MIXED) sig.type = (SignalNodeSignal::Type) (j++ % (int) SignalNodeSignal::Type::MIXED); signals.push_back(sig); } state = State::PARSED; return 0; } int SignalNode::start() { assert(state == State::PREPARED || state == State::PAUSED); missed_steps = 0; started = time_now(); for (auto sig : signals) sig.start(); /* Setup task */ if (rt) task.setRate(rate); int ret = Node::start(); if (!ret) state = State::STARTED; return ret; } int SignalNode::stop() { assert(state == State::STARTED || state == State::PAUSED || state == State::STOPPING); int ret = Node::stop(); if (ret) return ret; if (rt) task.stop(); if (missed_steps > 0 && monitor_missed) logger->warn("Missed a total of {} steps.", missed_steps); state = State::STOPPED; return 0; } int SignalNode::_read(struct Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { struct Sample *t = smps[0]; struct timespec ts; uint64_t steps, counter = sequence - sequence_init; assert(cnt == 1); if (rt) ts = time_now(); else { struct timespec offset = time_from_double(counter * 1.0 / rate); ts = time_add(&started, &offset); } double running = time_delta(&started, &ts); t->flags = (int) SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_DATA | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_SEQUENCE; t->ts.origin = ts; t->sequence = sequence; t->length = MIN(signals.size(), t->capacity); t->signals = in.signals; for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->length; i++) { auto &sig = signals[i]; sig.read(counter, running, rate, &t->data[i]); } if (limit > 0 && counter >= (unsigned) limit) { logger->info("Reached limit."); setState(State::STOPPING); return -1; } /* Throttle output if desired */ if (rt) { /* Block until 1/p->rate seconds elapsed */ steps = task.wait(); if (steps > 1 && monitor_missed) { logger->debug("Missed steps: {}", steps-1); missed_steps += steps-1; } } else steps = 1; sequence += steps; return 1; } const std::string & SignalNode::getDetails() { if (details.empty()) { details = fmt::format("rt={}, rate={}", rt ? "yes" : "no", rate); if (limit > 0) details += fmt::format(", limit={}", limit); } return details; } std::vector SignalNode::getPollFDs() { if (rt) return { task.getFD() }; return {}; } static char n[] = "signal.v2"; static char d[] = "Signal generator"; static NodePlugin p;