# yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema --- type: object title: The first anyOf schema description: An explanation about the purpose of this instance. required: - in properties: in: description: | The in settings expects the name of one or more source nodes or mapping expressions. Checkout the [input mapping section](/docs/node/config/paths#input-mapping) for more details. oneOf: - type: string - type: array items: type: string out: description: | The out setting expects the name of one or more destination nodes. Each sample which is processed by the path will be sent to each of the destination nodes. oneOf: - type: string - type: array items: type: string enabled: type: boolean default: true description: | The optional enabled setting can be used to temporarily disable a path. reverse: type: boolean default: false description: | By default, the path is unidirectional. Meaning, that it only forwards samples from the source to the destination. Sometimes a bidirectional path is needed. This can be accomplished by setting reverse to true. mode: type: string default: any enum: - any - all description: | The mode setting specifies under which condition a path is triggered. A triggered path will multiplex / merge samples from its input nodes and run the configured hook functions on them. Afterwards the processed and merged samples will be send to all output nodes. Two modes are currently supported: - `any``: The path will trigger the path as soon as any of the masked (see `mask`) input nodes received new samples. - `all``: The path will trigger the path as soon as all input nodes received at least one new sample. mask: description: | This setting allows masking the the input nodes which can trigger the path. See also `mode` setting. type: array items: type: string description: A node-name rate: type: number minimum: 0 default: 0 description: | A non-zero value will periodically trigger the path and resend the last sample again. A value of zero will disable this feature. original_sequence_no: type: boolean default: false description: | When this flag is set, the original sequence number from the source node will be used when multiplexing the nodes. hooks: $ref: hook_list.yaml