/* Communicate with VILLASfpga Xilinx FPGA boards. * * Author: Niklas Eiling * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Niklas Eiling * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace villas; using namespace villas::node; using namespace villas::fpga; using namespace villas::utils; // Global state static std::list> cards; static std::shared_ptr vfioContainer; FpgaNode::FpgaNode(const uuid_t &id, const std::string &name) : Node(id, name), cardName(""), card(nullptr), dma(), blockRx(), blockTx() { } FpgaNode::~FpgaNode() {} int FpgaNode::prepare() { if (card == nullptr) { for (auto &fpgaCard : cards) { if (fpgaCard->name == cardName) { card = fpgaCard; break; } } if (card == nullptr) { throw ConfigError(config, "node-config-fpga", "There is no FPGA card with the name: {}", cardName); } } auto axisswitch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast( card->lookupIp(fpga::Vlnv("xilinx.com:ip:axis_switch:"))); for (auto ports : axisswitch->getMasterPorts()) { logger->info("Port: {}, {}", ports.first, *ports.second); } for (auto ports : axisswitch->getSlavePorts()) { logger->info("Port: {}, {}", ports.first, *ports.second); } // Configure Crossbar switch for (std::string str : connectStrings) { const fpga::ConnectString parsedConnectString(str); parsedConnectString.configCrossBar(card); } dma = std::dynamic_pointer_cast( card->lookupIp(fpga::Vlnv("xilinx.com:ip:axi_dma:"))); if (dma == nullptr) { logger->error("No DMA found on FPGA "); throw std::runtime_error("No DMA found on FPGA"); } auto &alloc = HostRam::getAllocator(); blockRx[0] = alloc.allocateBlock(0x200 * sizeof(float)); blockRx[1] = alloc.allocateBlock(0x200 * sizeof(float)); blockTx = alloc.allocateBlock(0x200 * sizeof(float)); villas::MemoryAccessor memRx[] = {*(blockRx[0]), *(blockRx[1])}; villas::MemoryAccessor memTx = *blockTx; dma->makeAccesibleFromVA(blockRx[0]); dma->makeAccesibleFromVA(blockRx[1]); dma->makeAccesibleFromVA(blockTx); MemoryManager::get().printGraph(); return Node::prepare(); } int FpgaNode::parse(json_t *json) { int ret = Node::parse(json); if (ret) { return ret; } json_error_t err; json_t *jsonCard = nullptr; json_t *jsonConnectStrings = nullptr; if (vfioContainer == nullptr) { vfioContainer = std::make_shared(); } ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s: o, s?: o}", "card", &jsonCard, "connect", &jsonConnectStrings); if (ret) { throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-fpga", "Failed to parse configuration of node {}", this->getName()); } if (json_is_string(jsonCard)) { cardName = std::string(json_string_value(jsonCard)); } else if (json_is_object(jsonCard)) { json_t *jsonCardName = json_object_get(jsonCard, "name"); if (jsonCardName != nullptr && !json_is_string(jsonCardName)) { cardName = std::string(json_string_value(jsonCardName)); } else { cardName = "anonymous Card"; } auto searchPath = configPath.parent_path(); card = createCard(jsonCard, cards, searchPath, vfioContainer, cardName); if (card == nullptr) { throw ConfigError(jsonCard, "node-config-fpga", "Failed to create card"); } } else { throw ConfigError(jsonCard, "node-config-fpga", "Failed to parse card name"); } if (jsonConnectStrings != nullptr && json_is_array(jsonConnectStrings)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(jsonConnectStrings); i++) { json_t *jsonConnectString = json_array_get(jsonConnectStrings, i); if (jsonConnectString == nullptr || !json_is_string(jsonConnectString)) { throw ConfigError(jsonConnectString, "node-config-fpga", "Failed to parse connect string"); } connectStrings.push_back( std::string(json_string_value(jsonConnectString))); } } return 0; } const std::string &FpgaNode::getDetails() { if (details.empty()) { auto &name = card ? card->name : cardName; const char *const delim = ", "; std::ostringstream imploded; std::copy(connectStrings.begin(), connectStrings.end(), std::ostream_iterator(imploded, delim)); details = fmt::format("fpga={}, connect={}", name, imploded.str()); } return details; } int FpgaNode::check() { return 0; } int FpgaNode::start() { // enque first read dma->read(*(blockRx[0]), blockRx[0]->getSize()); return Node::start(); } struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; int FpgaNode::_read(Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { static size_t cur = 0, next = 1; unsigned read; Sample *smp = smps[0]; assert(cnt == 1); dma->read(*(blockRx[next]), blockRx[next]->getSize()); // TODO: calc size auto c = dma->readComplete(); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); read = c.bytes / sizeof(float); if (c.interrupts > 1) { logger->warn("Missed {} interrupts", c.interrupts - 1); } auto mem = MemoryAccessor(*(blockRx[cur])); smp->length = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < MIN(read, smp->capacity); i++) { smp->data[i].f = static_cast(mem[i]); smp->length++; } smp->flags = (int)SampleFlags::HAS_DATA; smp->signals = in.signals; cur = next; next = (next + 1) % (sizeof(blockRx) / sizeof(blockRx[0])); return 1; } int FpgaNode::_write(Sample *smps[], unsigned cnt) { unsigned int written; Sample *smp = smps[0]; assert(cnt == 1 && smps != nullptr && smps[0] != nullptr); auto mem = MemoryAccessor(*blockTx); float scaled; for (unsigned i = 0; i < smps[0]->length; i++) { scaled = smps[0]->data[i].f; if (scaled > 10.) { scaled = 10.; } else if (scaled < -10.) { scaled = -10.; } mem[i] = (scaled + 10.) * ((float)0xFFFF / 20.); // mem[i] = static_cast(smps[0]->data[i].f); } bool state = dma->write(*blockTx, smp->length * sizeof(float)); if (!state) return -1; struct timeval tv2; gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); logger->info("elapsed: {} us", (tv2.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv2.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec)); written = dma->writeComplete().bytes / sizeof(float); // The number of samples written if (written != smp->length) { logger->warn("Wrote {} samples, but {} were expected", written, smp->length); } return 1; } std::vector FpgaNode::getPollFDs() { return card->vfioDevice->getEventfdList(); } int FpgaNodeFactory::start(SuperNode *sn) { if (vfioContainer == nullptr) { vfioContainer = std::make_shared(); } if (cards.empty()) { std::string searchPath = sn->getConfigPath() + "/.."; createCards(sn->getConfig(), cards, searchPath); } return NodeFactory::start(sn); } static FpgaNodeFactory p;