--- # yaml-language-server: $schema=http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema type: object title: Node required: - type properties: type: type: string description: | Specifies which protocol should be used by this node. For a complete list of supported node-types run `villas node --help`. In addition to the node settings described in this section, every node type has its own specific settings vectorize: type: integer default: 1 description: | This setting allows to send multiple samples in a single message to the destination nodes. The value of this setting determines how many samples will be combined into one packet. hooks: $ref: hooklist.yaml builtin: type: boolean default: true title: Builtin hook functions description: | By default, each node and paths has a couple of default hooks attached to them. With this setting the attachment of built-in hooks can be disabled. in: type: object properties: vectorize: type: integer minimum: 1 signals: $ref: signallist.yaml hooks: $ref: hooklist.yaml out: type: object properties: vectorize: type: integer hooks: $ref: hooklist.yaml netem: $ref: netem.yaml discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: amqp: nodes/amqp.yaml can: nodes/can.yaml comedi: nodes/comedi.yaml ethercat: nodes/ethercat.yaml exec: nodes/exec.yaml file: nodes/file.yaml fpga: nodes/fpga.yaml iec61850-8-1: nodes/iec61850-8-1.yaml iec61850-9-2: nodes/iec61850-9-2.yaml infiniband: nodes/infiniband.yaml influxdb: nodes/influxdb.yaml kafka: nodes/kafka.yaml loopback: nodes/loopback.yaml mqtt: nodes/mqtt.yaml nanomsg: nodes/nanomsg.yaml ngsi: nodes/ngsi.yaml opal: nodes/opal.yaml redis: nodes/redis.yaml rtp: nodes/rtp.yaml shmem: nodes/shmem.yaml signal.v2: nodes/signal_v2.yaml signal: nodes/signal.yaml socket: nodes/socket.yaml stats: nodes/stats_node.yaml temper: nodes/temper.yaml test_rtt: nodes/test_rtt.yaml uldaq: nodes/uldaq.yaml websocket: nodes/websocket.yaml zeromq: nodes/zeromq.yaml