/** Message paths. * * @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de> * @copyright 2014-2019, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * @license GNU General Public License (version 3) * * VILLASnode * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************************/ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <poll.h> #include <errno.h> #include <villas/node/config.h> #include <villas/utils.h> #include <villas/timing.h> #include <villas/pool.h> #include <villas/queue.h> #include <villas/hook.h> #include <villas/hook_list.h> #include <villas/plugin.h> #include <villas/memory.h> #include <villas/node.h> #include <villas/signal.h> #include <villas/path.h> #include <villas/path_source.h> #include <villas/path_destination.h> static void * path_run_single(void *arg) { int ret; struct path *p = arg; struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, 0); while (p->state == STATE_STARTED) { pthread_testcancel(); ret = path_source_read(ps, p, 0); if (ret <= 0) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); path_destination_write(pd, p); } } return NULL; } /** Main thread function per path: read samples -> write samples */ static void * path_run_poll(void *arg) { int ret; struct path *p = arg; while (p->state == STATE_STARTED) { ret = poll(p->reader.pfds, p->reader.nfds, -1); if (ret < 0) serror("Failed to poll"); debug(10, "Path %s returned from poll(2)", path_name(p)); for (int i = 0; i < p->reader.nfds; i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); if (p->reader.pfds[i].revents & POLLIN) { /* Timeout: re-enqueue the last sample */ if (p->reader.pfds[i].fd == task_fd(&p->timeout)) { task_wait(&p->timeout); p->last_sample->sequence = p->last_sequence++; path_destination_enqueue(p, &p->last_sample, 1); } /* A source is ready to receive samples */ else path_source_read(ps, p, i); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); path_destination_write(pd, p); } } return NULL; } int path_init(struct path *p) { int ret; assert(p->state == STATE_DESTROYED); ret = vlist_init(&p->destinations); if (ret) return ret; ret = vlist_init(&p->sources); if (ret) return ret; ret = signal_list_init(&p->signals); if (ret) return ret; ret = hook_list_init(&p->hooks); if (ret) return ret; p->_name = NULL; /* Default values */ p->mode = PATH_MODE_ANY; p->rate = 0; /* Disabled */ p->builtin = 1; p->reverse = 0; p->enabled = 1; p->poll = -1; p->queuelen = DEFAULT_QUEUE_LENGTH; p->original_sequence_no = 0; p->state = STATE_INITIALIZED; return 0; } static int path_prepare_poll(struct path *p) { int fds[16], ret, n = 0, m; p->reader.pfds = NULL; p->reader.nfds = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); m = node_poll_fds(ps->node, fds); if (m < 0) continue; p->reader.nfds += m; p->reader.pfds = realloc(p->reader.pfds, p->reader.nfds * sizeof(struct pollfd)); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (fds[i] < 0) error("Failed to get file descriptor for node %s", node_name(ps->node)); /* This slot is only used if it is not masked */ p->reader.pfds[n].events = POLLIN; p->reader.pfds[n++].fd = fds[i]; } } /* We use the last slot for the timeout timer. */ if (p->rate > 0) { ret = task_init(&p->timeout, p->rate, CLOCK_MONOTONIC); if (ret) return ret; p->reader.nfds++; p->reader.pfds = realloc(p->reader.pfds, p->reader.nfds * sizeof(struct pollfd)); p->reader.pfds[p->reader.nfds-1].events = POLLIN; p->reader.pfds[p->reader.nfds-1].fd = task_fd(&p->timeout); if (p->reader.pfds[p->reader.nfds-1].fd < 0) error("Failed to get file descriptor for timer of path %s", path_name(p)); } return 0; } int path_prepare(struct path *p) { int ret; assert(p->state == STATE_CHECKED); /* Initialize destinations */ struct memory_type *pool_mt = &memory_hugepage; int pool_size = MAX(1, vlist_length(&p->destinations)) * p->queuelen; for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); if (node_type(pd->node)->pool_size > pool_size) pool_size = node_type(pd->node)->pool_size; if (node_type(pd->node)->memory_type) pool_mt = node_memory_type(pd->node, &memory_hugepage); ret = path_destination_init(pd, p->queuelen); if (ret) return ret; } bitset_init(&p->received, vlist_length(&p->sources)); bitset_init(&p->mask, vlist_length(&p->sources)); /* Initialize sources */ for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); ret = path_source_init(ps); if (ret) return ret; if (ps->masked) bitset_set(&p->mask, i); ret = mapping_list_prepare(&ps->mappings); if (ret) return ret; for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&ps->mappings); i++) { struct mapping_entry *me = (struct mapping_entry *) vlist_at(&ps->mappings, i); struct vlist *sigs = node_get_signals(me->node, NODE_DIR_IN); for (int j = 0; j < me->length; j++) { struct signal *sig; /* For data mappings we simple refer to the existing * signal descriptors of the source node. */ if (me->type == MAPPING_TYPE_DATA) { sig = (struct signal *) vlist_at_safe(sigs, me->data.offset + j); if (!sig) { warning("Failed to create signal description for path %s", path_name(p)); continue; } signal_incref(sig); } /* For other mappings we create new signal descriptors */ else { sig = alloc(sizeof(struct signal)); ret = signal_init_from_mapping(sig, me, j); if (ret) return -1; } vlist_extend(&p->signals, me->offset + j + 1, NULL); vlist_set(&p->signals, me->offset + j, sig); } } } #ifdef WITH_HOOKS int m = p->builtin ? HOOK_PATH | HOOK_BUILTIN : 0; /* Add internal hooks if they are not already in the list */ ret = hook_list_prepare(&p->hooks, &p->signals, m, p, NULL); if (ret) return ret; #endif /* WITH_HOOKS */ /* Initialize pool */ ret = pool_init(&p->pool, pool_size, SAMPLE_LENGTH(vlist_length(&p->signals)), pool_mt); if (ret) return ret; /* Prepare poll() */ if (p->poll) { ret = path_prepare_poll(p); if (ret) return ret; } p->state = STATE_PREPARED; return 0; } int path_parse(struct path *p, json_t *cfg, struct vlist *nodes) { int ret; json_error_t err; json_t *json_in; json_t *json_out = NULL; json_t *json_hooks = NULL; json_t *json_mask = NULL; const char *mode = NULL; struct vlist sources = { .state = STATE_DESTROYED }; struct vlist destinations = { .state = STATE_DESTROYED }; vlist_init(&sources); vlist_init(&destinations); ret = json_unpack_ex(cfg, &err, 0, "{ s: o, s?: o, s?: o, s?: b, s?: b, s?: b, s?: i, s?: s, s?: b, s?: F, s?: o, s?: b}", "in", &json_in, "out", &json_out, "hooks", &json_hooks, "reverse", &p->reverse, "enabled", &p->enabled, "builtin", &p->builtin, "queuelen", &p->queuelen, "mode", &mode, "poll", &p->poll, "rate", &p->rate, "mask", &json_mask, "original_sequence_no", &p->original_sequence_no ); if (ret) jerror(&err, "Failed to parse path configuration"); /* Input node(s) */ ret = mapping_list_parse(&sources, json_in, nodes); if (ret) error("Failed to parse input mapping of path %s", path_name(p)); /* Optional settings */ if (mode) { if (!strcmp(mode, "any")) p->mode = PATH_MODE_ANY; else if (!strcmp(mode, "all")) p->mode = PATH_MODE_ALL; else error("Invalid path mode '%s'", mode); } /* Output node(s) */ if (json_out) { ret = node_list_parse(&destinations, json_out, nodes); if (ret) jerror(&err, "Failed to parse output nodes"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&sources); i++) { struct mapping_entry *me = (struct mapping_entry *) vlist_at(&sources, i); struct path_source *ps = NULL; /* Check if there is already a path_source for this source */ for (size_t j = 0; j < vlist_length(&p->sources); j++) { struct path_source *pt = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, j); if (pt->node == me->node) { ps = pt; break; } } /* Create new path_source of not existing */ if (!ps) { ps = alloc(sizeof(struct path_source)); ps->node = me->node; ps->masked = false; ps->mappings.state = STATE_DESTROYED; vlist_init(&ps->mappings); vlist_push(&p->sources, ps); } if (!node_is_enabled(ps->node)) error("Source %s of path %s is not enabled", node_name(ps->node), path_name(p)); vlist_push(&ps->mappings, me); } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&destinations); i++) { struct node *n = (struct node *) vlist_at(&destinations, i); struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) alloc(sizeof(struct path_destination)); pd->node = n; if (!node_is_enabled(pd->node)) error("Destination %s of path %s is not enabled", node_name(pd->node), path_name(p)); vlist_push(&p->destinations, pd); } if (json_mask) { json_t *json_entry; size_t i; if (!json_is_array(json_mask)) error("The 'mask' setting must be a list of node names"); json_array_foreach(json_mask, i, json_entry) { const char *name; struct node *node; struct path_source *ps = NULL; name = json_string_value(json_entry); if (!name) error("The 'mask' setting must be a list of node names"); node = vlist_lookup(nodes, name); if (!node) error("The 'mask' entry '%s' is not a valid node name", name); /* Search correspondending path_source to node */ for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *pt = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); if (pt->node == node) { ps = pt; break; } } if (!ps) error("Node %s is not a source of the path %s", node_name(node), path_name(p)); ps->masked = true; } } /* Enable all by default */ else { for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); ps->masked = true; } } #ifdef WITH_HOOKS if (json_hooks) { ret = hook_list_parse(&p->hooks, json_hooks, HOOK_PATH, p, NULL); if (ret) return ret; } #endif /* WITH_HOOKS */ /* Autodetect whether to use poll() for this path or not */ if (p->poll == -1) { if (p->rate > 0) p->poll = 1; else if (vlist_length(&p->sources) > 1) p->poll = 1; else p->poll = 0; } ret = vlist_destroy(&sources, NULL, false); if (ret) return ret; ret = vlist_destroy(&destinations, NULL, false); if (ret) return ret; p->cfg = cfg; p->state = STATE_PARSED; return 0; } int path_check(struct path *p) { assert(p->state != STATE_DESTROYED); if (p->rate < 0) error("Setting 'rate' of path %s must be a positive number.", path_name(p)); if (p->poll) { if (p->rate <= 0) { /* Check that all path sources provide a file descriptor for polling */ for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); if (!node_type(ps->node)->poll_fds) error("Node %s can not be used in polling mode with path %s", node_name(ps->node), path_name(p)); } } } else { /* Check that we do not need to multiplex between multiple sources when polling is disabled */ if (vlist_length(&p->sources) > 1) error("Setting 'poll' must be active if the path has more than one source"); /* Check that we do not use the fixed rate feature when polling is disabled */ if (p->rate > 0) error("Setting 'poll' must be activated when used together with setting 'rate'"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); if (!node_type(ps->node)->read) error("Node %s is not supported as a source for path %s", node_name(ps->node), path_name(p)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); if (!node_type(pd->node)->write) error("Destiation node %s is not supported as a sink for path %s", node_name(pd->node), path_name(p)); } if (!IS_POW2(p->queuelen)) { p->queuelen = LOG2_CEIL(p->queuelen); warning("Queue length should always be a power of 2. Adjusting to %d", p->queuelen); } p->state = STATE_CHECKED; return 0; } int path_start(struct path *p) { int ret; char *mode, *mask; assert(p->state == STATE_PREPARED); switch (p->mode) { case PATH_MODE_ANY: mode = "any"; break; case PATH_MODE_ALL: mode = "all"; break; default: mode = "unknown"; break; } mask = bitset_dump(&p->mask); info("Starting path %s: #signals=%zu, mode=%s, poll=%s, mask=%s, rate=%.2f, enabled=%s, reversed=%s, queuelen=%d, #hooks=%zu, #sources=%zu, #destinations=%zu, original_sequence_no=%s", path_name(p), vlist_length(&p->signals), mode, p->poll ? "yes" : "no", mask, p->rate, path_is_enabled(p) ? "yes" : "no", path_is_reversed(p) ? "yes" : "no", p->queuelen, vlist_length(&p->hooks), vlist_length(&p->sources), vlist_length(&p->destinations), p->original_sequence_no ? "yes" : "no" ); free(mask); #ifdef WITH_HOOKS ret = hook_list_start(&p->hooks); if (ret) return ret; #endif /* WITH_HOOKS */ p->last_sequence = 0; bitset_clear_all(&p->received); /* We initialize the intial sample */ p->last_sample = sample_alloc(&p->pool); if (!p->last_sample) return -1; p->last_sample->length = vlist_length(&p->signals); p->last_sample->signals = &p->signals; p->last_sample->sequence = 0; p->last_sample->flags = p->last_sample->length > 0 ? SAMPLE_HAS_DATA : 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->last_sample->length; i++) { struct signal *sig = (struct signal *) vlist_at(p->last_sample->signals, i); p->last_sample->data[i] = sig->init; } /* Start one thread per path for sending to destinations * * Special case: If the path only has a single source and this source * does not offer a file descriptor for polling, we will use a special * thread function. */ ret = pthread_create(&p->tid, NULL, p->poll ? path_run_poll : path_run_single, p); if (ret) return ret; p->state = STATE_STARTED; return 0; } int path_stop(struct path *p) { int ret; if (p->state != STATE_STARTED && p->state != STATE_STOPPING) return 0; info("Stopping path: %s", path_name(p)); if (p->state != STATE_STOPPING) p->state = STATE_STOPPING; /* Cancel the thread in case is currently in a blocking syscall. * * We dont care if the thread has already been terminated. */ ret = pthread_cancel(p->tid); if (ret && ret != ESRCH) return ret; ret = pthread_join(p->tid, NULL); if (ret) return ret; #ifdef WITH_HOOKS ret = hook_list_stop(&p->hooks); if (ret) return ret; #endif /* WITH_HOOKS */ sample_decref(p->last_sample); p->state = STATE_STOPPED; return 0; } int path_destroy(struct path *p) { int ret; if (p->state == STATE_DESTROYED) return 0; #ifdef WITH_HOOKS ret = hook_list_destroy(&p->hooks); if (ret) return ret; #endif ret = signal_list_destroy(&p->signals); if (ret) return ret; ret = vlist_destroy(&p->sources, (dtor_cb_t) path_source_destroy, true); if (ret) return ret; ret = vlist_destroy(&p->destinations, (dtor_cb_t) path_destination_destroy, true); if (ret) return ret; if (p->reader.pfds) free(p->reader.pfds); if (p->_name) free(p->_name); if (p->rate > 0) task_destroy(&p->timeout); pool_destroy(&p->pool); p->state = STATE_DESTROYED; return 0; } const char * path_name(struct path *p) { if (!p->_name) { strcatf(&p->_name, "["); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); strcatf(&p->_name, " %s", node_name_short(ps->node)); } strcatf(&p->_name, " ] " CLR_MAG("=>") " ["); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); strcatf(&p->_name, " %s", node_name_short(pd->node)); } strcatf(&p->_name, " ]"); } return p->_name; } int path_uses_node(struct path *p, struct node *n) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->destinations); i++) { struct path_destination *pd = (struct path_destination *) vlist_at(&p->destinations, i); if (pd->node == n) return 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vlist_length(&p->sources); i++) { struct path_source *ps = (struct path_source *) vlist_at(&p->sources, i); if (ps->node == n) return 0; } return -1; } bool path_is_simple(const struct path *p) { int ret; const char *in = NULL, *out = NULL; json_error_t err; ret = json_unpack_ex(p->cfg, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s: s }", "in", &in, "out", &out); if (ret) return false; ret = node_is_valid_name(in); if (!ret) return false; ret = node_is_valid_name(out); if (!ret) return false; return true; } bool path_is_enabled(const struct path *p) { return p->enabled; } bool path_is_reversed(const struct path *p) { return p->reverse; } struct vlist * path_get_signals(struct path *p) { return &p->signals; }