/** Nodes. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2015, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of S2SS. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include "node.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "utils.h" /** Vtable for virtual node sub types */ struct list node_types = LIST_INIT(NULL); int node_parse(struct node *n, config_setting_t *cfg) { return n->_vt->parse ? n->_vt->parse(n, cfg) : 0; } int node_read(struct node *n, struct msg *p, int ps, int f, int c) { return n->_vt->read ? n->_vt->read(n, p, ps, f, c) : -1; } int node_write(struct node *n, struct msg *p, int ps, int f, int c) { return n->_vt->write ? n->_vt->write(n, p, ps, f, c) : -1; } int node_init(int argc, char *argv[], struct settings *set) { INDENT list_foreach(const struct node_type *vt, &node_types) { if (list_length(&vt->instances) > 0) { info("Initializing " YEL("%s") " node type", vt->name); if (vt->init) vt->init(argc, argv, set); } else warn("No node is using the " YEL("%s") " node type. Skipping...", vt->name); } return 0; } int node_deinit() { INDENT /* De-initialize node types */ list_foreach(const struct node_type *vt, &node_types) { if (list_length(&vt->instances) > 0) { info("De-initializing " YEL("%s") " node type", vt->name); if (vt->deinit) vt->deinit(); } } return 0; } int node_start(struct node *n) { INDENT int ret; info("Starting node %s", node_name_long(n)); { INDENT ret = n->_vt->open ? n->_vt->open(n) : -1; } if (ret == 0) n->state = NODE_RUNNING; return ret; } int node_stop(struct node *n) { INDENT int ret; if (n->state != NODE_RUNNING) return -1; info("Stopping node %s", node_name(n)); { INDENT ret = n->_vt->close ? n->_vt->close(n) : -1; } if (ret == 0) n->state = NODE_STOPPED; return ret; } const char * node_name(struct node *n) { if (!n->_name) strcatf(&n->_name, RED("%s") "(" YEL("%s") ")", n->name, n->_vt->name); return n->_name; } const char * node_name_long(struct node *n) { if (!n->_name_long) n->_name_long = n->_vt->print ? n->_vt->print(n) : ""; return n->_name_long; } int node_reverse(struct node *n) { return n->_vt->reverse ? n->_vt->reverse(n) : -1; } struct node * node_create(struct node_type *vt) { struct node *n = alloc(sizeof(struct node)); list_push(&vt->instances, n); n->_vt = vt; n->_vd = alloc(n->_vt->size); if (n->_vt->create) n->_vt->create(n); n->state = NODE_CREATED; return n; } void node_destroy(struct node *n) { if (n->_vt->destroy) n->_vt->destroy(n); free(n->_vd); free(n->_name); free(n); }