/** Node type: comedi
 * @author Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
 * @author Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
 * @copyright 2014-2022, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
 * @license Apache 2.0

#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <comedilib.h>
#include <comedi_errno.h>

#include <villas/node_compat.hpp>
#include <villas/nodes/comedi.hpp>
#include <villas/utils.hpp>
#include <villas/exceptions.hpp>

using namespace villas;
using namespace villas::node;
using namespace villas::utils;

/* Utility functions to dump a comedi_cmd graciously taken from comedilib demo */
static char* comedi_cmd_trigger_src(unsigned int src, char *buf);
static void comedi_dump_cmd(Logger logger, comedi_cmd *cmd);

int comedi_parse_direction(struct comedi *c, struct comedi_direction *d, json_t *json)
	int ret;

	json_t *json_chans;
	json_error_t err;

	/* Default values */
	d->subdevice = -1;
	d->buffer_size = 16;

	ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s?: i, s?: i, s: o, s: i }",
		"subdevice", &d->subdevice,
		"bufsize", &d->buffer_size,
		"signals", &json_chans,
		"rate", &d->sample_rate_hz
	if (ret)
		throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-comedi");

	if (!json_is_array(json_chans))
		return -1;

	/* Convert kilobytes to bytes */
	d->buffer_size = d->buffer_size << 10;

	size_t i;
	json_t *json_chan;

	d->chanlist_len = json_array_size(json_chans);
	if (d->chanlist_len == 0)
		throw ConfigError(json_chans, "node-config-node-channels", "No channels configured");

	d->chanlist = new unsigned int[d->chanlist_len];
	if (!d->chanlist)
		throw MemoryAllocationError();

	d->chanspecs = new comedi_chanspec[d->chanlist_len];
	if (!d->chanspecs)
		throw MemoryAllocationError();

	json_array_foreach(json_chans, i, json_chan) {
		int num, range, aref;
		ret = json_unpack_ex(json_chan, &err, 0, "{ s: i, s: i, s: i }",
			"channel", &num,
			"range", &range,
			"aref", &aref
		if (ret)
			throw ConfigError(json_chan, err, "node-config-node-comedi");

		if (aref < AREF_GROUND || aref > AREF_OTHER)
			throw ConfigError(json_chan, "node-config-node-comedi-aref", "Invalid value for analog reference: aref={}", aref);

		d->chanlist[i] = CR_PACK(num, range, aref);

	return 0;

int comedi_start_common(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction* directions[2] = { &c->in, &c->out };


	for (int dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < 2; dirIdx++) {
		struct comedi_direction* d = directions[dirIdx];
		int ret;

		if (!d->present)

		/* Sanity-check channel config and populate chanspec for later */
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < d->chanlist_len; i++) {
			const unsigned int channel = CR_CHAN(d->chanlist[i]);
			const int range = CR_RANGE(d->chanlist[i]);

			ret = comedi_get_n_ranges(c->dev, d->subdevice, channel);
			if (ret < 0)
				throw RuntimeError("Failed to get ranges for channel {} on subdevice {}", channel, d->subdevice);

			if (range >= ret)
				throw RuntimeError("Invalid range for channel {} on subdevice {}: range={}", channel, d->subdevice, range);

			ret = comedi_get_maxdata(c->dev, d->subdevice, channel);
			if (ret <= 0)
				throw RuntimeError("Failed to get max. data value for channel {} on subdevice {}", channel, d->subdevice);

			d->chanspecs[i].maxdata = ret;
			d->chanspecs[i].range = comedi_get_range(c->dev, d->subdevice,
			                                         channel, range);

			n->logger->info("{} channel: {} aref={} range={} maxdata={}",
				(d == &c->in ? "Input" : "Output"), channel,
				CR_AREF(d->chanlist[i]), range, d->chanspecs[i].maxdata);

		const int flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		d->sample_size = (flags & SDF_LSAMPL) ? sizeof(lsampl_t) : sizeof(sampl_t);

		/* Set buffer size */
		comedi_set_buffer_size(c->dev, d->subdevice, d->buffer_size);
		comedi_set_max_buffer_size(c->dev, d->subdevice, d->buffer_size);
		ret = comedi_get_buffer_size(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		if (ret != d->buffer_size)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to set buffer size for subdevice {}", d->subdevice);

		n->logger->info("Set buffer size for subdevice {} to {} bytes", d->subdevice, d->buffer_size);

		ret = comedi_lock(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		if (ret)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to lock subdevice {}", d->subdevice);

	return 0;

int comedi_start_in(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->in;

	/* Try to find first analog input subdevice if not specified in config */
	if (d->subdevice < 0) {
		d->subdevice = comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(c->dev, COMEDI_SUBD_AI, 0);
		if (d->subdevice < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Cannot find analog input device for node '{}'");
	else {
		/* Check if subdevice is usable */
		ret = comedi_get_subdevice_type(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		if (ret != COMEDI_SUBD_AI)
			throw RuntimeError("Input subdevice is not an analog input");

	ret = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret < 0 || !(ret & SDF_CMD_READ))
		throw RuntimeError("Input subdevice does not support 'read' commands");

	comedi_set_read_subdevice(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	ret = comedi_get_read_subdevice(c->dev);
	if (ret < 0 || ret != d->subdevice)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to change 'read' subdevice from {} to {}", ret, d->subdevice);

	comedi_cmd cmd;
	memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));

	cmd.subdev = d->subdevice;

	/* Make card send interrupts after every sample, not only when fifo is half
	 * full (TODO: evaluate if this makes sense, leave as reminder) */
	//cmd.flags = TRIG_WAKE_EOS;

	/* Start right now */
	cmd.start_src = TRIG_NOW;

	/* Trigger scans periodically */
	cmd.scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER;
	cmd.scan_begin_arg = 1e9 / d->sample_rate_hz;

	/* Do conversions in serial with 1ns inter-conversion delay */
	cmd.convert_src = TRIG_TIMER;
	cmd.convert_arg = 1;	/* Inter-conversion delay in nanoseconds */

	/* Terminate scan after each channel has been converted */
	cmd.scan_end_src = TRIG_COUNT;
	cmd.scan_end_arg = d->chanlist_len;

	/* Contionous sampling */
	cmd.stop_src = TRIG_NONE;

	cmd.chanlist = d->chanlist;
	cmd.chanlist_len = d->chanlist_len;

	/* First run might change command, second should return successfully */
	ret = comedi_command_test(c->dev, &cmd);
	ret = comedi_command_test(c->dev, &cmd);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Invalid command for input subdevice");

	n->logger->info("Input command:");
	comedi_dump_cmd(n->logger, &cmd);

	ret = comedi_command(c->dev, &cmd);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to issue command to input subdevice");

	d->started = time_now();
	d->counter = 0;
	d->running = true;

	/* Be prepared to consume one entire buffer */
	c->buf = new char[c->in.buffer_size];
	c->bufptr = c->buf;
	if (!c->buf)
		throw MemoryAllocationError();

	n->logger->info("Compiled for kernel read() interface");
	n->logger->info("Compiled for kernel mmap() interface");

	return 0;

int comedi_start_out(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->out;

	/* Try to find first analog output subdevice if not specified in config */
	if (d->subdevice < 0) {
		d->subdevice = comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(c->dev, COMEDI_SUBD_AO, 0);
		if (d->subdevice < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Cannot find analog output device");
	else {
		ret = comedi_get_subdevice_type(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		if (ret != COMEDI_SUBD_AO)
			throw RuntimeError("Output subdevice is not an analog output");

	ret = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret < 0 || !(ret & SDF_CMD_WRITE))
		throw RuntimeError("Output subdevice does not support 'write' commands");

	comedi_set_write_subdevice(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	ret = comedi_get_write_subdevice(c->dev);
	if (ret < 0 || ret != d->subdevice)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to change 'write' subdevice from {} to {}", ret, d->subdevice);

	comedi_cmd cmd;
	memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));

	cmd.subdev = d->subdevice;

	cmd.flags = CMDF_WRITE;

	/* Wait for internal trigger, we will have to fill the buffer first */
	cmd.start_src = TRIG_INT;
	cmd.start_arg = 0;

	cmd.scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER;
	cmd.scan_begin_arg = 1e9 / d->sample_rate_hz;

	cmd.convert_src = TRIG_NOW;
	cmd.convert_arg = 0;

	cmd.scan_end_src = TRIG_COUNT;
	cmd.scan_end_arg = d->chanlist_len;

	/* Continous sampling */
	cmd.stop_src = TRIG_NONE;
	cmd.stop_arg = 0;

	cmd.chanlist = d->chanlist;
	cmd.chanlist_len = d->chanlist_len;

	/* First run might change command, second should return successfully */
	ret = comedi_command_test(c->dev, &cmd);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Invalid command for input subdevice");

	ret = comedi_command_test(c->dev, &cmd);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Invalid command for input subdevice");

	n->logger->info("Output command:");
	comedi_dump_cmd(n->logger, &cmd);

	ret = comedi_command(c->dev, &cmd);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to issue command to input subdevice of node '{}'");

	/* Output will only start after the internal trigger */
	d->running = false;
	d->last_debug = time_now();

	/* Allocate buffer for one complete VILLAS sample */
	/** @todo maybe increase buffer size according to c->vectorize */
	const size_t local_buffer_size = d->sample_size * d->chanlist_len;
	d->buffer = new char[local_buffer_size];
	d->bufptr = d->buffer;
	if (!d->buffer)
		throw MemoryAllocationError();

	/* Initialize local buffer used for write() syscalls */
	for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < d->chanlist_len; channel++) {
		const unsigned raw = comedi_from_phys(0.0f, d->chanspecs[channel].range, d->chanspecs[channel].maxdata);

		if (d->sample_size == sizeof(sampl_t))
			*((sampl_t *)d->bufptr) = raw;
			*((lsampl_t *)d->bufptr) = raw;

		d->bufptr += d->sample_size;

	/* Preload comedi output buffer */
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < d->buffer_size / local_buffer_size; i++) {
		size_t written = write(comedi_fileno(c->dev), d->buffer, local_buffer_size);
		if (written != local_buffer_size) {
			throw RuntimeError("Cannot preload Comedi buffer");

	const size_t villas_samples_in_kernel_buf = d->buffer_size / (d->sample_size * d->chanlist_len);
	const double latencyMs = (double) villas_samples_in_kernel_buf / d->sample_rate_hz * 1e3;
	n->logger->info("Added latency due to buffering: {:4.1f} ms", latencyMs);

	return 0;

int comedi_stop_in(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->in;

	comedi_cancel(c->dev, d->subdevice);

	ret = comedi_unlock(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to lock subdevice {}", d->subdevice);

	return 0;

int comedi_stop_out(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->out;

	comedi_cancel(c->dev, d->subdevice);

	ret = comedi_unlock(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to lock subdevice {}", d->subdevice);

	return 0;

int villas::node::comedi_parse(NodeCompat *n, json_t *json)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();

	const char *device;

	json_t *json_in = nullptr;
	json_t *json_out = nullptr;
	json_error_t err;

	ret = json_unpack_ex(json, &err, 0, "{ s: s, s?: o, s?: o }",
		"device", &device,
		"in", &json_in,
		"out", &json_out);

	if (ret)
		throw ConfigError(json, err, "node-config-node-comedi");

	c->in.present = json_in != nullptr;
	c->in.enabled = false;
	c->in.running = false;

	c->out.present = json_out != nullptr;
	c->out.enabled = false;
	c->out.running = false;

	if (c->in.present) {
		ret = comedi_parse_direction(c, &c->in, json_in);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

	if (c->out.present) {
		ret = comedi_parse_direction(c, &c->out, json_out);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

	c->device = strdup(device);

	return 0;

char * villas::node::comedi_print(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();

	char *buf = nullptr;

	const char *board = comedi_get_board_name(c->dev);
	const char *driver = comedi_get_driver_name(c->dev);

	strcatf(&buf, "board=%s, driver=%s, device=%s", board, driver, c->device);

	return buf;

int villas::node::comedi_start(NodeCompat *n)
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();

	c->dev = comedi_open(c->device);
	if (!c->dev)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to open device: {}", comedi_strerror(comedi_errno()));

	/* Enable non-blocking syscalls */
	/** @todo verify if this works with both input and output, so comment out */
	//if (fcntl(comedi_fileno(c->dev), F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK))
	//	throw RuntimeError("Failed to set non-blocking flag in Comedi FD");


	if (c->in.present) {
		int ret = comedi_start_in(n);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

		c->in.enabled = true;

	if (c->out.present) {
		int ret = comedi_start_out(n);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

		c->out.enabled = true;

	n->logger->info("Mapping Comedi buffer of {} bytes", c->in.buffer_size);
	c->map = mmap(nullptr, c->in.buffer_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, comedi_fileno(c->dev), 0);
	if (c->map == MAP_FAILED)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to map Comedi buffer");

	c->front = 0;
	c->back = 0;
	c->bufpos = 0;

	return 0;

int villas::node::comedi_stop(NodeCompat *n)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();

	if (c->in.enabled)

	if (c->out.enabled)

	ret = comedi_close(c->dev);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	return 0;


int villas::node::comedi_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->in;
	const size_t villas_sample_size = d->chanlist_len * d->sample_size;

	ret = comedi_get_buffer_contents(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret < 0) {
		if (comedi_errno() == EBUF_OVR)
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi buffer overflow");
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi error: {}", comedi_strerror(comedi_errno()));

	fd_set rdset;
	FD_SET(comedi_fileno(c->dev), &rdset);

	struct timeval timeout;
	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout.tv_usec = 5000;

	ret = select(comedi_fileno(c->dev) + 1, &rdset, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout);
	if (ret < 0)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed select()");
	else if (ret == 0) /* hit timeout */
		return 0;
	else if (FD_ISSET(comedi_fileno(c->dev), &rdset)) { /* comedi file descriptor became ready */
		const size_t buffer_bytes_free = d->buffer_size - (c->bufptr - c->buf);
		const size_t bytes_requested = cnt * villas_sample_size;

		ret = read(comedi_fileno(c->dev), c->bufptr, MIN(bytes_requested, buffer_bytes_free));
		if (ret < 0) {
			if (errno == EAGAIN)
				throw RuntimeError("Failed read()");
				return 0;
		else if (ret == 0) {
			n->logger->warn("Timeout in select(), no samples available");
			return 0;
		else {
			/* Sample handling here */
			const size_t bytes_available = ret;
			const size_t raw_samples_available = bytes_available / d->sample_size;
			const size_t villas_samples_available = raw_samples_available / d->chanlist_len;

			n->logger->info("There are {} bytes available ({} requested) => {} VILLAS samples",
				bytes_available, bytes_requested, villas_samples_available);

			if (cnt > villas_samples_available)
				cnt = villas_samples_available;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {

				smps[i]->signals = n->getInputSignals(false);
				smps[i]->flags = (int) SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_DATA | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_SEQUENCE;
				smps[i]->sequence = d->counter / d->chanlist_len;

				struct timespec offset = time_from_double(d->counter * 1.0 / d->sample_rate_hz);
				smps[i]->ts.origin = time_add(&d->started, &offset);

				smps[i]->length = d->chanlist_len;

				if (smps[i]->capacity < d->chanlist_len)
					throw RuntimeError("Sample has insufficient capacity: {} < {}", smps[i]->capacity, d->chanlist_len);

				for (unsigned si = 0; si < d->chanlist_len; si++) {
					unsigned int raw;

					if (d->sample_size == sizeof(sampl_t))
						raw = *((sampl_t *)(c->bufptr));
						raw = *((lsampl_t *)(c->bufptr));

					c->bufptr += d->sample_size;

					smps[i]->data[si].f = comedi_to_phys(raw, d->chanspecs[si].range, d->chanspecs[si].maxdata);

					if (std::isnan(smps[i]->data[si].f))
						n->logger->warn("Input: channel {} clipped", CR_CHAN(d->chanlist[si]));

			const size_t bytes_consumed = cnt * villas_sample_size;
			const size_t bytes_left = bytes_available - bytes_consumed;
			if (bytes_left > 0) {
				/* Move leftover bytes to the beginning of buffer */
				/** @todo optimize? */
				memmove(c->buf, c->bufptr, bytes_left);

			n->logger->info("Consumed {} bytes", bytes_consumed);

			/* Start at the beginning again */
			c->bufptr = c->buf;

			return cnt;
		/* unknown file descriptor became ready */
		n->logger->warn("Unknown file descriptor ready");

	return -1;


int villas::node::comedi_read(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->in;

	const size_t villas_sample_size = d->chanlist_len * d->sample_size;

	comedi_set_read_subdevice(c->dev, d->subdevice);

	n->logger->info("Current bufpos={}", c->bufpos);

#if 0
	if (c->bufpos > (d->buffer_size - villas_sample_size)) {
		ret = comedi_get_buffer_read_offset(c->dev, d->subdevice);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Canot get offset");

		c->bufpos = ret;
		n->logger->info("Change bufpos={}", c->bufpos);

	ret = comedi_get_buffer_contents(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret == 0)
		return 0;
	else if (ret < 0) {
		if (comedi_errno() == EBUF_OVR)
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi buffer overflow");
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi error: {}", comedi_strerror(comedi_errno()));

	const size_t bytes_available = ret;
	const size_t raw_sample_count = bytes_available / d->sample_size;
	size_t villas_sample_count = raw_sample_count / d->chanlist_len;
	if (villas_sample_count == 0)
		return 0;

	n->logger->info("There are {} VILLAS samples ({} raw bytes, {} channels)", villas_sample_count, bytes_available, d->chanlist_len);

#if 0
	if (villas_sample_count == 1)
		n->logger->info("front={} back={} bufpos={}", c->front, c->back, c->bufpos);

	if ((c->bufpos + bytes_available) >= d->buffer_size) {
		/* Let comedi do the wraparound, only consume until end of buffer */
		villas_sample_count = (d->buffer_size - c->bufpos) / villas_sample_size;
		n->logger->warn("Reducing consumption from {} to {} bytes", ret, bytes_available);
		n->logger->warn("Only consume {} VILLAS samples b/c of buffer wraparound", villas_sample_count);

	if (cnt > villas_sample_count)
		cnt = villas_sample_count;

#if 0
	if (bytes_available != 0 && bytes_available < villas_sample_size) {
		n->logger->warn("Cannot consume samples, only {} bytes available, throw away", ret);

		ret = comedi_mark_buffer_read(c->dev, d->subdevice, bytes_available);
		if (ret != bytes_available)
			throw RuntimeError("Cannot throw away {} bytes, returned {}", bytes_available, ret);

		return 0;

	const size_t samples_total_bytes = cnt * villas_sample_size;

	ret = comedi_mark_buffer_read(c->dev, d->subdevice, samples_total_bytes);
	if (ret == 0) {
		n->logger->warn("Marking read buffer ({} bytes) not working, try again later", samples_total_bytes);
		return 0;
	else if (ret != samples_total_bytes) {
		n->logger->warn("Can only mark {} bytes as read, reducing samples", ret);
		return 0;
		n->logger->info("Consume {} bytes", ret);

	/* Align front to whole samples */
	c->front = c->back + samples_total_bytes;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {

		smps[i]->flags = (int) SampleFlags::HAS_TS_ORIGIN | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_DATA | (int) SampleFlags::HAS_SEQUENCE;
		smps[i]->sequence = d->counter / d->chanlist_len;

		struct timespec offset = time_from_double(d->counter * 1.0 / d->sample_rate_hz);
		smps[i]->ts.origin = time_add(&d->started, &offset);

		smps[i]->length = d->chanlist_len;

		if (smps[i]->capacity < d->chanlist_len)
			throw RuntimeError("Sample has insufficient capacity: {} < {}", smps[i]->capacity, d->chanlist_len);

		for (int si = 0; si < d->chanlist_len; si++) {
			unsigned int raw;

			if (d->sample_size == sizeof(sampl_t))
				raw = *((sampl_t *)(c->map + c->bufpos));
				raw = *((lsampl_t *)(c->map + c->bufpos));

			smps[i]->data[si].f = comedi_to_phys(raw, d->chanspecs[si].range, d->chanspecs[si].maxdata);

			if (isnan(smps[i]->data[si].f))
				throw RuntimeError("Got nan");

//			smps[i]->data[si].i = raw;

			c->bufpos += d->sample_size;
			if (c->bufpos >= d->buffer_size) {
				n->logger->warn("Read buffer wraparound");
//				c->bufpos = 0;

//	const size_t bytes_consumed = c->front - c->back;

//	n->logger->info("Advance Comedi buffer by {} bytes", bytes_consumed);

	ret = comedi_get_buffer_read_offset(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret < 0) {
		if (comedi_errno() != EPIPE)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to get read buffer offset: {}, Comedi error {}", ret, comedi_strerror(comedi_errno()));
			ret = c->bufpos;

	n->logger->warn("Change bufpos: {} to {}", c->bufpos, ret);
	c->bufpos = ret;

#if 0
	ret = comedi_mark_buffer_read(c->dev, d->subdevice, bytes_consumed);
	if (ret < 0) //!= bytes_consumed)
		throw RuntimeError("Failed to mark buffer position (ret={}) for input stream", ret);
//	else if (ret == 0) {
	else {
		n->logger->info("Consumed {} bytes", bytes_consumed);
		n->logger->info("Mark buffer returned {}", ret);

		if (ret == 0) {
			ret = comedi_mark_buffer_read(c->dev, d->subdevice, bytes_consumed);
			n->logger->info("Trying again, mark buffer returned now {}", ret);

		if (ret > 0) {
			ret = comedi_get_buffer_read_offset(c->dev, d->subdevice);
			if (ret < 0)
				throw RuntimeError("Failed to get read buffer offset");

			n->logger->warn("Change bufpos1: {} to {}", c->bufpos, ret);
			c->bufpos = ret;
		else {
//			n->logger->warn("Change bufpos2: {} to {}", c->bufpos, c->);
//			c->bufpos += bytes_consumed;
			n->logger->warn("Keep bufpos={}", c->bufpos);

//		c->bufpos = 0;

//	n->logger->info("New bufpos: {}", c->bufpos);

	c->back = c->front;

	return cnt;


int villas::node::comedi_write(NodeCompat *n, struct Sample * const smps[], unsigned cnt)
	int ret;
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();
	struct comedi_direction *d = &c->out;

	if (!d->enabled) {
		n->logger->warn("Attempting to write, but output is not enabled");
		return 0;

	if (!d->running) {
		/* Output was not yet running, so start now */
		ret = comedi_internal_trigger(c->dev, d->subdevice, 0);
		if (ret < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("Failed to trigger-start output");

		d->started = time_now();
		d->counter = 0;
		d->running = true;

		n->logger->info("Starting output");

	const size_t buffer_capacity_raw = d->buffer_size / d->sample_size;
	const size_t buffer_capacity_villas = buffer_capacity_raw / d->chanlist_len;
	const size_t villas_sample_size = d->sample_size * d->chanlist_len;

	ret = comedi_get_buffer_contents(c->dev, d->subdevice);
	if (ret < 0) {
		if (comedi_errno() == EBUF_OVR)
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi buffer overflow");
			throw RuntimeError("Comedi error: {}", comedi_strerror(comedi_errno()));

	const size_t bytes_in_buffer = ret;
	const size_t raw_samples_in_buffer = bytes_in_buffer / d->sample_size;
	const size_t villas_samples_in_buffer = raw_samples_in_buffer / d->chanlist_len;

	if (villas_samples_in_buffer == buffer_capacity_villas) {
		n->logger->warn("Comedi buffer is full");
		return 0;
	else {
		struct timespec now = time_now();
		if (time_delta(&d->last_debug, &now) >= 1) {
			n->logger->debug("Comedi write buffer: {} VILLAS samples ({}% of buffer)",
			                  (100.0f * villas_samples_in_buffer / buffer_capacity_villas));

			d->last_debug = time_now();

	size_t villas_samples_written = 0;

	while (villas_samples_written < cnt) {
		const struct Sample *sample = smps[villas_samples_written];
		if (sample->length != d->chanlist_len)
			throw RuntimeError("Value count in sample ({}) != configured output channels ({})", sample->length, d->chanlist_len);

		d->bufptr = d->buffer;

		/* Move samples from villas into local buffer for comedi */
		for (unsigned si = 0; si < sample->length; si++) {
			unsigned raw_value = 0;

			switch (sample_format(sample, si)) {
				case SignalType::FLOAT:
					raw_value = comedi_from_phys(sample->data[si].f, d->chanspecs[si].range, d->chanspecs[si].maxdata);

				case SignalType::INTEGER:
					/* Treat sample as already raw DAC value */
					raw_value = sample->data[si].i;

				case SignalType::BOOLEAN:
					raw_value = comedi_from_phys(sample->data[si].b ? 1 : 0, d->chanspecs[si].range, d->chanspecs[si].maxdata);

				case SignalType::COMPLEX:
					/* We only output the real part */
					raw_value = comedi_from_phys(std::real(sample->data[si].z), d->chanspecs[si].range, d->chanspecs[si].maxdata);

				case SignalType::INVALID:
					raw_value = 0;

			if (d->sample_size == sizeof(sampl_t))
				*((sampl_t *)d->bufptr) = raw_value;
				*((lsampl_t *)d->bufptr) = raw_value;

			d->bufptr += d->sample_size;

		/* Try to write one complete villas sample to comedi */
		size_t written = write(comedi_fileno(c->dev), d->buffer, villas_sample_size);
		if (written < 0)
			throw RuntimeError("write() failed");
		else if (written == 0)
			break;	/* Comedi doesn't accept any more samples at the moment */
		else if (written == villas_sample_size)
			throw RuntimeError("Only partial sample written ({} bytes), oops", written);

	if (villas_samples_written == 0)
		n->logger->warn("Nothing done");

	d->counter += villas_samples_written;

	return villas_samples_written;

char* comedi_cmd_trigger_src(unsigned int src, char *buf)
	buf[0] = 0;

	if (src & TRIG_NONE)		strcat(buf, "none|");
	if (src & TRIG_NOW)		strcat(buf, "now|");
	if (src & TRIG_FOLLOW)	strcat(buf, "follow|");
	if (src & TRIG_TIME)		strcat(buf, "time|");
	if (src & TRIG_TIMER)	strcat(buf, "timer|");
	if (src & TRIG_COUNT)	strcat(buf, "count|");
	if (src & TRIG_EXT)		strcat(buf, "ext|");
	if (src & TRIG_INT)		strcat(buf, "int|");

	if (strlen(buf) == 0)
		sprintf(buf, "unknown(0x%08x)", src);
		buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;

	return buf;

void comedi_dump_cmd(Logger logger, comedi_cmd *cmd)
	char buf[256];
	char* src;

	logger->debug("subdevice:  {}", cmd->subdev);

	src = comedi_cmd_trigger_src(cmd->start_src, buf);
	logger->debug("start:      {:-8s} {}", src, cmd->start_arg);

	src = comedi_cmd_trigger_src(cmd->scan_begin_src, buf);
	logger->debug("scan_begin: {:-8s} {}", src, cmd->scan_begin_arg);

	src = comedi_cmd_trigger_src(cmd->convert_src, buf);
	logger->debug("convert:    {:-8s} {}", src, cmd->convert_arg);

	src = comedi_cmd_trigger_src(cmd->scan_end_src, buf);
	logger->debug("scan_end:   {:-8s} {}", src, cmd->scan_end_arg);

	src = comedi_cmd_trigger_src(cmd->stop_src,buf);
	logger->debug("stop:       {:-8s} {}", src, cmd->stop_arg);

int villas::node::comedi_poll_fds(NodeCompat *n, int fds[])
	auto *c = n->getData<struct comedi>();

	fds[0] = comedi_fileno(c->dev);

	return 0;

static NodeCompatType p;

static void register_plugin() {
	p.name		= "comedi";
	p.description	= "Comedi-compatible DAQ/ADC cards";
	p.vectorize	= 0;
	p.size		= sizeof(struct comedi);
	p.parse		= comedi_parse;
	p.print		= comedi_print;
	p.start		= comedi_start;
	p.stop		= comedi_stop;
	p.read		= comedi_read;
	p.write		= comedi_write;
	p.poll_fds	= comedi_poll_fds;

	static NodeCompatFactory ncp(&p);