/** Interface to Xilinx System Generator Models via PCIe * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2017, Steffen Vogel *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "fpga/ip.h" #include "fpga/card.h" #include "fpga/ips/model.h" static int model_param_destroy(struct model_param *p) { free(p->name); return 0; } static int model_info_destroy(struct model_info *i) { free(i->field); free(i->value); return 0; } static uint32_t model_xsg_map_checksum(uint32_t *map, size_t len) { uint32_t chks = 0; for (int i = 2; i < len-1; i++) chks += map[i]; return chks; /* moduluo 2^32 because of overflow */ } static int model_xsg_map_parse(uint32_t *map, size_t len, struct list *parameters, struct list *infos) { #define copy_string(off) strndup((char *) (data + (off)), (length - (off)) * 4); int j; struct model_param p, *e; struct model_info *i; /* Check magic */ if (map[0] != XSG_MAGIC) error("Invalid magic: %#x", map[0]); for (j = 2; j < len-1;) { uint16_t type = map[j] & 0xFFFF; uint16_t length = map[j] >> 16; uint32_t *data = &map[j+1]; switch (type) { case XSG_BLOCK_GATEWAY_IN: case XSG_BLOCK_GATEWAY_OUT: if (length < 4) break; /* block is to small to describe a gateway */ memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); p.name = copy_string(3); p.default_value.flt = *((float *) &data[1]); p.offset = data[2]; p.direction = type & 0x1; p.type = (data[0] >> 0) & 0xFF; p.binpt = (data[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; e = list_lookup(parameters, p.name); if (e) model_param_update(e, &p); else list_push(parameters, memdup(&p, sizeof(p))); break; case XSG_BLOCK_INFO: i = alloc(sizeof(struct model_info)); i->field = copy_string(0); i->value = copy_string((int) ceil((double) (strlen(i->field) + 1) / 4)) list_push(infos, i); break; default: warn("Unknown block type: %#06x", type); } j += length + 1; } return 0; #undef copy_string } static uint32_t model_xsg_map_read_word(uint32_t offset, void *baseaddr) { volatile uint32_t *addr = baseaddr + 0x00; volatile uint32_t *data = baseaddr + 0x04; *addr = offset; /* Update addr reg */ return *data; /* Read data reg */ } static int model_xsg_map_read(uint32_t *map, size_t len, void *baseaddr) { size_t maplen; uint32_t magic; /* Check magic */ magic = model_xsg_map_read_word(0, baseaddr); if (magic != XSG_MAGIC) return -1; maplen = model_xsg_map_read_word(1, baseaddr); if (maplen < 3) return -2; /* Read Data */ int i; for (i = 0; i < MIN(maplen, len); i++) map[i] = model_xsg_map_read_word(i, baseaddr); return i; } int model_parse(struct fpga_ip *c) { struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; struct model_param p; config_setting_t *cfg_params, *cfg_param; if (strcmp(c->vlnv.library, "hls") == 0) m->type = MODEL_TYPE_HLS; else if (strcmp(c->vlnv.library, "sysgen") == 0) m->type = MODEL_TYPE_XSG; else cerror(c->cfg, "Invalid model type: %s", c->vlnv.library); cfg_params = config_setting_get_member(c->cfg, "parameters"); if (cfg_params) { for (int i = 0; i < config_setting_length(cfg_params); i++) { cfg_param = config_setting_get_elem(cfg_params, i); memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); p.name = config_setting_name(cfg_param); p.default_value.flt = config_setting_get_float(cfg_param); list_push(&m->parameters, memdup(&p, sizeof(p))); } } return 0; } static int model_init_from_xsg_map(struct model *m, void *baseaddr) { int ret, chks; if (baseaddr == (void *) -1) return -1; m->xsg.map = alloc(XSG_MAPLEN); m->xsg.maplen = model_xsg_map_read(m->xsg.map, XSG_MAPLEN, baseaddr); if (m->xsg.maplen < 0) return -1; debug(5, "XSG: memory map length = %#zx", m->xsg.maplen); chks = m->xsg.map[m->xsg.maplen - 1]; if (chks != model_xsg_map_checksum(m->xsg.map, m->xsg.maplen)) return -2; ret = model_xsg_map_parse(m->xsg.map, m->xsg.maplen, &m->parameters, &m->infos); if (ret) return -3; debug(5, "XSG: Parsed %zu parameters and %zu model infos", list_length(&m->parameters), list_length(&m->infos)); return 0; } int model_init(struct fpga_ip *c) { int ret; struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; list_init(&m->parameters); list_init(&m->infos); if (!fpga_vlnv_cmp(&c->vlnv, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { NULL, "sysgen", NULL, NULL })) ret = model_init_from_xsg_map(m, c->card->map + c->baseaddr); else ret = 0; /* Set default values for parameters */ for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->parameters); i++) { struct model_param *p = list_at(&m->parameters, i); p->ip = c; if (p->direction == MODEL_PARAM_IN) { model_param_write(p, p->default_value.flt); info("Set parameter '%s' updated to default value: %f", p->name, p->default_value.flt); } } if (ret) error("Failed to init XSG model: %d", ret); return 0; } int model_destroy(struct fpga_ip *c) { struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; list_destroy(&m->parameters, (dtor_cb_t) model_param_destroy, true); list_destroy(&m->infos, (dtor_cb_t) model_info_destroy, true); if (m->xsg.map != NULL) free(m->xsg.map); return 0; } void model_dump(struct fpga_ip *c) { struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; const char *param_type[] = { "UFix", "Fix", "Float", "Boolean" }; const char *parameter_dirs[] = { "In", "Out", "In/Out" }; { INDENT info("Parameters:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&m->parameters); i++) { INDENT struct model_param *p = list_at(&m->parameters, i); if (p->direction == MODEL_PARAM_IN) info("%#jx: %s (%s) = %.3f %s %u", p->offset, p->name, parameter_dirs[p->direction], p->default_value.flt, param_type[p->type], p->binpt ); else if (p->direction == MODEL_PARAM_OUT) info("%#jx: %s (%s)", p->offset, p->name, parameter_dirs[p->direction] ); } info("Infos:"); for (size_t j = 0; j < list_length(&m->infos); j++) { INDENT struct model_info *i = list_at(&m->infos, j); info("%s: %s", i->field, i->value); } } } int model_param_read(struct model_param *p, double *v) { struct fpga_ip *c = p->ip; union model_param_value *ptr = (union model_param_value *) (c->card->map + c->baseaddr + p->offset); switch (p->type) { case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_UFIX: *v = (double) ptr->ufix / (1 << p->binpt); break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_FIX: *v = (double) ptr->fix / (1 << p->binpt); break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT: *v = (double) ptr->flt; break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: *v = (double) ptr->ufix ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } int model_param_write(struct model_param *p, double v) { struct fpga_ip *c = p->ip; union model_param_value *ptr = (union model_param_value *) (c->card->map + c->baseaddr + p->offset); switch (p->type) { case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_UFIX: ptr->ufix = (uint32_t) (v * (1 << p->binpt)); break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_FIX: ptr->fix = (int32_t) (v * (1 << p->binpt)); break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT: ptr->flt = (float) v; break; case MODEL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN: ptr->bol = (bool) v; break; } return 0; } void model_param_add(struct fpga_ip *c, const char *name, enum model_param_direction dir, enum model_param_type type) { struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; struct model_param *p = alloc(sizeof(struct model_param)); p->name = strdup(name); p->type = type; p->direction = dir; list_push(&m->parameters, p); } int model_param_remove(struct fpga_ip *c, const char *name) { struct model *m = (struct model *) &c->_vd; struct model_param *p; p = list_lookup(&m->parameters, name); if (!p) return -1; list_remove(&m->parameters, p); return 0; } int model_param_update(struct model_param *p, struct model_param *u) { if (strcmp(p->name, u->name) != 0) return -1; p->direction = u->direction; p->type = u->type; p->binpt = u->binpt; p->offset = u->offset; return 0; } static struct plugin p_hls = { .name = "Xilinx High Level Synthesis (HLS) model", .description = "", .type = PLUGIN_TYPE_FPGA_IP, .ip = { .vlnv = { NULL, "hls", NULL, NULL }, .type = FPGA_IP_TYPE_MODEL, .init = model_init, .destroy = model_destroy, .dump = model_dump, .parse = model_parse } }; REGISTER_PLUGIN(&p_hls) static struct plugin p_sysgen = { .name = "Xilinx System Generator for DSP (XSG) model", .description = "", .type = PLUGIN_TYPE_FPGA_IP, .ip = { .vlnv = { NULL, "sysgen", NULL, NULL }, .type = FPGA_IP_TYPE_MODEL, .init = model_init, .destroy = model_destroy, .dump = model_dump, .parse = model_parse, .size = sizeof(struct model) } }; REGISTER_PLUGIN(&p_sysgen)