/** Message paths. * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC * This file is part of VILLASnode. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential. * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. *********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "path.h" #include "timing.h" #include "pool.h" #include "queue.h" static void path_write(struct path *p, bool resend) { list_foreach(struct node *n, &p->destinations) { int cnt = n->vectorize; int sent, tosend, base, available, release, released; struct sample *smps[n->vectorize]; /* The first message in the chunk which we want to send */ if (resend) base = p->in->received - cnt; /* we simply resend the last vector of samples */ else { base = n->sent; } available = queue_get_many(&p->queue, (void **) smps, cnt, base); if (available < cnt) warn("Queue underrun for path %s: available=%u expected=%u", path_name(p), available, cnt); if (available == 0) continue; tosend = hook_run(p, smps, available, HOOK_WRITE); if (tosend == 0) continue; sent = node_write(n, smps, tosend); if (sent < 0) error("Failed to sent %u samples to node %s", cnt, node_name(n)); else if (sent < tosend) warn("Partial write to node %s", node_name(n)); debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Sent %u messages to node %s", sent, node_name(n)); /* Release samples from queue in case they are not sent periodically. */ if (resend) continue; /* Decrement reference count and release samples back to pool if we had the last reference */ release = queue_pull_many(&p->queue, (void **) smps, sent, &n->sent); if (release > 0) debug(DBG_PATH | 3, "Releasing %u samples to pool for path %s", release, path_name(p)); released = pool_put_many(&p->pool, (void **) smps, release); if (release != released) warn("Failed to release %u samples to pool for path %s", release - released, path_name(p)); } } /** Send messages asynchronously */ static void * path_run_async(void *arg) { struct path *p = arg; /* Block until 1/p->rate seconds elapsed */ for (;;) { /* Check for overruns */ uint64_t expir = timerfd_wait(p->tfd); if (expir == 0) perror("Failed to wait for timer"); else if (expir > 1) { p->overrun += expir; warn("Overrun detected for path: overruns=%" PRIu64, expir); } if (p->in->received == 0) continue; if (hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_ASYNC)) continue; path_write(p, true); } return NULL; } /** Receive messages */ static void * path_run(void *arg) { struct path *p = arg; unsigned cnt = p->in->vectorize; int recv, enqueue, enqueued; int ready = 0; /**< Number of blocks in smps[] which are allocated and ready to be used by node_read(). */ struct sample *smps[cnt]; /* Main thread loop */ for (;;) { struct node *out = (struct node *) list_first(&p->destinations); debug(DBG_PATH | 5, "Current queue status for path %s: ready=%u write=%ju read[0]=%ju", path_name(p), ready, p->in->received, out->sent); debug(DBG_PATH | 5, "Current pool status for path %s: used=%zu avail=%zu", path_name(p), p->pool.stack.size, p->pool.stack.avail); /* Fill smps[] free sample blocks from the pool */ ready += sample_get_many(&p->pool, smps, cnt - ready); if (ready != cnt) warn("Pool underrun for path %s", path_name(p)); /* Read ready samples and store them to blocks pointed by smps[] */ recv = p->in->_vt->read(p->in, smps, ready); if (recv < 0) error("Failed to receive message from node %s", node_name(p->in)); else if (recv < ready) warn("Partial read for path %s: read=%u expected=%u", path_name(p), recv, ready); debug(DBG_PATH | 15, "Received %u messages from node %s", recv, node_name(p->in)); /* Run preprocessing hooks for vector of samples */ enqueue = hook_run(p, smps, recv, HOOK_READ); if (enqueue != recv) { info("Hooks skipped %u out of %u samples for path %s", recv - enqueue, recv, path_name(p)); p->skipped += recv - enqueue; } enqueued = queue_push_many(&p->queue, (void **) smps, enqueue, &p->in->received); if (enqueue != enqueued) warn("Failed to enqueue %u samples for path %s", enqueue - enqueued, path_name(p)); ready -= enqueued; list_foreach(struct hook *h, &p->hooks) { int pull, release, released; pull = p->in->received - h->head - h->history; if (pull > 0) { struct sample *smps[pull]; release = queue_pull_many(&p->queue, (void **) smps, pull, &h->head); if (release > 0) debug(DBG_PATH | 3, "Releasing %u samples from queue of path %s", release, path_name(p)); released = pool_put_many(&p->pool, (void **) smps, release); if (release != released) warn("Failed to release %u samples to pool of path %s", release - released, path_name(p)); } } debug(DBG_PATH | 3, "Enqueuing %u samples to queue of path %s", enqueue, path_name(p)); /* At fixed rate mode, messages are send by another (asynchronous) thread */ if (p->rate == 0) path_write(p, false); } return NULL; } int path_start(struct path *p) { int ret; info("Starting path: %s (#hooks=%zu, rate=%.1f)", path_name(p), list_length(&p->hooks), p->rate); ret = hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PATH_START); if (ret) return -1; /* At fixed rate mode, we start another thread for sending */ if (p->rate) { p->tfd = timerfd_create_rate(p->rate); if (p->tfd < 0) serror("Failed to create timer"); pthread_create(&p->sent_tid, NULL, &path_run_async, p); } p->state = PATH_RUNNING; return pthread_create(&p->recv_tid, NULL, &path_run, p); } int path_stop(struct path *p) { info("Stopping path: %s", path_name(p)); pthread_cancel(p->recv_tid); pthread_join(p->recv_tid, NULL); if (p->rate) { pthread_cancel(p->sent_tid); pthread_join(p->sent_tid, NULL); close(p->tfd); } p->state = PATH_STOPPED; if (hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PATH_STOP)) return -1; return 0; } const char * path_name(struct path *p) { if (!p->_name) { strcatf(&p->_name, "%s " MAG("=>"), node_name_short(p->in)); list_foreach(struct node *n, &p->destinations) strcatf(&p->_name, " %s", node_name_short(n)); } return p->_name; } void path_init(struct path *p) { list_init(&p->destinations); list_init(&p->hooks); /* Initialize hook system */ list_foreach(struct hook *h, &hooks) { if (h->type & HOOK_INTERNAL) list_push(&p->hooks, memdup(h, sizeof(*h))); } p->state = PATH_CREATED; } int path_prepare(struct path *p) { int ret; /* We sort the hooks according to their priority before starting the path */ list_sort(&p->hooks, hooks_sort_priority); /* Allocate hook private memory */ ret = hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_INIT); if (ret) error("Failed to initialize hooks of path: %s", path_name(p)); /* Parse hook arguments */ ret = hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_PARSE); if (ret) error("Failed to parse arguments for hooks of path: %s", path_name(p)); /* Initialize queue */ ret = pool_init_mmap(&p->pool, SAMPLE_LEN(p->samplelen), p->queuelen); if (ret) error("Failed to allocate memory pool for path"); ret = queue_init(&p->queue, p->queuelen); if (ret) error("Failed to initialize queue for path"); /* Add a head pointer for each hook to the queue */ list_foreach(struct hook *h, &p->hooks) queue_reader_add(&p->queue, h->head, p->in->received); /* Add a head pointer for each destination node to the queue. */ list_foreach(struct node *out, &p->destinations) queue_reader_add(&p->queue, out->sent, p->in->received); return 0; } void path_destroy(struct path *p) { hook_run(p, NULL, 0, HOOK_DEINIT); /* Release memory */ list_destroy(&p->destinations, NULL, false); list_destroy(&p->hooks, NULL, true); queue_destroy(&p->queue); pool_destroy(&p->pool); free(p->_name); } int path_uses_node(struct path *p, struct node *n) { return (p->in == n) || list_contains(&p->destinations, n) ? 0 : 1; }